Preparing for a Flood

march 10, 2016

Getting Prepared for a Flood

America's PrepareAthon! Flood Cover

There are many easy and affordable ways for individuals, families, and communities to take action to be prepared for a flood emergency. 

America’s PrepareAthon! How to Prepare for a Flood offers recommendations to help you protect your loved ones and valuables:

When people prepare and practice for an emergency event such as a flood, it can make a real difference in their ability to take an immediate and well-informed action. Get started by accessing flood resources on America’s PrepareAthon! website. 

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Twitter Chat: Debunking Preparedness Myths

Have you ever heard a preparedness myth like, “In an emergency, only first responders need to know what to do” or during an earthquake, “Stand in the doorway to protect yourself”?

America’s PrepareAthon! will host a Twitter chat, using its Twitter handle – @PrepareAthon, on Wednesday, March 30 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Emergency professionals across the country will discuss common preparedness myths, provide facts on preparing for and staying safe during emergencies.

To follow the Twitter chat use #SafetyFacts.

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Check Your Smoke Alarms for Spring

Daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 13. It’s time to turn your clocks forward. It’s also a great opportunity to test your smoke alarms.

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) encourages you to check your smoke alarms at least once a month, by pushing the test button on the alarm. USFA estimates that more than 2,500 people die in home fires each year in the United States largely due to non-functioning smoke alarms.  A functioning smoke alarm can be the difference between life and death. 

USFA offers these life-saving tips to protect your family from a home fire:

  • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom;
  • Install interconnected smoke alarms in your home, so when one alarms sounds they all sound; and
  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or older.

You can find more information to protect your household against a fire on the USFA website. 

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Helpful Reminders: FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Awards

ICP Awards

Are you submitting an application for the 2016 FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Awards? If so, we want to highlight a few reminders as you prepare your application, which can now be completed online:  

  • Read the Awards Application Guidance prior to starting your application; it provides the application instructions.
  • You’re ineligible for an award if you won a 2015 Individual and Community Preparedness Award. However, 2015 honorable mention winners are welcome to apply.
  • Apply for up to two award categories, but only submit one application package (including one description of achievement).
  • Complete the Awards Application Form and Checklist. The Application Form also includes a “Description of Achievement,” which should be 2-5 pages in length, using size 12 Arial font.
  • Write the name of the individual or organization name in the “Nominee Name” field of the application, exactly as you want it to appear on the awards certificate.
  • Save your Application Form using the required file name format, Nominee Name –Category Code (1)–Category Code (2).
  • Submit an application for achievements occurring between January 1, 2015 and March 28, 2016.
  • Email your Application Form and supporting materials to with the subject line: 2016 FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Award Application, by Monday, March 28 11:59 p.m. EDT.

Apply today! The awards are a great way to highlight all of the work you did to make your community safer, better prepared, and more resilient. 

If you have questions about the awards, take a look at the list of FAQs for more information

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Small Business: Preparing for Spring Weather Risks Webinar

Join the U.S. Small Business Administration and Agility Recovery on Tuesday, March 15 at 2:00 p.m. EDT for a free webinar on best practices to prepare for spring weather threats. There are many inexpensive, efficient steps you can take now to make sure your company, clients and employees are safe in the months to come.

Title: Small Business: Preparing for Severe Spring Weather
Date: Tuesday, March 15
Time: 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. EDT

These preparedness tips are based on real-life recovery experiences from business owners. A question and answer session will follow the presentation.

The SBA partners with Agility to offer business continuity strategies through its “Prepare My Business” website. Visit to access previous webinars and for additional preparedness tips.

The SBA provides disaster recovery assistance in the form of low-interest loans to homeowners, renters, nonprofits, and businesses of all sizes. To learn more, visit

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Dates for Your Calendar!

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Disclaimer: The reader recognizes that the federal government provides links and informational data on various disaster preparedness resources and events and does not endorse any non-federal events, entities, organizations, services or products. Please let us know about other events and services for individual and community preparedness that could be included in future newsletters by contacting