DOI Interior Business Center sent this bulletin at 06/08/2022 01:00 PM EDT
Use Edge to schedule and view test results
As Microsoft announced last year, they are phasing out support of Internet Explorer. In response, Abbott has updated so customers can access the site on Microsoft Edge. Edge is the preferred browser to access
Another change will occur later this year. All users will transition to a new site; our team will contact you with more information as we prepare to transition to the new system.
Does the Medical Review Officer call me?
Most often, the MRO will contact you to release a test result or if there is an issue that needs resolution. If you miss the call, use 888-382-2281 to connect with Dr. Alexander’s MRO staff.
Medical agents will first verify you are an appropriate representative to receive and discuss the information.
Have the Custody and Control Form (CCF) number handy so you can reference the case.
The MRO will interview employees or applicants to determine whether a medical explanation exists to explain the positive, adulterated, substituted or invalid result.
If the donor claims and documents a legitimate medical/prescription use of a drug to account for a laboratory positive result, the MRO office will release the result as negative.
What if the donor doesn’t call the MRO?
The MRO will make three attempts to contact the donor in the first 24 hours after a laboratory confirmed positive test result, and all required CCF documents have been received.
If the donor’s phone number is not present on the CCF, is not a working number, or the donor has not been reached after the required 3 attempts, then the MRO will contact the Drug Program Coordinator.
If the Drug Program Coordinator can contact the donor and instruct them to contact the MRO, the result may be released after 72 hours.
The Interior Business Center is a federal shared services provider that operates under a fee-for-service, full cost recovery business model, offering Acquisition, Financial Management and Human Resources systems and services to federal organizations.
DOI - Interior Business Center | 1849 C Street, NW - MS 1748 | Washington | DC | 20240