HSIN Connect Access Changes

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HSIN Connect Access Changes

Dear HSIN Community Member,

On Monday, February 7, the HSIN Team will implement a HSIN Connect policy update. This update will afford HSIN Connect room hosts and attendees new options for providing and gaining access to a HSIN Connect room.

For HSIN Connect Room Hosts:
If a HSIN Connect room host chooses:

  1. “Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room” – A host can provide an attendee access to a HSIN Connect room via a URL. The user will gain immediate access to the room without requiring the approval of the host. However, after 11:59 p.m. on the day of the session, this room access will default to the “Accepted guests may enter the room” option. A host can reopen a room to the “Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the room” option, but must first close out of the session entirely, recheck the option, and then wait 15 minutes to reopen the room.
  2. “Users must enter room passcode” – Hosts will now have the option to secure their sessions by only allowing an attendee with a passcode into their room. If a host wishes to require a passcode, they must select this option and type in an alpha-numeric passcode. This new option is the best one for preventing bad actors from infiltrating a session and gaining access to information intended only for the invited attendees. As a best practice, hosts should send two messages to their attendees; first a link to the session, and second, the passcode.


For HSIN Connect Room Attendees:
Please Note: Connection via URL will only be available until 11:59 p.m. on the day of the session.

Going forward, HSIN Connect room attendees should be on the lookout for access instructions from their HSIN Connect room hosts. If instructions aren’t provided and a user cannot access the provided room, they should reach directly to their HSIN Connect room host for guidance. However, if a user does not know who the HSIN Connect room host is, they should contact the HSIN Team at HSIN@hq.dhs.gov or reach directly to their HSIN Mission Advocate for assistance.

For both hosts and attendees, if you have any questions about this update or need further clarification about these changes, please contact the HSIN Service Desk at 1-866-430-0162 or at HSIN.Helpdesk@hq.dhs.gov or you may reach directly to your HSIN Mission Advocate for assistance.


The HSIN Team



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