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Trinity Wild and Scenic River
ISSUE 858 - June 19, 2019
- Great Outdoors Month
- Wildland Fire
- Headlines and Highlights
- BLM and DOI Highlights
- Wildlife Question of the Week
- Upcoming Events
Upcoming travel plans? Please remember to check road conditions and closures. Travelers can also download the QuickMap app,, or call 1-800-427-7623 for constantly updated highway information. (California Department of Transportation)
How Will You Celebrate Great Outdoors Month?
There’s no better way to spend Great Outdoors Month than getting out to America’s public lands and waters. You can stroll through fields of wildflowers, make a new feathered friend, take part in a thrilling event or embrace an American tradition. Connecting to nature and getting some exercise is good for the mind, body and soul. Your chances for adventure are as numerous as the stars in the sky. (DOI blog)
Be sure to follow #MyPublicLandsSummer on social media! This #GreatOutdoorsMonth and over the summer, follow along as we highlight opportunities for #BLMAdventures on your public lands across the nation.
With the warm weather arriving you may take to the Kern River to cool off, but the river can be unpredictable and dangerous. Thank you to community partners, the USFS, BLM, Kern County Sheriff’s Office, 23ABC, Kern Valley Search and Rescue, Kern County Fire Department and the Kern River Conservancy for helping with this important river safety message. (BLM California Facebook)
High and Fast Water Are All the More Reasons to #WearaLifeJacket
Under California law, every child under 13 years of age on a moving recreational vessel of any length must wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket in serviceable condition and of a type and size appropriate for the conditions and the activity. (California Division of Boating and Waterways website)
Related: Current river conditions (DBW website)
Campfire Permit
Campfire permits are required for open fires, such as campfire, barbecues and portable stoves on federally managed lands and private lands that are the property of another person. On private lands, written permission from the landowner is also required for campfire use. Get your California Campfire Permit quickly and easily online! (
Visit the BLM California fire restrictions website for more information about current fire restrictions on BLM-managed public lands.
Follow wildland fire incident information and updates via InciWeb and CAL FIRE.
BLM Mother Lode Field Office Initiates Seasonal Fire Restrictions
The Bureau of Land Management Mother Lode Field Office initiated fire restrictions on BLM-managed public lands in Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Mariposa, Merced, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tuolumne and Yuba counties, effective June 14, due to wildland fire danger. (BLM news release)
BLM Central Coast Field Office Initiates Seasonal Fire Restrictions
The Bureau of Land Management Central Coast Field Office is initiated fire restrictions, effective June 10, for BLM-managed public lands in Fresno, Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties, due to wildland fire danger. The National Interagency Fire Center predicts the likelihood for large wildland fires will be above normal this summer. An unusually wet winter has produced an abundant grass crop, which has already cured or dried out. These heavy fuel loads have a high potential for creating extreme wildland fire behavior. (BLM news release)
BLM Bakersfield Field Office Issues Fire Restrictions
The Bureau of Land Management Bakersfield Field Office issued fire restrictions for BLM-managed public lands effective May 20, due to potential wildland fire danger. The BLM-managed public lands affected by these fire restrictions are in eastern Fresno, western Kern, Kings, Madera, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare and Ventura counties. Fire restrictions will also affect BLM-managed recreational areas including the Carrizo Plain National Monument, Chimney Peak, Kennedy Meadows, Keysville, Lake Isabella, San Joaquin River Gorge and Three Rivers. (BLM news release)
BLM Initiates Seasonal Fire and Target Shooting Restrictions in the California Desert District
The Bureau of Land Management initiated stage II and III fire restrictions as of April 10 for BLM-managed public lands within Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Mono and San Diego counties. These restrictions will remain in effect until further notice. Stage II and III fire restrictions address the use of campfires, controlled flame devices and smoking on public lands. (BLM news release)
Be #WildfireWeatherAWARE
It’s that time of year again and we need to get ready for wildfire. This includes things like clearing leaves off the roof and out of the gutters, clearing vegetation and combustible materials around your home and preparing or reviewing your evacuation plan. This spring and summer, learn more by following the #WildfireWeatherAWARE campaign with the Bureau of Land Management, CAL FIRE, U.S. National Weather Service, Forest Service and California Fire Safe Council. (BLM California Facebook)
Related: Ready for Wildfire (
Related: 4th of July reminder from the Susanville Interagency Fire Center partners, CAL FIRE Lassen-Modoc Unit, Lassen National Forest, BLM and Lassen Volcanic National Park (BLM California Facebook)
Agencies Seeking Comment on Clear Creek Improvement Project Environmental Analysis
The Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Reclamation have released for public review and comment an environmental assessment/initial study for a project to improve fishery and riparian conditions on a section of Lower Clear Creek in south Redding. The agencies will accept comments until July 18. (BLM news release)
