Women's Bureau Centennial: "Our Purpose. Your Work." Interactive Initiative

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Dear Friends of the Women’s Bureau,

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Women’s Bureau launched its centennial year. Over the course of the Women’s Bureau’s 100-year history, we have evolved and adapted to the changing needs of women in the workforce. Through research, publications, policies, and programs, the Women’s Bureau identifies and acts upon the topics working women care about most.

This centennial is a significant milestone for the Women’s Bureau, but it is also an important landmark for all working women across the country. As part of our year-long activities, we will acknowledge the progress that women have made in the labor force, while also paving the road for the progress yet to come.

In the spirit of this collective achievement, the Women’s Bureau is asking for you to help us honor our 100 years by participating directly in the “Our Purpose. Your Work.” initiative featuring testimonials from America’s working women.

This initiative presents working women of all ages with the opportunity to share their work stories, touch on the future aspirations of young women entering the workforce, and talk about how the Women’s Bureau has helped advance their purpose.

To learn more about the Women’s Bureau Centennial, the Department of Labor’s efforts to advance women in the workforce or engage in the “Our Purpose. Your Work.” initiative, visit the Women’s Bureau website at www.dol.gov/WB100, and follow our stories on Twitter using the handle @USDOL and the hashtag #WB100.

This is an exciting time to celebrate the accomplishments of working women. We look forward to partnering with you throughout our centennial year.


Laurie Todd-Smith, Ph.D.
Women’s Bureau
U.S. Department of Labor