E-Verify Employers: Complete the E-Verify Verification Process
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services sent this bulletin at 01/31/2018 12:07 PM ESTE-Verify Employers: Complete the E-Verify Verification Process
To properly complete the E-Verify process, employers must close every case they create.
How do I know if I have open cases?
Look for a red circle on the bottom of the E-Verify homepage indicating the number of cases that require attention. You can access each case alert by clicking on the alert.
How do I close a case?
- Every case should receive a final case result and then be closed. The E-Verify User Manual outlines the following steps to close a case: From the Employment Eligibility, screen click close case.
- Indicate where the employee is still employed.
- Select the appropriate case closure statement.
- Record the case verification number on the employee’s Form I-9, or print the case details and file it with the employee’s Form I-9.
- This completes the E-Verify verification process.
Should I close all cases that have received a final result?
Yes. E-Verify program rules require employers to complete the verification process for cases that have received an Employment Authorized or Final Non-Confirmation result by promptly closing the case.
Should I close cases that have been open for an extended period of time?
Yes. E-Verify program rules require employers to complete the verification process on all cases by following the steps to promptly close the case.
Where can I find more information about how to complete the verification process?
For more information on how to properly close a case in E-Verify, see the pages 17-19 of the E-Verify Quick Reference Guide for Employers pages 17-19; E-Verify User Manual 4.0; 4.1 Close Case; 4.2 Case Alert; and 4.1.1 Case Closure statements.