The Role of El Mirage in D-Day
The 75th anniversary of the Allied D-Day invasion was commemorated around the world on Thursday, June 6, 2019. On June 6, 1944, 156,000 Allied forces from the United States, Canada and Great Britain launched an ambitious invasion against Nazi forces in Normandy, France. Did you know about the role El Mirage played in D-Day? (BLM California Facebook)
Quotes by the Rebelles, "In Their Own Words"
The Rebelle Rally covers more than 2,000 kilometers of stunning terrain across the Nevada and California deserts including public lands. Rebelle Rally is the 1st women's off-road auto navigation rally raid in the USA. With a "compass, maps and an adventurous spirit" 74 women from 18 states and 5 countries visited Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area, Johnson Valley, Dumont Dunes, Joshua Tree National Park, Mojave National Preserve and more last October. (BLM California Facebook)
BLM Actively Involved in Launching “Following the Smoke II”
BLM has been actively involved in launching Following the Smoke II, a project dedicated to promoting and supporting forest restoration, traditional plant gathering area enhancement, and traditional basket weaving. Years ago, two similar programs existed called Following the Smoke and Weaving Connections. Sharyl Kinnear-Ferris, the Arcata Field Office Archaeologist, states, “I began reaching out to interested individuals from a variety of organizations and agencies a couple of years ago, and quickly found out that everyone I talked with was eager to get this type of program up and running again.” (BLM California Facebook)
BLM Hosting Artists in Residence at King Range National Conservation Area
The dramatically beautiful King Range National Conservation Area has become a workshop for artists this spring, when a painter and sculptor set to work as artists in residence, ultimately exhibiting their creations inspired by California’s Lost Coast. Painter Susan R. Mendelsohn of the San Francisco Bay Area. The Bureau of Land Management hosted painter Susan R. Mendelsohn of the San Francisco Bay Area from April 29 to May 12, and sculptor Benjamin Funke of Humboldt County from May 18 to June 15.
Art exhibitions will be at the SCARF Gallery at the Inn of the Lost Coast, 205 Wave Dr., Shelter Cove.(BLM California Facebook)
Interior Showcases Climbing Opportunities with Interactive Maps
The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management has released a series of interactive online maps designed to promote climbing and other recreational opportunities on BLM-managed public lands. Developed in cooperation with Access Fund and Mountain Project, the maps allow individuals to easily plan exciting climbing experiences at sites around the western United States. (DOI news release)
Secretary Bernhardt Celebrates 6th Annual Great Outdoors Day of Service at Theodore Roosevelt Island National Park
U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt kicked off the 6th Annual Great Outdoors Day of Service at Theodore Roosevelt Island National Park, speaking to hundreds of volunteers from D.C., Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. “Thousands of people volunteer every year to improve our public lands and National Parks,” said Secretary Bernhardt. “Today’s Great Outdoors Day of Service highlights the commitment made by so many to take care of our most iconic places, and I’m deeply appreciative of their efforts and that of The Corps Network.” (DOI news release)
Bee Wonders on Public Lands
North America boasts more than 4,000 species of bees. A fact that keeps Sam Droege and his team plenty busy, as they run the USGS Native Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab at Patuxent Research Refuge in Maryland. The lab provides an important function, allowing scientists to survey, process and collect bee data -- but what may surprise many is that they’re also responsible for hundreds of exceptional bee and other insect portraits. Through specialized photography, the lab helps illuminate the glorious colors, textures, shapes and sizes of our native bees. (DOI blog)
BLM Announces Upcoming Fee-Free Days on Public Lands in 2019
The summer travel season gets under way in June with Great Outdoors Month. To encourage visitation to America’s public lands, the Bureau of Land Management will waive recreation-related fees for visitors to agency-managed public lands on three additional dates through the remainder of 2019: September 28 (National Public Lands Day) and November 11 (Veterans Day). BLM-managed public lands offer a wide array of recreational opportunities, including hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, mountain biking, horseback riding, boating, whitewater rafting, off-highway vehicle driving, rock climbing, and more. Americans make approximately 67 million visits annually to BLM-managed lands, supporting approximately 48,000 jobs nationwide and contributing almost $7 billion to the U.S. economy. (BLM news release)
This Week at Interior, June 14, 2019
This Week: Vice President Pence and Secretary Bernhardt talk deferred maintenance at Yellowstone National Park; the Secretary meets with western Governors; a listening session with tribal leaders in Arizona while a BIA officer makes a major drug bust in New Mexico; the USGS predicts a "dead zone," in the Gulf of Mexico, BLM launches a major solar project in Nevada, and our social media Picture of the Week! (DOI video)
Happy National #PollinatorWeek! Can you name this pollinator?
Keep scrolling to find out!
