ICE's #FridayFive | New Most Wanted, Careers info, & more

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HSI adds Venezuelan official to Most Wanted list, $5M reward offered for information leading to his arrest, conviction

This week, ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New York announced that a Venezuelan official has been added to the Most Wanted List and as a target of the U.S. Department of State’s Transnational Organized Crime Rewards Program in an effort to end corruption and criminality tied to the Maduro regime in Venezuela. Learn more


#DYK? | ICE's website is available in Spanish offers information about ICE & our mission, as well as press releases & special features

The translated site offers information about ICE and our mission, as well as press releases and special features. One of the highlights of is informing Spanish-speaking audiences about the important work ICE does, such as combating child exploitation, human trafficking and fighting transnational gangs. Visit now

Follow us on Twitter at @ICEEspanol and @ICEgov, on Facebook, or on LinkedIn

public affairs

Careers | Hiring: Public Affairs Specialist in Nashville

ICE's Office of Public Affairs is hiring a public affairs specialist in Nashville. 

Interested? Learn more and apply on USAJOBS. 

Don't want to miss another job announcement? Follow us on Twitter at @ICEgov and @ICEgovCareers, or on LinkedIn


ERO | Learn more about ERO's Enforcement Division

ERO's Enforcement Division manages the enforcement initiatives and components through which ERO identifies and arrests removable aliens. It is composed of four parts... Learn more


Operation Stolen Promise | ICE HSI Baltimore seizes over 14,000 unapproved COVID-19 treatment capsules, several unapproved test kits

HSI Baltimore and Maryland law enforcement partners have seized over 14,000 unapproved COVID-19 treatment capsules and several unapproved COVID-19 test kits as part of ongoing Operation Stolen Promise investigations. Read more