FEMA Weekly: June 8, 2017


June 8, 2017 | VIEW AS WEBPAGE

FEMA Weekly

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Are You Ready for the 2017 Hurricane Season?

A Message from Secretary Kelly

Click on the photo above to view Secretary Kelly's video message.

June 1, marked the start of the 2017 hurricane season. DHS and FEMA are working closely with state, local, and federal partners, as well as the National Hurricane Center, to increase preparedness and coordinate response and recovery capabilities. We are also doing all we can to empower individuals to take an active role in preparing themselves, their families, and their communities.

Are you ready for hurricane season? Access DTS to ensure your information is up-to-date. 

Your Voice Counts!


We are now half-way through the six-week Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) period. As of June 1, 40 percent of Title V employees, (including permanently employed, non-political, non-seasonal, full/part-time employees on board as of October 2016), and 27 percent of Stafford Act employees, (including COREs, temporary full-time employees, and reservists), have completed the survey. The goal of the survey is to provide our organization with information to build, strengthen, and improve challenge areas.


You can be part of the solution! Completing the survey could result in a better workplace for you and better service for the communities we serve.


The Office of Personnel Management sent the survey to the FEMA-email addresses of a random selection of permanent full/part-time employees, and all COREs, temporary full-time employees, and reservists.


Completing the survey is voluntary and confidential, but by doing so you will help make our workplace better. The FEVS measures employee perceptions of whether, and to what extent, conditions that characterize successful organizations are present in their agencies. The survey takes about 25 minutes to complete and may be completed during normal working hours.

If you got the survey, please complete the survey today. Here’s what it will look like…


For selected Title V employees

Look for an email from: EVHS@opm.gov

Subject line: 2017 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey  


For Stafford Act employees 
Look for an email from: USASurvey@opm.gov

Subject line: FEMA 2017 Stafford Act Employee Viewpoint Survey


Visit DHS Connect for more information about the FEVS, including FAQs, and to see how FEMA's response rate compares to those of other DHS components.

Celebrating Diversity, Promoting Inclusion at FEMA


FEMA is celebrating its inaugural Diversity & Inclusion Day next week!


On Tuesday, June 13, the entire agency will focus on diversity so that together we can achieve a goal of building an inclusive work environment. Our theme, Connecting through Conversations: Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace. The day is created to reaffirm our commitment to build an inclusive work environment based on mutual trust, respect and integrity and to better support the diverse communities we serve.


An agency-wide Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) video teleconference (VTC) will start at 1 p.m., ET and feature guest speaker J. Bruce Stewart, formerly Deputy Director of Training, Compliance, and Strategic Initiatives in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and coordinated the implementation of Executive Order 13583 on Diversity and Inclusion.


Following the VTC, many FEMA Regions will host local activities to further celebrate diversity and foster greater inclusion.


For more details look for posters and flyers at headquarters and in FEMA Regions about local activities or visit the Diversity Management Advisory Council intranet page. A calendar invitation will be distributed to your FEMA email inbox soon! 


FEMA’s Diversity & Inclusion Day is sponsored by the Diversity Management Advisory Council (DMAC). FEMA strives to be a model of diversity and inclusion. Attending diversity-related programs provides awareness, sensitivity, and understanding of the unique issues affecting diverse groups and cultures, so that, together we are able to better implement our mission and serve the communities we support.

Reservist Report: Tam Nguyen


The Reservist Report is an opportunity to learn more about FEMA Reservists. FEMA Weekly welcomes your articles.

Tam Nguyen is an Equal Rights Advisor with the Office of Equal Rights Cadre. He is currently deployed to Durham, North Carolina in response to Hurricane Matthew. Nguyen’s primary function is to promote a discrimination-free workplace by ensuring all practices and procedures are carried out in accordance with federal laws.

He assists supervisors with Equal Employment Opportunity issues and provides training for all employees. Nguyen says the most important thing he does is to work directly with survivors to get them the assistance they need. “I help ensure equal access to FEMA services and benefits for eligible disaster survivors and attempt to resolve Civil Rights complaints.”


Hurricane Matthew struck coastal North Carolina in October 2016, causing an estimated $4 billion in damages. For more information on North Carolina’s recovery, visit fema.gov/disaster/4285 and readync.org.

Federal Procurement Process Webinars

The FEMA Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT), recently published a webinar series offering detailed information for recipients and sub-recipients of FEMA disaster grants, to help them easily navigate the Federal procurement process. PDAT produced these webinar modules to offer guidance, but they are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice or procurement under grants training.

FEMA employees, especially those in Response, Recovery, in the Regions, and those who work directly with tribes, state, or local governments, may find information in the webinars useful. This information could be used to refer key stakeholders and other emergency management personnel working on procurements under grants, to resources and information.

Should you have any legal questions after viewing the webinars, please contact your regional FEMA Public Assistance staff or Regional Counsel.

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FEMA's Third Annual Girl Scouts Day

Girl Scout

FEMA is delighted to announce our third annual Girl Scouts Event, “Girl Scouts Today, Emergency Managers Tomorrow”, to be held at FEMA Headquarters and Regional Offices. The objective of this event is to empower girls, and their families, to better prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. New this year, FEMA is collaborating with the American Red Cross to provide additional programming and activities.

