UPDATE 2: Unified Command Continues to Coordinate the Recovery of Diesel Fuel in Marina del Rey, California

united states coast guard 

News Release  

U.S. Coast Guard 11th District PA Detachment San Diego
Contact: Coast Guard PA Detachment San Diego
Office: (619) 278-7025
PA Detachment San Diego online newsroom


09/21/2024 07:51 PM EDT

SAN PEDRO, Calif. — The Unified Command continues to coordinate the recovery of diesel fuel and reports no active sheening after a 105-foot yacht caught fire in Marina del Rey.
The Unified Command continues to coordinate the recovery of diesel fuel and reports no active sheening after a 105-foot yacht caught fire in Marina del Rey, California, September 20, 2024. Additionally, air monitoring is being conducted within the area. There are currently no reports of a threat to public health. (Photo by CDFW-OSPR)