Alabama Hills National Scenic Area, Bishop Field Office
ISSUE 910- July 9, 2020
- Recreation and Public Access
- Headlines & Highlights
- Wildland Fire & Fuels Management
- BLM & DOI Highlights
- Wildlife Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events
Did you know that California has the longest beach wilderness trail in the United States?
The Lost Coast Trail, which extends over 24 miles along the King Range National Conservation Area, is one of the most unique beach backpacking trips found in the United States. The trail is so rugged and remote that during high tide the trail completely disappears, and hikers must wait for the seas to retreat. (BLM CA)
Outdoor Recreation for the Holiday
🌞We hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend and celebrated Independence Day weekend with some safe, outdoor fun! (BLM CA Facebook)
#RecreateResponsibly coalition launches
During this public health crisis, spending time in outdoor spaces has become even more important for many Americans. Yet these unusual circumstances mean that all of us, from seasoned outdoor enthusiasts to families heading out to their local park for the first time, could use a little guidance about how to stay safe. The Recreate Responsibly guidelines offer a starting point for getting outside to keep yourself healthy and to maintain access to our parks, trails, and beaches. (RR Coalition)
Have fun with immediate family
Recreation with those outside of your household creates new avenues for virus transmission. Stick with those you have been in regular contact with and #RecreateResponsibly! (BLM CA)
Practice social distancing outdoors
Outdoor activities can provide many health benefits when practiced safely. We recommend visiting areas close to home while avoiding very popular or crowded locations where social distancing may be difficult and limiting group activities to members of your household. Do your part when visiting public lands. (BLM CA Website)
Bureau of Land Management & California Conservation Corps provide opportunities for fire management training
Three Bureau of Land Management (BLM) fire crew members who recently responded to the front lines of the 129-acre Smoketree fire in Palm Springs are young women who pursued an opportunity in fire management through a partnership that provides training and experience. As a result, the women found a passion and potentially a career within the firefighting community. These Inland Empire Crew 5 members are a positive example of the partnership between the BLM California Desert District and the State of California’s Conservation Corps, formed to build a crew of diverse young adults to assist with the BLM fire and fuels management mission. (BLM CA Website)
Camp Fire timber salvage to begin in Paradise & Magalia
Logging operations will begin in early July on the Camp Fire salvage timber sale near the communities of Magalia and Paradise in Butte County. Logging operations are expected to continue over the next year. The BLM advises residents and visitors to the area to be alert for heavy equipment and logging truck traffic. (BLM CA news release)
Bureau of Land Management seeks public input on Alabama Hills management plan
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comment on the Alabama Hills Management Plan by August 7. Virtual public meetings on July 22 and July 23. (BLM CA news release)
Need to check current fire or shooting restrictions?
Here’s an interactive map that can help you out. Be sure to bookmark it for future use! (BLM CA Facebook)
How does weather affect wildland fire?
This week we’ll examine how weather affects wildland fire activity. One of the tools we use to collect this data is the Remote Automatic Weather Stations (RAWS). Four critical weather elements can contribute to extreme fire behavior: low relative humidity, strong surface wind, unstable air, and drought. #FirefightingResources (BLM Fire & Aviation)
Wildland fire outlook
Check out the latest #WildlandFireOutlook! Available here. (NIFC Facebook)
Secretary Bernhardt Listens to Local Concerns and Scraps Plans to Reintroduce Grizzly Bears into the North Cascades Ecosystem
U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt announced today at a roundtable with community members in Omak, Washington that the Department of the Interior (Department) will not move forward with a new Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan for the North Cascades Ecosystem and the associated Environmental Impact Statement (DOI News)
Wildfire-driven forest conversion in western North American landscapes
Following high-severity fire, forest recovery may be compromised by lack of tree seed sources, warmer and drier post-fire climate, or short-interval reburning. A potential outcome of the loss of resilience is the conversion of the pre-fire forest to a different forest type or non-forest vegetation. (DOI Office of Wildland Fire/Oxford Academic)
Safety tips for foraging for morel mushrooms in Swan Lake Fire scar, Kenai, Alaska
For many, foraging for morel mushrooms in old fire scars is a favorite activity. Fire scars can pose safety issues, like tripping hazards, falling trees, and hidden ash pits. For a morel hunting experience you'll remember, follow these safety tips while exploring in fire scars. (DOI Wildland Fire)
Multiple choice
Which of these birds has the longest wingspan?
- California Condor
- Whooping Swan
- Albatross
- Bald Eagle
Keep scrolling to find the answer.
BLM seeks public input on new Cahuilla Ranger Station
Deadline is 31 July 2020
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) El Centro Field Office is seeking public input on the proposed replacement of the Cahuilla Ranger Station located at 4500 Gecko Road, Brawley in Imperial County. The new facility would better serve the needs of the public as well as BLM emergency medical staff, law enforcement, and park rangers. (BLM CA news release)
3rd Annual Wild Horse Walkabout
9 a.m. 21 August – 5 p.m. 23 August
Join us in beautiful northeastern California for an exciting weekend of exploring and experiential learning about wild horses and their habitat. Details and registration to follow. (BLM CA Facebook)
Wildlife Question of the Week Answer
3. Albatross! An albatross aloft can be a spectacular sight. These feathered giants have the longest wingspan of any bird—up to 11 feet! Albatrosses use their formidable wingspans to ride the ocean winds and sometimes to glide for hours without rest or even a flap of their wings. They also float on the sea's surface, though the position makes them vulnerable to aquatic predators. Albatrosses drink salt water, as do some other sea birds. The Whooping Swan reaches almost 10 feet, the California Condor can reach 9 feet, and the Bald Eagle stretches to 8 feet in wingspan.
Source: National Geographic & National Audubon Society