BLM California News.Bytes Issue 940

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Wildflowers on a hillside overlooking a river canyon.

North Fork American Wild and Scenic River, Mother Lode Field Office

ISSUE 940- March 5, 2021

Recreate Responsibly

A lighthouse on a coastal bluff.

The unique coastal habitat of the Point Arena-Stornetta Unit

Situated along the rugged Mendocino County coastline, the Bureau of Land Management Point Arena-Stornetta Unit of the California Coastal National Monument is a unique and spectacular area that includes access to 12 coastal miles of undeveloped federal and state-managed public lands, coastal bluffs, the estuary of the Garcia River, sandy beaches and dunes. (BLM CA Facebook)

Two off road vehicles racing in the sand.

Off-road enthusiasts, the BLM encourages your comments on the 2021 OHV recreation grant proposals

The Bureau of Land Management invites the public to comment on proposals it has submitted to the California State Parks, Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division for the 2021 grant cycle. The proposals will be available for review and comment from March 2 to May 3, 2021. (BLM CA News Release)

An orange wildflower.

Now more than ever, people need to connect to the land

Time to virtually celebrate the wildflower season for the entire month of March, with the annual Coachella Valley Wildflower Festival! A variety of virtual activities for people of all ages are being offered March 1-31, including a presentation by BLM Interpretive Specialist, Tracy Albrecht! (BLM CA Facebook)

A rocky trail leading to a crater.

Thanks to our partners for assisting with a trail improvement at Amboy Crater Trail

Amboy Crater Trail, a National Recreation Trail, is a popular hiking destination located within the Mojave Trails National Monument. The BLM Needles Field Office and the CA Conservation Corps recently completed a trail reroute project, improving visitor access from the base of the crater to the rim. (BLM CA Facebook)

Headlines & Highlights

Grand staircase canyon.

Interior Department takes steps to strengthen scientific integrity

The Interior Department took steps to recommit to scientific integrity and empower the agency’s scientific and technical experts to use the best available science. Secretarial Order 3397 revokes Secretarial Order 3369 that imposed improper restrictions on what science and data could be considered in the Department’s policymaking. (DOI News Release)

A black and white photo of a woman in a dress in front of a gate.

Giving credit where credit is due: Harriet Hemenway

March is Women's History Month, and we celebrate Harriet Hemenway. She was a person of strength, commitment and perseverance – in an era when women were not encouraged to have any of those traits – and she is the very reason that every time you step outside, you can enjoy the simple joy of having birds all around you. (USFWS)

A person sitting on a rock looking at a waterfall.

Know before you go - selecting the best tent site

In any camping situation, determining the best location to pitch your tent is critical. This is the foundation of your enjoyment on public lands and shouldn’t be overlooked. (BLM Medium Blog)

A dry, snowy mountain landscape with small shrubs.

BLM seeks public comment on range improvement projects in eastern Inyo County

The BLM is seeking public comment on the environmental assessment for proposed range improvements in two grazing allotments located in Deep Springs Valley, the Piper Mountains, and Fish Lake Valley in eastern Inyo Co. (BLM CA News Release)

Question of the Week - Wildlife

A close-up of a milipede.

How do milipedes protect themselves if they feel threatened?

1. Run away

2. Coil up

3. Dig a hole

4. Bite the attacker

Keep scrolling to find out!

Photo courtesy of David Hunter

Fire & Fuels Management

A fire truck parked next to a pile of burning wood with a firefighter standing nearby.

BLM conducts controlled pile burns at the Carrizo Plain National Monument

Fire crews from the Bureau of Land Management successfully conducted a controlled pile burn at the Carrizo Plain National Monument. The project covered roughly one-half acre, burning less than 10 piles of wind-blown downed trees, to remove available fuels that could feed wildland fire. (BLM CA News Release)

A sunset over a green forested valley.

BLM to conduct prescribed burning in the Lacks Creek Management Area

This past week, BLM fire crews burned piles of brush & small trees in the Lacks Creek Management Area NE of Arcata and will continue on Friday. Smoke will be visible from recreation sites within the Lacks Creek area and from homes along Blair and Stover roads. (BLM CA News Release)

A group of firefighters stand for a briefing.

BLM begins Pine Hill Preserve controlled pile burning

The Mother Lode Field office oversaw a successful pile burn this week at the Cameron Park Unit of the Pine Hill Preserve & may continue periodically though the spring, depending on weather. The goal of prescribed fire is to reduce hazardous fuels & minimize wildland fire danger. (BLM CA News Release)

Current BLM fire Restrictions

Don't let your guard down just because it's cold! Some fire restrictions still in effect

There's still fire danger in some parts of the state. Avoid activities that could spark a wildfire! Here’s an interactive MAP showing all current fire restrictions. Be sure to bookmark it for future use!

Target shooting and other fire restrictions remain in effect for some areas of BLM-managed public lands in California. Find specific restrictions by field office on our Fire Restriction webpage. Restrictions on target shooting do not prevent hunting with a valid hunting license, as hunting on BLM public lands is managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Please visit the State website for more information.

Question of the Week Answer

The answer is 2 - they coil up to protect themselves while expelling a fluid which can cause irritation! 

The next time you explore Bureau of Land Management lands throughout California, in areas that have moisture and decaying plant matter, keep a lookout for an amazing arthropod – the millipede. The millipede is an #arthropod because it lacks a backbone, wears its skeleton on the outside, and has a segmented body. Other awesome arthropods include scorpions, spiders, and lobsters. While the name “millipede” comes from Latin millepeda for “thousand feet,” these creatures sport only 36 to 400 legs. Though they share the characteristics of a long body and lots of legs with centipedes, their legs are smaller and they move slower. Millipedes also help to recycle decaying plants benefiting the habitats they are found in.

Source: National Wildlife Federation
