This year’s open season will run from Monday, November 14 through Monday, December 12, 2022. The Open Season Benefits Administration Letter (BAL) 22-403 can be found at In this BAL and attachments, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) describes the terminating plans and plans that are reducing areas of coverage.
Employees under these plans should make a new valid health benefit plan election through Employee Express or through their Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) contact during open season. The Benefits Processing Branch (BPB) will provide a query to each SPO of impacted employees no later than November 4, 2022. Please contact these employees to inform them that their current plan is being terminated or their coverage area is being reduced.
If these employees do not make an election during open season, the SPO will need to transfer these employees into the lowest cost provider per the BAL and our Client Interface Guide. The lowest cost provider for 2023 is the GEHA Indemnity Benefit Plan Elevate Option. To complete this transfer, the SPO needs to enter the most current Standard Form 2809, Health Benefits Election Form, information into FPPS under the FEHB command. This is the only way to properly build the information in FPPS and in the OPM and health benefit carrier’s databases.
Please share this information with SPOs and all appropriate staff. If you have any questions, contact Duke Dupre, Chief, BPB, at 303-969-7487.