FEMA released three emergency response documents for public comment. This 30-day national engagement period is open until 5 p.m. ET on Oct. 24.
The documents include:
"National Incident Management System Implementation Fact Sheet for Private Sector Organizations" provides FEMA guidance on steps private sector organizations should consider when implementing the National Incident Management System.
"Operational Period Shift Briefing Template" assists staff in the Emergency Operations Centers in addressing shift requirements.
"Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Stress Management" assists workers in the EOC to deal with the management of stress.
To view the three draft documents and feedback forms, please visit the FEMA website. To provide comments on any of the drafts, complete its feedback form and submit it to FEMA-NIMS@fema.dhs.gov.
This 30-day national engagement period will conclude at 5 p.m. ET on Oct. 24.
FEMA held the fifth PrepTalks Symposium on Sept. 19 in Washington, D.C. at George Washington University. Seven speakers presented on topics including how our own biases lead us to underprepare for disasters, how to promote crowdsourcing and citizen science in emergency management, and how the Netherlands works to prevent flood disasters. Videos of these presentations, along with discussion materials and other resources, will be released over the coming months.
This week, FEMA also posted the final presentation from the April 23 PrepTalks Symposium: “Using Codes and Standards to Build Resilient Communities”. Discussion centered on why building codes exist, how they work, how codes have a central role in increasing community resilience to disaster and enhancing safety in general, and how you can get involved.
PrepTalks are available on FEMA.gov/preptalks. These 15-to-20-minute presentations by subject-matter experts and thought leaders are designed to spread new ideas, spark conversation, and promote innovative leadership on the issues confronting emergency managers now and over the next 20 years. They are a partnership between FEMA, the International Association of Emergency Managers, the National Emergency Management Association, the National Homeland Security Consortium, and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security.
 The final week of National Preparedness Month highlights the importance of helping your community plan for and recover after a disaster. Connecting with those that share your neighborhood can improve communication, preparedness, and recovery efforts. Neighbors are often immediate support following a disaster.
Here are some ways to get involved in your community:
- Learn what to do in emergency situations before professional help arrives by reading “You Are the Help Until Help Arrives.” Taking these basic actions can help you to help yourself and your neighbors during a disaster.
- Find a local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program and train to help your community in disasters by learning response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations.
- Young people ages 18-24 can participate in FEMA Corps, a 10-month commitment focused on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery activities. FEMA Corps members can work directly with disaster survivors, support disaster recovery centers, and share valuable disaster preparedness information with the public.
Each September, National Preparedness Month reminds us to prepare ourselves, our families, and our communities for the disasters and emergencies that could happen where we live, work, and visit.
Learn more about the many ways that you can prepare in the case of a disaster or emergency by visiting Ready.gov.
Congressional Support for National Preparedness Month
FEMA appreciates the support of the members of Congress who are serving as 2019 co-sponsors for National Preparedness Month. Throughout September, the FEMA Bulletin featured statements from these members.
Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard of California, Chairwoman, Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Homeland Security
“In the last few years, California has experienced some of the most catastrophic wildfires in its history, floods, mudslides, and most recently, a series of earthquakes. Across our country, Americans have experienced some of the worst hurricanes in our history, tornadoes, floods and devastating winter storms. In addition to these natural disasters, we also continue to face the risk of acts of terrorism, power outages and other man-made events. Although we face many types of risk, the best manner to protect ourselves, our families, and our loved ones is to plan and be prepared, not scared. One plan can address all the risks we face, including natural disasters and should be inclusive of your entire family. As we observe National Preparedness Month this September, I encourage every Californian – and every American – to plan or update an emergency response plan to protect themselves and their families, friends, and loved ones against disasters of all types.”
Representative Donald M. Payne, Jr. of New Jersey, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery
“We’ve seen how climate change has made natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, and flooding, more frequent and much more severe. We need to be ready for the next emergency before it happens. As Chairman of the Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Subcommittee, I want FEMA and other Federal agencies to have the resources to provide robust assistance before, during and after an emergency. Preparedness is a mission the nation should carry out every day. We need to be ready now, because we cannot afford to wait until the next disaster strikes.”
Representative Mark Meadows of Florida, Ranking Member, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings an Emergency Management
“Disasters can strike at any time, during any season, throughout the year. North Carolina has faced severe floods, hurricanes, and other disasters since I came to office. Not to mention the historic earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and power outages we have seen across U.S. cities affecting millions of people for days at a time. Our first responders, police, fire and rescue, and nonprofit organizations serve as key players during these disasters, providing aid and resources to those affected. They may not always be able to reach you quickly in an emergency or disaster.
These events are often unexpected by their very nature, leaving little time, if any, to prepare. That is why it is so important to put time into planning and preparation long before the disaster strikes. Being prepared is a 365-day-a-year activity. Take charge and take control to be as prepared as possible. Key resources to help you, your family, and your community prepare a "go bag", Protect Your Critical Documents and Valuables, and build an Emergency Financial First Aid Kit are available at Ready.gov.”
On Monday, Sept. 30 from 1-1:30 p.m. ET FEMA will host a webinar to provide financial tools and resources for individuals, families, communities and community organizations.
The webinar will include representatives from FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division, the Ready Campaign and Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, as well as from Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Money Management International and Project Porchlight.
This webinar is part of National Preparedness Month's efforts to help plan for the unexpected. Disasters and emergencies happen often with little or no warning - whether a house fire, hurricane, flood or tornado - and having emergency savings can help pay for unexpected disaster costs.
How to Join the Webinar: