Resilience Report, Winter 2024

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Check this Video Out! Stabilizing the Fairview Beach Shoreline

After years of erosion, officials in King George County, VA worked to stabilize the shoreline along the Potomac River in the Fairview Beach section. Through FEMA funding, the $2.3 million project was completed in 2022 and will now protect critical infrastructure and residents' homes. Watch here!

Featured in this Issue

  • Check this Video Out! Stabilizing the Fairview Beach Shoreline
  • Announcements
  • Featured Resources and Trainings
  • 2023 FEMA Region 3 NFIP/SHMO Conference
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Direct Technical Assistance Initiative
  • Railroad Borough, PA, a BRIC DTA Community, Holds an Evening Outreach Session
  • Upcoming Coffee Break Webinars
  • FEMA Region 3 Applauds Communities for Achieving Excellence in the Community Rating System (CRS)
  • Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. are First Region 3 Recipients of New Revolving Loan Fund Program
  • West Virginia FIT, WV State NFIP Office, and Four WV Universities Join in Extreme Weather Tournament
  • Five FEMA Region 3 States Completed Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates in 2023
  • Spotlight: Kathy Potter, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC)
  • Upcoming Events




Featured Resources and Trainings

  • Mapping Rising Flood Risk Online Tutorial: Are you looking to understand future flood risks in your community? FEMA Region 3 is now offering an online tutorial to help you get started. It shows how to map the areas where flooding is likely to occur first due to climate change. There are a total of four videos that walk through the steps of mapping an area using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
  • Local Mitigation Planning Training: FEMA is happy to announce that the IS-318.A: Local Mitigation Planning Training is now live and available to take through the Emergency Management Institute (EMI). This free and publicly available course is part of a series of courses that the National Hazard Mitigation Planning Program offers in partnership with EMI. The course is an online, self-guided training that provides an overview of the requirements for local hazard mitigation plans that are outlined in the Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guide (2022).

2023 FEMA Region 3 NFIP/SHMO Conference

FEMA Region 3 NFIP/SHMO Conference Bus Tour

Source: Resilience Action Partners

FEMA Region 3 NFIP/SHMO Conference Presentation

In November, State National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Coordinators, State Hazard Mitigation Officers (SHMOs), and FEMA Region 3 mitigation staff gathered in Rehoboth Beach, DE for the annual NFIP/SHMO Conference. Attendees discussed and collaborated on ways to advance floodplain management and hazard mitigation equitably throughout the region.

This year’s conference was co-hosted by the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC). DEMA and DNREC staff coordinated a bus tour for attendees to visit three mitigation project sites in the state: permeable pavement in Bowers Beach, hazard mitigation projects in Slaughter Beach, including beach nourishment and home and utility elevation, and the Indian River Sand Bypass Plant where approximately 100,000 cubic yards of sand are pumped annually to nourish the beach.

FEMA Region 3 NFIP/SHMO Conference Activity


Attendees also participated in a “Journey of a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application” activity. The intent of the activity was to help participants visualize the efforts of a single application review from submission to award. At the end of the activity, participants expressed that they now had a deeper understanding of the application review process, including the detailed timeline and involvement of federal and state staff.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Direct Technical Assistance Initiative

What is BRIC DTA? 

FEMA offers wide-ranging, non-financial support to communities and tribal nations to help build their resilience to disasters through its BRIC Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) Initiative. FEMA tailors this assistance to each community and tribal nation, bringing together FEMA grant and outreach specialists, scientists, engineers, and other partners who give hands-on support. The assistance can include climate risk assessments, community engagement, partnership building, mitigation and climate adaptation plans, and project development. 

Through the most recent grant cycle, FEMA will award $1 billion in BRIC funding to projects that protect people and infrastructure from natural hazards and the effects of climate change.  

Why Should I Apply? 

This non-financial program is like having in-house experts to help advance mitigation efforts in your community! Participants have a unique opportunity to receive technical know-how to develop and implement strategies that reduce disaster loss, build community resilience, and sustain their mitigation programs. 

How Do I Apply? 

