NED News: National Exercise Division Quarterly Newsletter - November 2023

November 2023

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In This Edition

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Message from the National Exercise Division Director

Photo of LeShawn Lenoir

Mr. Shawn Lenore, FEMA NED Director.

Welcome to the November 2023 edition of NED News. I want to open this newsletter by recognizing the recent catastrophic disasters and long-term recovery efforts underway across our nation, including the Lahaina Wildfires, Tropical Storm Hilary and Tropical Storm Idalia. Our agency’s workforce walks alongside members of these communities directly impacted to support response and recovery. The Division will continue to build our nation’s preparedness through tools, resources and exercises to prepare for disasters that can happen anywhere, at any time. Please visit our website to learn more about how the National Exercise Division can help you prepare now:

The FEMA National Exercise Division’s wrap-up of this calendar year highlights exercises with our partners across the national exercise community with a focus on healthcare, climate and equity. We’re removing barriers to FEMA programs and taking a people-first approach by supporting exercises sponsored by our state, local, tribal and territorial partners, and getting out to engage directly with partners at conferences nationwide. We’re sharing, collaborating and coordinating to increase awareness and understanding about the National Exercise Program, the 2024 exercise support request process and the many tools and resources available to our partners.

The Division is continuing to evolve and mature its evidence and program evaluation processes by using a results-based performance measurement system to monitor and track the outputs and outcomes of the National Exercise Program. We’re moving away from simply asking how many exercises the National Exercise Program has conducted toward identifying the changes in capacity and capability that result from those exercises. We recently updated our exercise participant and sponsor feedback forms to help the National Exercise Division determine how the National Exercise Program strengthens communities’ equitable preparedness capabilities.

In October and November, the Division participated in the National Emergency Managers Association Conference in Memphis, TN, traveled to California to present at the International Association of Emergency Managers Association Conference, and closed out the month at the National Disaster Resilience Conference in Florida. We participated in panel sessions and shared program updates to help the whole community increase its preparedness through exercises. Thank you to the many partners who stopped by to chat with us!

As always, thank you for your continued support of the National Exercise Division. Share your thoughts and ideas for future newsletters with me at

Have a safe and Happy Holiday!

Jennifer Lynch, Jason Pagan and Shani Langford at International Association of Emergency Managers Conference in Long Beach, CA

Jennifer Lynch, Jason Pagan, and Shani Langford, FEMA National Exercise Division Staff, talk with attendees of the International Association of Emergency Managers Conference in Long Beach, CA.

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Upcoming - Don't Miss It!

2024 Exercise Support Request Webinar Dates

State, local, tribal, territorial and other whole community partners can receive technical assistance and support for exercises, at no cost, from expert exercise specialists in the National Exercise Division.

Exercise Support Requests are due March 1, 2024. Notifications of decisions will occur no later than June 30, 2024.

Learn from our exercise specialists about how the exercise support request process works and what information you need to submit a complete request for support by attending an informational webinar.

Join us at one of our scheduled community webinars. All webinars will cover the same content, so participants only need to attend one session. Register at Connect Event Catalog (

Upcoming Activities

The community webinar dates are:

  • Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 2 p.m. ET
  • Thursday, January 11, 2024, 11 a.m. ET
  • Tuesday, January 16, 2024, 2 p.m. ET
  • Thursday, January 18, 2024, 10 a.m. ET
  • Monday January 22, 2024, 2 p.m. ET
  • Wednesday January 24, 2024, 11 a.m. ET

For more information, visit

NEW Exercise Starter Kits Coming Soon

Interested in conducting your own exercise? FEMA will be releasing ten new Exercise Starter Kits in mid-December 2023. As a result of the release of the 2023-2026 National Exercise Program Principals' Exercise Priorities, the Division developed new Exercise Starter Kits to align with the updated priorities. An Exercise Starter Kit is a set of sample materials and templates that an organization/jurisdiction can customize to conduct their own discussion-based exercises. Exercise Starter Kits help organizations/jurisdictions validate their plans and policies and examine their readiness for a range of threats and hazards. The new Exercise Starter Kits can be found on the Preparedness Toolkit at

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Recent Accomplishments

North American Leaders’ Summit Trilateral Emergency Management Conference

The North American Leaders’ Summit is the trilateral summit between the Prime Minister of Canada, the president of Mexico and the president of the United States. By working together, the countries of North America are better able to address shared challenges, strengthen our partnerships and advance our shared priorities.

The October summit continued the spirit of the January 2023 North American Leaders’ Summit to share best practices and strategies for advancing equity and racial justice in our public policies. Specifically, this Summit focused on collaborating on emergency management, especially evacuating vulnerable populations and promoting gender equity in emergency management.

During the Summit, Shawn Lenore debuted FEMAs newly translated “IDEA Guide” – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility in Exercises: Considerations and Best Practices. By translating the IDEA Guide, FEMA strives to help Spanish speaking audiences involve the whole community, particularly Spanish-speaking underserved communities, in exercise development, conduct and feedback processes. The guide offers exercise planners insights and tools around key considerations for exercises that better reflect the full spectrum of a community’s stakeholders.

Shawn Lenore speaking at the North American Leaders’ Summit

Shawn Lenore speaking at the North American Leaders’ Summit.

FEMA National Exercise Division Conducts Exercise in Support of the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center

On August 2, the National Exercise Division conducted a tabletop exercise with the 12 Operational Center Directors representing the Department of Homeland Security Components to examine and refine the information sharing process for optimized operational effectiveness. The Department of Homeland Security was looking to bring together and strengthen the entire community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from all hazards. This exercise was designed to examine the operations center's coordinating mechanisms and identify potential gaps, areas of inefficiency and opportunities for improvement.

Exercise participants thought the exercise provided a valuable opportunity to familiarize personnel with roles and responsibilities, and review current plans, policies and standard operating procedures to support timely and accurate information sharing during a crisis. The FEMA National Exercise Division team was presented with Certificates of Appreciation and a Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Coin for their planning, design and delivery of the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Tabletop Exercise.

To learn more about the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program, visit Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program |

FEMA National Exercise Division Supports the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Tabletop Exercise

FEMA National Exercise Division Team (Ted Fries, Erica Kliment, Christiana Biggs, Ted Robinson, Dan McGough) supports the Department of Homeland Security National Operations Center Tabletop Exercise.