FEMA Bulletin Week of June 3, 2019

Seal of the Department of Homeland Security


June 3, 2019

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In this Edition:

Important Dates & Reminders

June 28

Deadline to apply for Homeland Security National Training Program/Continuing Training Grants

June 30

Deadline to apply for the Master Public Information Officer Program

FEMA Announces Funding for Continuing Training Grants

FEMA announced the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Fiscal Year 2019 Homeland Security National Training Program/Continuing Training Grants (HSNTP/CTG).


FEMA will provide $8 million to qualified applicants who can help improve the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from all-hazards events.


Specifically, this grant program helps develop and deliver innovative training programs that play an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System by supporting the building, sustainment, and delivery of core capabilities essential to achieving the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation.


FEMA will continue to prioritize funding for Tribal and Rural Preparedness training programs and may make awards in the focus areas of housing, cybersecurity, economy recovery, and logistics and supply chain management, contingent upon evaluation of the proposals received.


Grant applications are due no later than June 28. Submissions must be made through Grants.gov.  For more information on this opportunity and to download an application package, go to Grants.gov. On Grants.gov, you can find this opportunity by searching the opportunity number: 97.005 in the top right search bar.


Tribal Handbook

FEMA Releases Tribal Mitigation Planning Handbook

FEMA's "Tribal Mitigation Planning Handbook" is a companion to the "Tribal Mitigation Plan Review Guide."  The Handbook provides practical approaches and advice for tribal governments as they pursue their hazard mitigation planning.


The handbook is organized around the seven recommended steps for developing a Tribal mitigation plan. It provides an overview of the planning process and reviews each step of the process in detail. The handbook further outlines considerations for how to implement the mitigation plan, advance mitigation activities, and incorporate risk reduction into other tribal plans and programs. Appendices with resources and worksheets are included. The handbook uses a fictional tribal government and planning area, the Roaring River Indian Community, to illustrate approaches for developing the plan and the connections between the steps in the process.

Reminders and Upcoming Deadlines


Master Public Information Officer Program Applications Due June 30


FEMA Emergency Management Institute's (EMI) Master Public Information Officer Program (MPIOP) is a three-course series designed to prepare public information officers for an expanded role in delivering public information and warning using a strategic whole community approach.


The course is open to full time public information officers with a minimum of five years of experience and who have a demonstrated ability to advance external affairs. For more information visit the FEMA website, or send an email to FEMA-Master_PIO_Program@fema.dhs.gov. The application deadline is June 30. For instructions how to apply for the program, go to the Training Bulletin.



FEMA Seeks Public Comment for New Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program


FEMA is seeking comments on the development and implementation of Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) Section 1234: National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.  Comments will be accepted until July 15, on FEMA IdealScale or by email at  BUILDBRIC@fema.dhs.gov


In June, FEMA will host a webinar series to provide an overview of the different topic areas that are important for the development of the BRIC program.


For detailed information and a description of each webinar, visit the website.  


Webinar 1: Infrastructure Mitigation Projects and Community Lifelines

2 to 4 p.m. EDT, Thursday June 6.  


Webinar 2: Hazard Mitigation Planning, Grant Application and Evaluation, and Risk Based Funding

2 to 4 p.m. EDT, Thursday June 13


Webinar 3: Funding & Resource Management and Benefit-Cost Analysis

2 to 4 p.m. EDT, Thursday June 20.


Webinar 4: Building Codes and Enforcement and Capacity and Capability

2 to 4 p.m. EDT, Tuesday June 25.



How to Participate:

•  FEMA Teleconference: 1-800-320-4330 PIN: 338559#   

•  FEMA Adobe Connect


For more information on DRRA, visit the FEMA website.



FEMA Seeks Feedback on the National Response Framework


The "National Response Framework" and "Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 – Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure Annex" draft documents are now available for public comment. Feedback and recommendations will help ensure the final versions of the documents are effective resources for emergency managers across the nation.


FEMA is hosting a series of one-hour engagement webinars to describe the updates and answer participants’ questions. These webinars are intended for the whole community, including individuals, private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners.


Webinars will be held on the following dates and times (all times are Eastern):


Advance registration is required and on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please contact: NRF@fema.dhs.gov.


Captioning will be available on the webinar. If you need a copy of the webinar PowerPoint, please provide details on the registration page or contact us at NRF@fema.dhs.gov.