Deadline: May 29, 2020
Posted: March 30, 2020
OVC is seeking applicants for the OVC FY 2020 Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program solicitation.
The primary goal of this program is to support shelter and transitional housing services to victims of domestic violence and their companion animals. Under this program, companion animals means pets, service animals, emotional support animals, and horses.
The objectives of this solicitation are to:
- Increase the number of shelter beds and transitional housing options to meet the needs of victims of domestic violence who need shelter or housing for them and their companion animals, and
- Provide training to local stakeholders on (1) the link between domestic violence and the abuse and neglect of companion animals; (2) the needs of victims of domestic violence; (3) best practices for providing, or referring, support services to such victims; and (4) best practices in designing and delivering services that protect victims’ confidentiality. OVC anticipates making up to 5 awards of up to $400,000 each for a 36-month period of performance.
OVC will conduct one pre-application webinar on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. eastern time to review requirements and answer questions. Participation in the webinar is optional, but strongly encouraged. Register for the webinar.
Apply by Monday, May 29, 2020. |
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