Call For Volunteers

FEMA Employees - If you would like to volunteer to help with planning for Girl Scouts Day, or to assist with logistics on the day of, please contact the FEMA’s Women’s Forum at

FEMA Girl Scouts Event

Friday, June 16, 2017

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET

500 C Street S.W.
Registration is Required

For more information about the activities planned for June 16, in at FEMA HQ and in the Regions, please contact one of the coordinators below.
FEMA HQ: womensforum@fema.dhs.gov.
Region 3: amanda.hancher@fema.dhs.gov
Region 4: margaret.cottrill@fema.dhs.gov

Region 5: kimberly.hayward@fema.dhs.gov

Region 6: sarah.anderson@fema.dhs.gov

Region 6: linda.massimi@fema.dhs.gov

Region 7: sara.henry@fema.dhs.gov

Region 8: molly.rowells@associates.fema.dhs.gov

Region 9: brandi.richard@fema.dhs.gov

Region 9: tammy.littrell@fema.dhs.gov

For more information about the activities being planned in Region 2 and EMI, please contact one of the coordinators below. 

Region II

Saturday, June 17, 2017
10 a.m. to  4 p.m. ET 
One World Trade Center
285 Fulton Street, 52nd Floor
New York, NY 10007

Coordinator: susana.columna@fema.dhs.gov 


Emergency Management Institute (EMI)

Friday, Aug 4, 2017

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET 

Coordinator: vilma.milmoe@fema.dhs.gov 



2017 DHS Secretary’s Awards

The DHS Secretary’s Awards will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017. The event will honor the extraordinary contributions of DHS employees who extended the very best of themselves during the award timeframe of June 1, 2016, to May 31, 2017.

There are nine award categories from which to choose when considering employees for nominations. A senior executive panel will be reviewing all nominations and forwarding their recommendations to the FEMA Administrator for his final approval.

Please use DHS forms to submit nominations to FEMA-AdministratorsAward@fema.dhs.gov by Wednesday, June 14, 2017, 5 p.m., ET.

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Service Animals in the Workplace

Please join the Office of Equal Rights (OER) for a facilitated discussion on the use of service/emotional support animals in the workplace, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA AA).

This presentation is part of the Reasonable Accommodations Series. The guest speaker will be Christopher J. Kuczynski, Assistant Legal Counsel and Director of the ADA/GINA Policy Division, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). A brief question and answer session will follow the formal presentation. 

All FEMA employees are invited to attend using one of the ways below.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., ET.  


In Person 

400 C Street, SW (FEMA headquarters), Conference Room A


Via Conference Call Line

1-800-320-4330 / Conference Bridge Code: 69979


Via Adobe Connect




Captioning link: http://www.fedrcc.us//Enter.aspx?EventID=3265840&CustomerID=321

Reservist employees are encouraged to attend; however, attendance is voluntary and compensation is not authorized.

Fundamentals of Leadership

This four-day workshop provides both new and seasoned managers and supervisors, the tools and resources necessary for successful leadership within FEMA. This training is required for all new FEMA managers and supervisors and will focus on Conflict Management, Creativity and Innovation, Problem Solving, Vision, Strategic Thinking, and other leadership essentials. Participants are invited to attend their choice of one of the upcoming workshops below. The workshops will be held in the Office of the Chief Component Human Capital Officer (OCCHCO) Training Suite, located at 500 C Street, 7 SW.       


June 12-15, 2017, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ET.

July 24-27, 2017, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ET.


Registration is required. Pre-Requisite: Fundamentals of Leadership - L90X Orientation Webinar (conducted the first Thursday of each month).

For questions, or for more information about the Fundamental Leadership Program, please email: FEMA-fundamentals@fema.dhs.gov.

Building Critical Thinking Abilities

All FEMA full-time, temporary full-time, and CORE employees in the Washington, D.C. area, are invited to attend a one-day workshop designed for anyone who wishes to increase their effectiveness by boosting their critical thinking skills. Participants will learn the core skills needed to think critically and how to continually develop them. They will also have the opportunity to work through a FEMA-inspired issue/challenge to practice applying critical thinking skills.   

Registration is required. Participants are invited to attend their choice of one of the workshops below. The workshops will be held in the Office of the Chief Component Human Capital Officer (OCCHCO) Training Suite, located at 500 C Street, 7 SW.


Aug. 1, 2017, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ET. 

Sep. 27, 2017, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ET.  


To register, please email the FEMA Employee Development University at edu@fema.dhs.gov and indicate which workshop/session you would like to attend.

Emergency Management Training e-Forums

Each week in June, FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) will host an e-Forum to provide an opportunity for the emergency management community and FEMA employees to discuss matters of interest related to national preparedness training.  

The “One Link, One Bridge, Many Voices” pilot forums, will showcase panels of community partners and peers who will share their experiences. The forums will also offer opportunities to provide training, management, and technical assistance, by facilitating the sharing of best practices. 


Registration link: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/emieforums (Registration is not required)


Conference call-in: 800-320-4330, PIN 107622


For questions please contact: https://training.fema.gov/contactus/sendcomment.aspx.

Detail Opportunities

Detail: Procurement Analyst, Office of Chief Procurement Officer

Expires June 9, 2017


Detail: Staff Assistant, Office of Chief Procurement Officer

Expires June 9, 2017


Detail: Training Liaison, Office of Response and Recovery

Expires June 30, 2017  

Rotation Opportunity

Rotation: Management Analyst, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration

Open until filled

Current Job Openings

FEMA has resumed creating and filling critical emergency management positions that have occupational series approved by DHS. For more details, visit the Office of the Chief Component Human Capital Officer Intranet page and USAJobs.

As a reminder DHS has many opportunities that are available to FEMA employees. Visit the site often for updates.

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Remembering the Men and Women of FEMA