united states coast guard

R 012050Z JUL 24 MID120001256922U
ALCOAST 262/24
SSIC 1000
A. Activation of the Reserve Component, COMDTINST 3061.2A
B. Financial Resource Management Manual (FRMM), COMDTINST 7100.3F
C. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST 1001.28D
D. Remote Work Program, COMDTINST 5330.11
1. This ALCOAST announces the FY25 ADOS-AC ceilings as well as
designated Cap Managers.
2. REF (A) defines ADOS as full-time duty of a temporary nature
under 10 U.S.C. Section 12301(d) for purposes other than training
and duty which provides the necessary skilled manpower to
temporarily support existing or emerging requirements of the Coast
Guard Active Component. Long-Term ADOS is defined as any period of
ADOS that exceeds 180 consecutive days in duration. Short-Term ADOS
is defined as any period of ADOS that is 180 consecutive days or
less in duration.
3. For internal control purposes, a ceiling is maintained on
Long-Term ADOS-AC to manage the funding and full-time equivalent
(FTE) associated with reserve personnel voluntarily ordered to
active duty. One FTE is equivalent to one reservist on active duty
for one year. In FY25, the CG-wide ceiling for Long-Term ADOS-AC
will be capped at 100 FTE. Sponsoring units are required to fund
pay and non-pay expenses in accordance with paragraph 9 below.
Additionally, travel associated with the ADOS-AC period is the
financial responsibility of the sponsoring unit.
4. The ability to resource Long-Term ADOS-AC may vary from year to
year based on the criteria of paragraph 3 of this ALCOAST. Units
with long-term personnel resource needs should consider other
resources from within their base or developing an on-budget resource
proposal to meet their requirement.
5. Exemptions: The following types of ADOS-AC are exempt from the
FY25 ceiling and allocations described in this message:
    a. Short-Term ADOS-AC Orders
    b. Long-Term Contingency Orders
    c. Extended Active Duty (EAD) Orders
    d. Reimbursable Positions-Note: Programs that recall reservists
for Long-Term ADOS to fill a reimbursable position must follow
established reimbursable billet procedures; POC is Ms. Rochita
Jackson, COMDT (CG-835).
    e. Other Coast Guard Appropriations-Note: Any ADOS-AC funded from
an appropriation other than Operations and Support (O&S) must be
approved by COMDT (CG-831) prior to issuance of orders.
6. FY25 ADOS-AC ceiling: Atlantic Area, Pacific Area, CG-DCMS,
CG-DCO, and COMDT (CG-8) must stay within their allocated ADOS-AC
ceiling, which is listed in paragraph 8 of this ALCOAST. Resource
Management Offices and Resource Advisory staffs are authorized to
further distribute all or a portion of their allocation to
subordinate units.
7. Upon ADOS-AC ceiling approval, Cap Managers must provide required
data to COMDT (CG-832) for Long-Term ADOS position creation. Cap
Managers must also provide ADOS position requirements to CG PSC-RPM
for solicitation. Once a candidate has been identified and approved
for assignment, CG PSC-RPM will process the PCS assignment of the
reservist to the long-term, temporary ADOS position and provide
relevant information to the member's command/Servicing Personnel
Office for completion of ADOS orders IAW long-term, non­ contingency
ADOS assignment processes. Per REF (A), there are limitations and
requirements for members who accumulate over 16 years of total
active duty service. Please see Section H, paragraph 14 of REF (A)
for these restrictions and the associated waiver process. Commands
are advised that funding reservists who complete over 18 years total
active duty service, and reach retirement sanctuary under 10 U.S.C.
Section 12686, become the financial responsibility of the unit that
recalled them on orders when they passed through the sanctuary gate
until the reservist reaches regular retirement (i.e., 20 years
active duty). Once a reservist reaches sanctuary, they obtain
regular retirement.
8. Cap Managers:
    a. Atlantic Area: 20 Long-Term ADOS positions. POC: LT Charles
Conley/CDR Eric Meaders.
    b. Pacific Area: 20 Long-Term ADOS positions. POC: LCDR Kevin
Adams/ENS Thomas Rice.
    c. DCO: 20 Long-Term ADOS positions. POC: Mr. Manuel Betancourt/
Mr. Dennis Wilson.
    d. DCMS: 20 Long-Term ADOS positions. POC: LCDR Tracy Clere/
Dr. Richard Kramer.
    e. COMDT (CG-81): 20 Long-Term ADOS positions. POC:
LCDR Kurt Walker/LCDR Alexander Cropley/Mr. Jeffrey A. Lester.
9. Funding: Sponsoring units must provide an FY25 accounting line
that will fund the pay and non-pay as stated in the ADOS Worksheet
to the POCs listed above. Specific accounting guidance will be
provided through the Cap Managers. After orders have been executed,
COMDT (CG-832) will transfer funds from the identified accounts for
non-payroll costs. To determine those costs, a unique ADOS worksheet
has been developed on the COMDT (CG-834) Portal, located at:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

Total personnel costs include pay, medical, and the undistributed
portions of support. POC: LT Gordon Holloway, COMDT (CG-832).
10. PCS Cost: PCS entitlement for non-contingency, Long-Term ADOS is
required per Section 030302- B2a of the Joint Travel Regulations.
POC: LT Gordon Holloway, COMDT (CG-832) or Ms. Shampa Ahmed,
COMDT (CG-832).
11. IAW REF (C), guidance regarding how to create ADOS-AC orders can
be found in the Reserve orders job aid which is located on the
CG PPC website:
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

12. New Remote Work Assignments: if a fully remote billet is
requested, all requirements to REF (D) must be complete prior to
billet creation.
13. For questions regarding this ALCOAST, contact LT Gordon
Holloway, COMDT (CG-832), 571-608-2991,
14. RDML T. G. Danko, Assistant Commandant for Reserve (CG-R) and
RDML M. W. Lake, Assistant Commandant for Resources and Chief
Financial Officer (CG-8), send.
15. Internet release is authorized.