Watch October episode of Energycast
 Get all the top October headlines in this episode of Energycast. This month, our team travels to Tennessee Tech University for the launch of its nuclear engineering degree, and a ribbon cutting for the Ashraf Islam Engineering Building on campus. We talk with leaders in the Scarboro community about a $2 million grant that will help bring new life to a historic building, and we see the volunteer spirit on full display as employees help with hurricane relief efforts. Finally, we update viewers on the Alpha-2 complex demolition, Mercury Treatment Facility construction, and transuranic waste processing.
New Degree, New Building at Tennessee Tech
Environmental cleanup and transformation are happening across the Oak Ridge Reservation, and leadership with the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and UCOR are focused on ways to maintain that momentum. One of the highest priorities is maintaining and attracting a workforce that’s capable of taking on the complex projects slated in the years ahead.
Recent initiatives have focused on expanding partnerships with higher education. These collaborations help train and educate the future workforce, and they’re also benefiting the colleges and universities involved. The latest partnership helped Tennessee Tech University launch a new bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering this fall.
Project Helps Move Cancer Treatment Closer to Market
 Through an innovative public-private partnership, OREM and contractor Isotek are helping move promising next generation cancer treatments closer to market. TerraPower announced that it's now producing the isotopes powering those treatments on a commercial scale for trials across the globe thanks to material it's receiving from the Uranium-233 Disposition Project in Oak Ridge.
Renovations for New Testbed Facility Underway
A project underway will provide the space necessary to test promising technologies aimed at advancing complex cleanup projects in Oak Ridge. Crews have begun repurposing a 12,000 sq. ft. facility that provides plenty of room for a wide range of experiments and demonstrations required for technology development.
Crews Advancing Cleanup at More Than a Dozen ORNL Buildings
 Work is currently underway to prepare 13 buildings for demolition in the heart of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. That list includes old reactors, isotope labs, and waste treatment facilities. Learn how our work is helping transform the site and enable new growth in the future.
Employees Develop Process to Treat Unique Transuranic Waste
 Employees at the Transuranic Waste Processing Center have developed a new treatment process that allows them to treat and dispose more than 100 drums of waste. Oak Ridge is one of the first Environmental Management sites in the nation with an approved approach to address this specific type of material.