united states coast guard

R 111724Z AUG 23 MID120000365278U
ALCOAST 293/23
SSIC 5700
1. REF (A) announced the formation of the Sea Duty Readiness
Council (SDRC) to research and recommend implementation of
initiatives to recruit, develop, and retain the seagoing
workforce. The Coast Guard continues to modernize the cutter
fleet at an historic pace. Since 2021, the Service
commissioned or re-capitalized 28 cutters. In 15 years, the
cutter fleet will have 247 vessels, 20% of which will be less
than 10 years old. To support continued recapitalization and
mission execution, the afloat workforce must grow by 25%,
reaching approximately 10,000 by 2038. The afloat community is
poised for an exciting period of advancement and growth.
This message provides a running fix on the SDRC's progress in
supporting these critical milestones.
2. Enhancing the Underway Experience:
    a. Connectivity: Legacy communication antennas on WMEC-210,
WLB-225, WPC-154, WPB-110, WPB-87, and WIX-225 were
upgraded to a single high-throughput satellite antenna
which improved connectivity, performance, and coverage.
Additionally, internet bandwidth was doubled aboard
WMEC-210s and WLB-225s and increased on WPC-154s by 50%.
    b. Family Communication: The enterprise deployed Cloud-Based
Internet Isolation capability fleet-wide, enabling
connection with family and loved ones from Coast Guard
workstations through personal email and popular social
media sites.
    c. On the Horizon: Dual Antenna upgrades to significantly
improve connection reliability are ongoing on WMEC-210,
WLB-225, and Phase I WPC-154s (53 total cutters) with
expected completion by the end of 2023. StarLink low
earth orbit satellite internet connectivity systems are
actively being installed throughout the fleet. 17 cutters
have received the installation as of 12 July and
all WAGB, WMSL, WMEC, and WIX class cutters are projected
to be outfitted by the end of FY23. Installations aboard
other cutter classes are planned in FY24. Initial feedback
from recently installed StarLink systems aboard POLAR STAR,
EAGLE, and STRATTON indicate game-changing connectivity.
3. Sea Duty Incentives:
    a. Sea Duty Points for Service Wide Exam Competition: The
maximum yearly credit for Service Wide Exam (SWE)
competition increased from 2.0 points per year to 2.5
points per year for personnel permanently assigned to Level
4 Career Sea Pay (CSP) cutters and to 3.0 points per year
for personnel permanently assigned to Level 5 CSP cutters,
as outlined in ALCOAST 367/22.
    b. Pre-Commissioning Cutters (PCC) and Cutters Undergoing
Maintenance (CMP): Sea Duty Points for SWE competition, as
well as assignment incentive pay (AIP), are now authorized
for personnel permanently assigned to cutters designated
as PCC and CMP when CSP is not authorized, as outlined in
ALCOASTs 367/22, 372/22, and 399/22. This ensures that
foundational incentives for sea duty remain in place when
crews are unable to operate.
    c. On the Horizon: Through coordination and partnership with
the Military Workforce Planning Team (MWPT), SDRC will
advocate for maintenance of Critical Skills Retention
Bonuses (CSRB) for Afloat Officers and Naval Engineers.
SDRC will present proposals for expansion of these programs
to enlisted personnel as early as FY24.
4. Trackline to 10,000:
    a. Data Analytics: The Office of Strategic Workforce
Planning and Human Resource Analytics (CG-1B2) developed a
Microsoft Power Business Intelligence dashboard to project
future fleet make-up. This product provides valuable data
to assist with workforce management and development
initiatives to include determining when interventions may
be necessary to maintain healthy candidate pools of
qualified cutter personnel.
    b. On the Horizon: The future fleet dashboard will be made
available to the fleet on the SDRC portal site.
5. Afloat Workforce Shaping:
    a. Living Space Modifications: The SDRC proposed changes to
standard cutter configurations contributing to berthing
modifications aboard legacy platforms that expanded
opportunities for women to serve afloat. To date, three
WYTL-65, six WLR-65, and one WTGB-140 have been modified.
As a result, five women were assigned to these units,
marking the first time in Coast Guard history that women in
non-command positions have been assigned to WYTL-65 and
WLR-65 crews. The SDRC also championed and funded living
space alterations to CGC Eagle, doubling washroom capacity
for female trainees.
    b. Postpartum Policy Adjustment: The SDRC, in conjunction
with the Office of Military Personnel Policy (CG-133),
initiated policy changes extending the postpartum deferment
period for involuntary deployment and afloat assignments
from six to twelve months.
    c. On the Horizon: Multiyear funding is secured to modify
the remaining WTGB-140 fleet creating at least 40 additional
opportunities for women to serve afloat in the future.
6. Scheduling and Inport Workload Requirements:
    a. Inport Workload Survey: Several enhancements to the Naval
Engineering support enterprise were accelerated into the
FY22 budget in part because of SDRC-led initiatives such as
the Inport Workload Survey. $54 million in recurring
funding was added to the SFLC top line budget, addressing
the cutter maintenance shortfall deficit. Likewise, 43
additional support billets were generated for additional
Port Engineers, Maintenance and Weapons Augmentation Team
Members, and WMSL Quality Assurance Teams.
    b. On the Horizon: The Office of Naval Engineering (CG-45)
will continue efforts to improve maintenance execution and
remove existing barriers to Mission Support.
7. Afloat Career Development:
    a. Military-to-Mariner Program: This program offers
credentialing pathways to receive licenses for Lifeboatman
Limited, Able Seaman, Operator of Uninspected Passenger
Vessels, and Master or Mate of vessels less than 200 Tons.
M2M, with SDRC assistance, developed a credentialing pathway
for Qualified Member of Engine Department (QMED)- Any Type,
the first offering for engineers seeking a credential. The
Credentialing Assistance (CA) program grants qualifying
service members up to $4,500 annually to reimburse
credentialing costs. and does not impact Tuition Assistance
(TA) use. Credential counseling is available to all via
    b. On the Horizon: The SDRC, in conjunction with Officer
Personnel Management (CG-PSC-OPM), are crafting an update
to the Afloat Officer Career Guide. The updated guide will
be released in time for AY24.
8. While these successes show progress, there is much work
left to do. Today, the SDRC is actively leading work groups
charged with making recommendations to optimize cutter
shoreside support and better manage inport workload,
modernizing and optimizing pre-arrival and shipboard
training, and researching appropriate monetary and
non-monetary incentives to include a new sea pay table.
SDRC representatives within the Office of C5I Program
Management (CG-68) are negotiating the Coast Guard's
"Next Generation" internet contract, which will upgrade all
aspects of connectivity for the cutter fleet and include
personal use WiFi. And, with MCPOCG support, SDRC is
prototyping billeted, screened Silver Badges aboard major
cutters, beginning with two WMSL-418s this summer.
9. The SDRC is committed to continuing to forge meaningful,
lasting improvements for the future afloat workforce
necessary for the Coast Guard's cutter fleet to effectively
serve the nation.
10. For a full list of SDRC successes and more information
about ongoing projects, please visit the SDRC SharePoint
(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser)

or email:
11. POC: CAPT J. Driscoll, COMDT (CG-751),
(202) 372-2321, or
LCDR P. Bennett, COMDT (CG-751), (202) 372-2360,
12. VADM Peter Gautier, Deputy Commandant for Operations
(DCO) and VADM Paul Thomas, Deputy Commandant for Mission
Support (DCMS), send.
13. Internet release is authorized.