FEMA Bulletin Week of July 25, 2016

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Week of July 25, 2016

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In this Edition:

Important Dates & Deadlines

August 1, 2016

Draft Individuals and Households Program Unified Guidance Comment Period Ends

Aug 5

Application Deadline for National Emergency Management Executive Academy

Virtual Tabletop Exercise Application Deadline

August 15, 2016

Draft Interagency Concept for Community Resilience Indicators and National-Level Progress Measures Comment Period Ends

august 22

FEMA National Training Program Continuing Grant Application Deadline

FEMA Congratulates National Emergency Management Advanced Academy Graduates

FEMA congratulates 35 graduates from the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy on July 15, 2016, on the Emergency Management Institute campus at the National Emergency Training Center.


FEMA’s National Emergency Management Advanced Academy is designed for mid-level managers seeking to advance their skills through strategic level training and education. The training provided is essential for emergency management professionals to effectively design and lead cutting-edge programs. Students learn skills critical to performing mid-manager responsibilities such as program management and oversight, effective communication, integrated collaboration, and strategic thinking. The Advanced Academy provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their critical thinking ability through a guided research project.


The Advanced Academy is the second of a three-level Academy series in the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP). The EMPP includes three separate training programs: Basic Academy, National Emergency Management Advanced Academy, and the National Emergency Management Executive Academy. The Basic Academy program offers tools to develop comprehensive foundational skills needed in emergency management. The Advanced Academy program offers the next generation of emergency managers trained in advanced concepts and issues, management, strategic/critical thinking, and problem solving. The Executive Academy program is designed to challenge and enhance the skills of the nation’s emergency management senior executives through critical thinking, visionary strategic planning, challenging conventional concepts, and negotiation and conflict resolution applied to complex, real-world problems. 


Congratulations graduates! Interested emergency management professionals should visit www.training.fema.gov/empp for more information about which academy best suits their needs.


Graduates of the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy

Americans with Disabilities Act 26th Anniversary

Today, July 26 marks the 26th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This milestone law prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in state and local government, private entities and telecommunications.


The Ready Campaign’s We Prepare Every Day video exemplifies one of the ADA goals by delivering a strong preparedness message portraying individuals with disabilities taking charge with emergency preparedness for themselves, their family and their community. The preparedness video also provides equal access including open captioning, a certified deaf interpreter, and audio description for viewers who are blind or have low vision. Visit Ready.gov for more information on emergency preparedness for individuals with disabilities and other with access and functional needs.

FEMA app travel

Reminder of Upcoming Deadlines

FEMA Posts Draft Individuals and Households Program Unified Guidance for Public Comment

On June 15, 2016, FEMA posted the draft Individuals and Households Program Unified Guidance to the Federal Register for public comment. FEMA strongly encourages the public and emergency management community to submit comments. The Individuals and Households Program (IHP) is the most publicly recognizable FEMA program and this is an excellent opportunity for the public to provide their input.The draft guidance is posted to the Federal Register, and will be available for comment until August 1, 2016.


EMI Virtual Tabletop Exercise for Mass Casualty Incident

FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) is offering a virtual tabletop exercise (VTTX) focusing on Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) on August 23-25 from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm EDT. This VTTX addresses MCI awareness and information sharing during response efforts to assist affected communities. Session content is the same each day and participants only need to attend one session.


This VTTX allows participating communities to share details and best practices regarding mass casualty awareness, integration into all-hazard preparedness, information sharing, incident management, and resource management processes. The goals of the VTTX are to enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively conduct all-hazards emergency response and recovery. The VTTX also enables coordination of response operations with counterparts from federal agencies, state and local governments, private sector organizations, non-governmental agencies, and other whole community partners.


Interested individuals should email Doug Kahn at douglas.kahn@fema.dhs.gov or call 301-447-7645. Additionally, it is requested that individuals send a courtesy copy email to the Integrated Emergency Management Branch at FEMA-EMI-IEMB@fema.dhs.gov or call 301-447-1381. The deadline for VTTX applications is August 5 and additional information can be found by visiting https://training.fema.gov/programs/emivttx.aspx.


Apply for the 2017 National Emergency Management Executive Academy 

The objective of the Executive Academy is to engage, challenge and enhance the talents of emergency management executives through critical thinking, visionary strategic planning, and negotiation and conflict resolution when applied to complex real-world problems. The Executive Academy consists of four resident sessions, webinars, distance learning, and literature reviews. Executives will explore how they can leverage science, technology, engineering, and data analysis to impact critical decisions and guide informed policy development.  Executives will have the opportunity to work collaboratively on projects, share smart practices, and participate in exercises on cascading and catastrophic events.


Applications will be accepted through August 5, 2016. There are a limited number of seats and enrollment is competitive. For more information on the Executive Academy and the application and selection process, visit www.training.fema.gov/EMPP/executive.asp.


The Executive Academy is the pinnacle of a three-level Academy series in the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP) which includes Basic, Advanced, and Executive Academies. Emergency management professionals should visit the EMPP page for more information about which academy best suits their needs.


Draft Disaster Resilience Indicators Concept Released By Mitigation Federal Leadership Group Subcommittee

FEMA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and their federal partners in the Mitigation Federal Leadership Group (MitFLG) Disaster Resilience Indicators Subcommittee released a “Draft Interagency Concept for Community Resilience Indicators and National-Level Progress Measures."


This concept is the result of a year-long effort to identify potential indicators of community resilience capacity building that align with the Mitigation and Recovery Core Capabilities under the National Preparedness Goal. Learn more details about this joint FEMA/NOAA initiative here www.fema.gov/community-resilience-indicators.


The document, compiled in response to broad public interest in identifying key factors of community resilience nationwide in order to promote better-informed capacity building strategies, is intended to start a broad conversation among public- and private-sector stakeholders on how best to define and track improvements in community resilience capacity across 28 key indicator categories.


Interested stakeholders seeking to add their input can submit comments and feedback to the Disaster Resilience Indicators Subcommittee of the MitFLG at FEMA-CommunityResilience@fema.dhs.gov by August 15, 2016.


The MitFLG subcommittee was led by representatives of FEMA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and includes significant contributions from federal partners such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the U.S. Geological Survey.


FEMA National Training Program Continuing Grants

FEMA announced funding opportunities for the Fiscal Year 2016 Continuing Training Grants program. The Homeland Security National Training Program’s Continuing Training Grants will provide $11.5 million to qualified applicants to help improve the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from all-hazard events.


This highly competitive program attracts applicants from state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, eligible non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions. Funding is provided as cooperative agreements and awarded directly to the selected applicants. 


For more information and to download the application package, visit www.grants.gov and submit applications no later than August 22.