By offering residents federal rebates to save money on ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump clothes dryers through participating retailers and contractors, New York has become the first state in the nation to offer in-store Home Energy Rebates for appliances.
New York is offering its Appliance Upgrade Program (AUP) through Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEAR) program funding, one of the two federal Home Energy Rebate programs. Eligible New Yorkers can receive up to $840 off the purchase price of a heat pump clothes dryer. Households eligible for this rebate may also receive rebates of $4,000 and $2,500, respectively, for electrical panel and wiring upgrades necessary for the proper functioning of a heat pump dryer.
“DOE commends New York for continuing to be a leader in delivering the Home Energy Rebates,” said Keishaa Austin, Principal Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs. “New York was first to launch a Home Energy Rebates program, and now it’s first to offer its residents the opportunity to visit a retailer to get an appliance rebate. We’re thrilled for New Yorkers to get this opportunity to save money on energy-saving clothes dryers.”
“The federal Inflation Reduction Act is proving complementary to New York's commitment to advancing new initiatives that support an affordable energy transition for all New Yorkers,” said NYSERDA President and CEO Doreen M. Harris. “As the first state to roll out retail point-of-sale appliance rebates, we are proud to be a model for providing a consumer-centered path to replace inefficient equipment with clean, modern home appliances that will save energy and create healthier, more comfortable living spaces.”
The Appliance Upgrade Program (AUP)
Low- and middle-income New York households (i.e., those earning up to 150% of the state’s area median income) can apply for this rebate, which will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. New Yorkers may also use the rebate to replace non-working, outdated, or inefficient dryers with ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump clothes dryers, as well as all-in-one washer-dryer units with a heat pump-powered dryer.
ENERGY STAR-certified heat pump dryers can reduce energy use by at least 28% compared to conventional dryers with the added benefit of being gentler on clothes. Visit ENERGY STAR’s website to learn more about this modern and efficient technology.
In addition to obtaining this rebate via participating retailers, New Yorkers may also work with state-approved contractors to receive the dryer rebate. To apply for this rebate, see a list of participating retailers and contractors, and learn more about the program, visit the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Appliance Upgrade Program’s website.
NYSERDA’s Regional Clean Energy Hubs are available to help low- and moderate-income New Yorkers apply for the AUP. NYSERDA has also launched the MyEnergy portal as a one-stop shop for information on state and federal rebates, incentives, and more.