FEMA Bulletin Week of July 27, 2021

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Week of July 27, 2021

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In this Edition:

Important Dates & Reminders

July 27

Building Resilience Through Private-Public Partnerships conference from 1 - 5 p.m. ET.

July 27

Incident Complexity Guide webinar at 3 p.m. ET.

July 28

Building Resilience Through Private-Public Partnerships conference from 1 - 5 p.m. ET.

July 29

Building Private-Public Partnerships Guide webinar at 3 p.m. ET.

July 29

Engagement period ends for National Integration Center position qualification documents at 5 p.m. ET.

July 30

FEMA and NVOAD partnership conversation at 1 p.m. ET.

DHS Hosts Webinar on Impact of Federal, Faith and Community Partnership During COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution


July is Partnership Month with DHS and FEMA. To commemorate the month, the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships in partnership with the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, is hosting a webinar to highlight federal, faith and community partnership engagement on the front lines of COVID-19 vaccine distribution.


The webinar will be held from 2 – 3:15 p.m. ET on July 28.


Presenters include:

  • White House, Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Executive Director Melissa Rogers.
  • DHS, Social Impact and Campaigns, Office of Partnership and Engagement Executive Director Karinda L. Washington.
  • FEMA, Office of External Affairs Senior Advisor Hannah Vick, Ph.D.
  • Howard University, College of Medicine Co-Chair and Principal Investigator/Associate Professor, Howard University College of Medicine, Co-Chair Goulda A. Downer.
  • Peace Corps, Peace Corps Response Director Sarah Dietch.


Register in advance to attend. The webinar will be recorded and provide captioning services. For more information, contact partnerships@fema.dhs.gov

FEMA Hosts Youth Preparedness Council Summit


Last week, the virtual Youth Preparedness Council summit brought together members from across the country. This year’s theme focused on equity and building a culture of resilience for communities. The members heard from disaster management experts and began planning their preparedness projects.


Among the attending speakers was Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff who talked about the role of young leaders in creating a resilient nation. He thanked the members for helping their communities.


The five returning Youth Preparedness Council members discussed their projects from the 2020-2021 program year. Some examples of these projects include:


  • Nyl Aziaya from FEMA Region 4 hosted an in-person preparedness fair as part of his “Get Backpack Ready with Nyl” campaign.
  • Banan Garada published a children’s book called “I Can Be Well With Mommy, Too!” inspired by her own experience during the COVID-19 pandemic with her little sister. The book addresses coping with the pandemic for young children.
  • Nico Bremeau from FEMA Region 9, hosted a “Disasters Don’t Wait” interactive webinar featuring emergency management professionals responding to prospective scenarios on the spot.


The Youth Preparedness Council was created in 2012 to bring together youth leaders interested in supporting disaster preparedness and making a difference in their communities by completing disaster preparedness projects nationally and locally.


FEMA Seeks Public Feedback on NQS Position


FEMA is seeking public feedback for the "National Qualification System’s Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Incident and Exercise Evaluator" position documents. This national engagement period will conclude at 5 p.m. ET on August 26.


FEMA worked alongside state, local, tribal and territorial partners to draft and refine the documents. These documents will help intergovernmental partners define evaluators for radiological emergency preparedness program incidents and exercises.


National engagement provides an opportunity for interested parties to comment on the draft documents. This public feedback period also ensures that position documents are relevant for all implementing partners.


The National Qualification System supports the resource management component of the National Incident Management System. The National Incident Management System is a key component of incident management efforts and enables organizations from across the country to work together during incidents of various types and sizes. Implementing the National Incident Management System across the nation is a fundamental part of building our national preparedness.


To provide comments on the draft, complete the feedback form and submit the form to FEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.gov.

Upcoming Deadlines and Reminders

FEMA Releases Incident Complexity Guide


FEMA has released the "Incident Complexity Guide: Planning, Preparedness and Training." The guide is intended for use during planning, preparedness and training efforts and not as a decision-making tool during a response.