The Fiscal Year 2023 BRIC DTA Request Period is open now through February 29, 2024. Submit the BRIC DTA Request Form to the BRIC DTA inbox to apply for this cycle of selections. 

Visit FEMA’s BRIC DTA page for instructions on applying, eligibility information, and to learn more about the program. For any questions, reach out to MacKensie Cornelius, Outreach Specialist – DTA, FEMA Region 3, at or 202-880-7539. 

FY 2023 BRIC DTA Request Form Due February 29, 2024

Railroad Borough, PA, a BRIC DTA Community, Holds an Evening Outreach Session

Railroad Borough, PA, a BRIC DTA Community, Holds an Evening Outreach Session

Source: Tom Hughes, PEMA

Railroad Borough, Pennsylvania recently hosted a community outreach session in partnership with Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency’s (PEMA) Mitigation, Insurance and Resilience (MIRC) Office. Council members, residents and business owners came to discuss a request for proposal and next steps to apply Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds for future flood control projects. The York County Planning Office and York County Economic Alliance were also partners for the session.  

Railroad Borough is a Fiscal Year 2021 Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Direct Technical Assistance (DTA) recipient. As a DTA community, the borough receives non-financial support from FEMA to help build resilience to disasters. The community received planning and partnership support before the event and continues to meet with FEMA, PEMA and York County. This coordination and support are critical to moving local flood reduction and resiliency projects ahead.  

Other communities or tribal nations may benefit from the BRIC DTA initiative. It can provide tailored support to help a community apply for BRIC grants. Support can also include community engagement, partnership building and planning for climate change.   

To learn more about the BRIC DTA initiative, visit the BRIC DTA webpage. The deadline to request BRIC DTA for FY23 is February 29, 2024.  

Upcoming Region 3 Coffee Break Webinars


FEMA Region 3 hosts a webinar series for anyone interested in reducing risk in their community. These hour-long “Coffee Breaks” are held every other month and share mitigation best practices. They also highlight successful strategies at the federal, regional, state and community levels to reduce risk in the region. 

Coffee Breaks are open to anyone in the hazard mitigation, resiliency or risk reduction planning fields. This work can be in the public or private sectors. Attendees include community planners, emergency and floodplain managers, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technicians, government officials, contractors, NGOs, and professionals from the private sector.

Upcoming Coffee Break Webinars: 

  • January 24, 2024: Connecting Funding Opportunities to Mitigation Actions
  • March 27, 2024: Elevating Dam Safety through Hazard Mitigation Planning
  • May 29, 2024: Ensuring Equitable Mitigation through Hazard Mitigation Planning
  • July 24, 2024: Planning for a Changing Climate
  • September 4, 2024: Historic Preservation Strategies in Hazard Mitigation Planning
  • November 6, 2024: Reviewing FEMA’s Tools and Resources

Learn more and sign up to attend at the FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break Eventbrite.

We want to hear from you! Do you have an idea for an upcoming webinar? Would you or someone you know like to present on a mitigation topic? Email us at with Coffee Break ideas and suggestions.

*Webinar topics, dates and descriptions are subject to change. 

FEMA Region 3 Applauds Communities for Achieving Excellence in the Community Rating System

As of October 2023, there are 95 communities in Region 3 that take part in the Community Rating System (CRS), which is a voluntary program for communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The CRS encourages floodplain management practices to go beyond the minimum national standards of the NFIP by providing incentives that include discounted insurance premiums for residents and businesses.  

CRS communities are rated by class based on the steps they take to reduce flood risk. Nine of the 10 classes offer flood insurance premium discounts. FEMA Region 3 congratulates the communities below for their demonstrated dedication and improvement in CRS class. Their achievements enhance the safety and wellbeing of their residents and establish a commendable standard for communities nationwide. 

  • New Castle County, DE improved to a CRS Class 5.
  • Carroll County, MD improved to a CRS Class 6.
  • Cecil County, MD improved to a CRS Class 6.
  • Howard County, MD improved to a CRS Class 5.
  • Monroe Township, PA improved to a CRS Class 8.
  • Accomack County, VA improved to a CRS Class 5.
  • Gloucester County, VA improved to a CRS Class 5.
  • Prince William County, VA improved to a CRS Class 6.
  • City of Roanoke, VA improved to a CRS Class 6.
  • Stafford County, VA improved to a CRS Class 6.