Now - December 2019: Fueling the Boom, Chinese Woodcutters in the Great Basin 1870-1920
The Nevada State Museum in Carson City is hosting a new exhibit featuring historical/ archaeological artifacts and photographs about Chinese woodcutting camps from Bodie Hills. The exhibit will highlight the significance of the woodcutting community near Chinese Camp (Aurora), shedding light on the little-known history of the Chinese woodcutters who lived there and felled pinyon pines to supply charcoal and firewood to the mining camps of Bodie and Aurora from 1875 to 1915. (Nevada State Museum website)
Summer: Bus Shuttle Service to Begin on Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail
Summer bus shuttle service on the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail begins Saturday, June 1, and will continue every Saturday through the summer season. The service is a partnership of the Bureau of Land Management and Lassen Rural Bus. On Saturdays, the bus picks up passengers at 8:30 a.m. at the Historic Susanville Railroad Depot, 601 Richmond Rd., and makes stops at Devil’s Corral, Fredonyer Summit and Westwood. This allows hikers and mountain bike riders to use the trail for return trips to Susanville. Depending on the stop, the return trips are 7, 18 and 30 miles. The BLM shuttles bicycles in a specially-designed trailer. Participants should arrive early to allow time for bike loading. There are separate fees for the bike shuttle and bus service. (BLM news release)
June 17-21: BLM and Partners to Sponsor Nevada County’s Tire Amnesty Week
Nevada County residents are invited to participate in the annual tire amnesty event, June 17-21, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., daily. The Bureau of Land Management, Tahoe National Forest, Waste Management and Nevada County sponsor the event. Residents of Nevada County, California, who have bald tires, flat donut replacements or worn out snow studs can bring them to this event for disposal. (BLM news release)
June 21, 22 and 23: Ramona Wild Horse and Burro Adoption
BLM California will offer 10 wild horses and 10 burros for adoption at the Copper Meadows Horse Park in Ramona, California. Preview and applications accepted will take place on June 21 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. On June 22, a competitive bid will begin at 8 a.m. and continue on a first-come, first-served basis until 4 p.m. June 23 events will continue on a first-come, first-served basis from 8 a.m. to noon. (BLM California Facebook)
June 28 and 29: BLM Desert District Advisory Council to meet in Barstow
The Bureau of Land Management will hold a field tour and public meeting of the BLM California Desert District Advisory Council, starting with the field tour on Friday, June 28, 2019, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and followed by a formal meeting session on Saturday, June 29, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Ramada Inn, 1511 East Main Street, Barstow, California 92311. (BLM news release)
July 9-11 and October 29-31: National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board to Meet in Boise and Washington, D.C.
The Bureau of Land Management’s National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board will meet July 9-11 in Boise, Idaho, and October 29-31 in Washington, D.C. The Board will discuss the pressing challenges of wild horse and burro management, including the number of unadopted and unsold animals in BLM facilities and the effects of overpopulation on public lands. Both meetings will be live-streamed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time July 10-11 and October 30-31 at The BLM will host a site visit for the Advisory Board to a local wild horse herd management area on July 9. (BLM news release)
July 21: Writing and Photography Workshops at Headwaters Forest Reserve
Outdoor enthusiasts have the opportunity use the beauty of the Headwaters Forest Reserve to refine their photography and writing skills, in two free workshops to be offered this spring and summer by the Bureau of Land Management and Friends of Headwaters. (BLM news release)
August 2, 3 and 4: 2nd Annual Wild Horse Walkabout
Save the date! The public is invited to the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area near Susanville, CA. Attendees will spend the two nights out on the range to learn about how the BLM monitors rangeland and herd health from a BLM wild horse and burro specialist. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn more about how BLM manages wild horses and burros. (BLM California Facebook)
First Saturday of Every Month: Living History at Trinidad Head Lighthouse
BLM Park Ranger Julie Clark plays Josephine Harrington for Trinidad School students at Trinidad Head Lighthouse. Josephine lived with her husband, Captain Fred Harrington the lighthouse keeper, at the Trinidad Head Lighthouse for 28 years. Julie has been performing this living history piece to bring the past to life since the BLM acquired the lighthouse in 2014. Now part of the California Coastal National Monument, the Trinidad Head Lighthouse is open to the public the first Saturday of every month (year-round). Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. thanks to docents from the Trinidad Museum Society.
Contact the Arcata Field Office for details, (707) 825-2300.
Ongoing: Bring Home a Wild Horse or Burro
The BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program is excited to announce nearly 70 events this year as part of BLM's efforts to find good homes for our nation's wild horses and burros. Known for their intelligence, endurance and loyalty, wild horses and burros, with the right training, are outstanding for trail riding, packing, working and have successfully competed for awards in numerous fields from endurance riding to dressage. With more than 81,000 wild horses and burros on BLM-managed public lands, these wild icons of our American history need your help more than ever. Without any natural predators that can control population growth, wild horse and burro herds grow rapidly on the range and can quickly overcome the land's ability to support them. The BLM works to maintain healthy wild herds by gathering excess animals and placing them into good homes. (BLM website)
Related: Adoption Incentive Program (BLM website)
It's Edith's checkerspot (Euphdryas editha). Most populations of Edith's checkerspot are monophagous (meaning they rely on one food, or one specific plant) to complete it's life cycle. In the photo it is nectaring on sickle leaf onion (Allium falcifolium) which prefers serpentine soils. (BLM California Facebook)
News.Bytes is a publication of the Bureau of Land Management in California.
Bureau of Land Management California State Office 2800 Cottage Way, Suite W1623 Sacramento, CA 95825 (916) 978-4600
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