FEMA will host a 30-minute webinar at 3 p.m. ET on July 27 to discuss the Incident Complexity Guide and answer related questions. All webinars are open to the whole community. Advance registration is required and is on a first-come, first-served basis.


To review the guide and for additional webinar information, visit FEMA.gov.


FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test


In coordination with the Federal Communications Commission, FEMA will conduct a nationwide test to assess the capabilities of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alert at 2:20 p.m. ET on Aug. 11, with a backup date of Aug. 25.


The Emergency Alert System test is made available to EAS participants (i.e., radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers, and wireline video providers) and is scheduled to last approximately one minute. The test message will be similar to regular monthly test messages with which the public is familiar.


FEMA Seeks Feedback for Resource Typing Documents


The FEMA National Integration Center is hosting two national engagement periods for resource typing documents. The national engagement period provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to comment on the draft documents and to ensure they are relevant for all implementing partners.


The first engagement period will conclude at 5 p.m. ET on July 29. This 30-day engagement period will feature resource typing and job title/position qualification documents for:

  • State mass care coordinator.
  • Field kitchen unit.
  • Field kitchen unit leader.
  • Mobile kitchen unit.
  • Food service delivery unit.


The second engagement period will also conclude at 5 p.m. ET on July 29. This 30-day engagement period will feature job title/position qualification documents for:

  • Urban search and rescue logistics specialist.
  • Urban search and rescue medical specialist.


These job title/position qualification documents will facilitate the sharing of deployable resource types at all jurisdictional levels. To provide comments on the drafts, complete the feedback form on FEMA.gov and submit the form to fema-nims@fema.dhs.gov no later than the dates indicated for the national engagement periods.


FEMA and NVOAD Host Partnership Events


FEMA and the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster will host the sixth annual partnership month. This year’s partnership month will feature events celebrating the work done by FEMA and its voluntary partners.


The remaining partnership conversation for 2021 is:


These virtual panel discussions will highlight some of the partnerships between stakeholders at all levels of government. To learn more about how to get involved, visit FEMA.gov. Visit partnershipmonth.org to learn about partnership event.


FEMA Co-Hosts Building Resilience Through Private-Public Partnerships Conference


FEMA, in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Northern Command and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is hosting the 10th Annual Building Resilience Through Private-Public Partnerships Conference from 1 to 5 p.m. ET on July 27 and 28.


The COVID-19 pandemic impacted every community, some communities are beginning to recover while others are still deeply affected. The pandemic exposed deep-rooted vulnerabilities and highlighted a need to work together to increase resilience and elevate the equity of every individual.  


Conference discussions will address collaboration required among private, public and nonprofit sectors to help mitigate the effects of all disasters. The conference will focus on building resilience against all hazards while looking ahead to future emergencies and ways we can be better prepared through greater collaboration across sectors.


To register, visit uschamberfoundation.org.


FEMA Hosts Building Private-Public Partnerships Guide Webinar


FEMA has released the “Building Private-Public Partnerships Guide.” The guide provides recommendations and best practices for jurisdictions to establish and maintain a private-public partnership to help coordinate mitigation, response and recovery planning and preparedness.


To facilitate the engagement process, FEMA will host a 60-minute engagement webinar at 3 p.m. ET on July 29 to discuss the guide and answer stakeholders’ questions. The webinars will be open to the whole community and advance registration is required.


FEMA Releases Grants for Homeland Security National Training Program


FEMA has released the funding notice for $6 million in competitive funding available as part of the fiscal year 2021 Homeland Security National Training Program Continuing Training Grants.


The funding notice, posted on grants.gov, will be available to applicants through a competitive process to help improve the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from all-hazards events. Applicants must submit applications for no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on August 16. 


Applicants may contact the FEMA Grant Programs Directorate Call Center at (866) 927-5646 or via e-mail at ASK-GMD@dhs.gov for questions.