Maryland, Virginia, and D.C. are First Region 3 Recipients of New Revolving Loan Fund Program

In September 2023, FEMA reported that Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia (D.C.) will receive a combined $18.7 million in capitalization grants. These are the first grants issued to FEMA Region 3 recipients from the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) program. In all, $50 million will be awarded nationwide. These funds will help reduce local risk to natural hazards. Funding comes through the Safeguarding Tomorrow through Ongoing Risk Mitigation Act

The program gives states, territories, tribes, and D.C. funds to administer their own revolving loans. They can then lend directly to local governments for mitigation projects. Localities can use the funds in many ways, such as making structures stronger, flood control, zoning and land use plans, and building code enforcement. They can also use it to meet the non-federal cost-share needed for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants. Once the loans are repaid, the funds can be used to finance more mitigation projects. This will be a viable source of financing to protect communities in the future.  

On December 19, 2023, FEMA announced $150 million would be available for the FY 2024 Safeguarding Tomorrow RLF program. Learn more about the program and how to apply here

West Virginia FIT, WV State NFIP Office, and Four WV Universities Join in Extreme Weather Tournament

West Virginia Silver Jackets Tournament

Source: USACE - Huntington District

In October and November 2023, the WV FEMA Integration Team (FIT), WV State National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Office, and four universities met for the Multi-Hazard Tournament Silver Jackets Project. The event was held with the West Virginia Silver Jackets, an interagency team that facilitates collaborative solutions to help states meet flood risk goals. Events and partnerships such as these are crucial to engaging Generation Z, future engineers, and climate professionals across the state.

The engineering students represented West Virginia University, Fairmont State University, University of Charleston, and Marshall University. They were placed in a simulated disaster situation and asked to determine the best use of community resources. They also identified roadblocks and researched federal, state, and local support. Students also sat in on roundtable debriefs to discuss the effects of climate change and building back stronger. 

This event can serve as a blueprint for other state emergency management officials and universities looking to elevate their programs. It also gives students a chance to learn from subject matter experts in a realistic scenario.  

To learn more, contact Hannah Smith, Interdisciplinary Planner, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, at  

Five FEMA Region 3 States Completed Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates in 2023

Five out of the six states in FEMA Region 3 updated their hazard mitigation plans (HMPs) in 2023. The District of Columbia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia all have updated plans that were approved and adopted in the past year. This success reflects the commitment that each state, their planning teams, and the region have made to keep plans current. Plan updates ensure that state, local and tribal governments can receive various types of disaster- and non-disaster related funds from FEMA. This funding includes Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants, Public Assistance funds, High Hazard Potential Dam funding, and the Fire Mitigation Assistance grant. With updated HMPs in place, states can now focus on carrying out new strategies to protect their people and property from disasters. FEMA Region 3 also aims to provide more training and technical assistance support to all partners. 

Learn more about hazard mitigation in Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Spotlight: Kathy Potter, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC)

Headshot of Kathy Potter

In this issue, we connected with Kathy Potter, the Delaware State National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Coordinator at DNREC. 

What is your background, and how has it served you in your current position?  

While I have only been in the role of NFIP Coordinator for about three months, I have been with DNREC for over 20 years. Previously, I was an engineer in the Division of Water. In that role, I developed relationships with officials and residents that I can continue to leverage. When I came into this position, my first priority was updating my contacts for all communities in the state. By fostering relationships, I find that communities are more comfortable asking for assistance and sharing their needs. In return, we are better able to help them engage constituents and move actions forward.

What are the challenges and opportunities that you face working in a state such as Delaware? 

Delaware is certainly unique. It is small enough that we are able to reach communities not just virtually, but also physically. Although my position is housed in a different agency than that of the State Hazard Mitigation Officer, who works as a representative of the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA), we are able to coordinate with relative ease. A major challenge in Delaware is navigating public and private ownership models, especially in coastal areas. DNREC is currently studying these relationships to better understand how we can serve as moderators to build consensus on planning. 

What are some success stories that you have seen in Delaware? 

One success has been the City of Wilmington’s Riverfront East project. Started in 2021, the multi-phase effort will construct flood protection infrastructure and green space, as well as mixed-use developments over 86 acres in the city’s Southbridge neighborhood. Another ongoing engagement that has been greatly successful is Coast Day. It is an annual event that is held by Delaware Sea Grant to educate the public about the state’s rich marine resources. The event is consistently well-attended, not just by members of the public but also by representatives of governments within and outside of Delaware. 

Image source: Kathy Potter

Upcoming Events


2/1/2024: CRS Manual Hacks – Flood Insurance Promotion – Activity 370 

2/2/2024: RASCL Coffee Hour: Developing a Community Sustainability Plan 

2/5/2024 – 2/8/2024: FEMA Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop 

2/13/2024-2/14/2024: Fundamentals of Floodplain Management Webinar 

3/7/2024: CRS Manual Hacks – Mapping a SFHA – Activity 400 & 410 

3/12/2024: A Guide to Achieving CRS Class 4 Webinar 

3/13/2024: Hot Topics in Floodplain Management – Spring 2024 

3/27/2024: FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break: Elevating Dam Safety Through Hazard Mitigation Planning 

5/8/2024 – 5/10/2024: 2024 National Planning Conference (Virtual Option) 

5/29/2024: FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break: Ensuring Equitable Outcomes Through Hazard Mitigation Planning 

7/24/2024: FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break: Planning for a Changing Climate

9/4/2024: FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break: Historic Preservation Strategies in Hazard Mitigation Planning 

11/6/2024: FEMA Region 3 Coffee Break: Reviewing FEMA’s Tools and Resources

In Person 

2/6/2024: 2024 Delaware Wetlands Conference, Wilmington, DE 

2/12/2024 – 2/15/2024: FEMA EMI 0273: Mapping Floodplain Development Through the NFIP, Emmitsburg, MD 

2/13/2024 – 2/14/2024: FEMA EMI E8535: National Dam Safety Program Technical Seminar, Emmitsburg, MD 

2/26/2024 – 2/29/2024: FEMA EMI E0278: NFIP/Community Rating System, Emmitsburg, MD 

2/27/2024 – 2/29/2024: FEMA EMI E1163: Preliminary Damage Assessments for State, Tribal, Territorial and Local Officials, Emmitsburg, MD 

2/28/2024: Economic Guidance for Coastal Management Professionals, Dover, DE 

3/5/2024 – 3/7/2024: PA-PEMA: G393 Mitigation for Emergency Managers, Lebanon, PA 

3/11/2024 – 3/14/2024: EMA EMI 0273: Mapping Floodplain Development Through the NFIP, Emmitsburg, MD 

3/18/2024 – 3/20/2024: FEMA EMI 0705: Fundamentals of Grants Management, Emmitsburg, MD 

3/26/2024: PA-PEMA: P004 Initial Damage Assessment and Reporting, Meadville, PA 

4/8/2024 – 4/11/2024: FEMA EMI E8241: Cooperating Technical Partners Seminar, Emmitsburg, MD 

4/9/2024 – 4/11/2024: FEMA EMI 8555: FEMA/State Public Assistance Seminar, Emmitsburg, MD 

4/13/2024 – 4/16/2024: 2024 National Planning Conference, Minneapolis, MN 

4/15/2024 – 4/19/2024: FEMA EMI E0101: Foundations of Emergency Management, Emmitsburg, MD  

4/15/2024 – 4/19/2024: FEMA EMI: E0212: Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Developing Quality Application Elements, Emmitsburg, MD 

4/22/2024 – 4/25/2024: FEMA EMI E0273: Managing Floodplain Development Through the NFIP, Emmitsburg, MD 

4/25/2024: Virginia Water Environment Association Annual Stormwater Seminar & Vendor Showcase, Richmond, VA 

6/23/2024 – 6/27/2024: 2024 ASFPM Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah