united states coast guard

26 JUN 2020

ALCGRSV 033/20
A. PY21 Schedule of Officer Personnel Boards and Panels, PSCNOTE 1401
B. ALCGRSV 025/20 
C. Guidance and Eligibility Criteria for Officer Personnel Boards and Panels,
D. Officer Accessions, Evaluations, and Promotions, COMDTINST M1000.3 (series)
E. ALCGPSC 043/20, 2020 OER Submission and Promotion Year (PY) 2021 Officer
Selection Boards
F. ALCGPSC 060/20, Update to the PY21 Schedule of Officer Personnel Boards
and Panels - PSCNOTE 1401
1. In accordance with REFs A, B and F the IDPL Lieutenant Commander Retention Board convenes on 20 July 2020. Officers promoted to LCDR by 1 July 2020
will be placed in front of the board. The following officers, listed
alphabetically by last name, will be considered:
No.  Name                        Unit Name
1.   Altendorf, Jereme M.        SEC ANCHORAGE CP/RDNS STF
2.   Arenas, Francis O.          DDE-CORIVRON 11
3.   Arnold, Clinton J.          SEC CORPUS CHR INTEL STAFF
4.   Bailey, Craig J.            PSU 305 OPERATIONS DEPT
5.   Bosch Jr, Miguel J.         SEC DEL BAY LOGISTICS DEPT
6.   Bowen, Robert A. J.         CGCC-3 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT
7.   Braswell, Beau A.           SEC MOBILE ENFORCEMENT DIV
8.   Brodeur, Jeffrey M.         SEC LIS ENFORCEMENT DIV
9.   Brown Jr, Robert L.         SEC HOU/GAL CP/RDNS STF
10.  Bustria, Jeffrey C.         PSC OPM-3
11.  Byars, Timothy G.           PSU 305 COMMAND STAFF
12.  Caliga, Tudorel             SFLC MOBILE SUPPORT BR
13.  Campagnini, Kathryn M.      D1 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
14.  Carbajal, Oscar A.          OL-SAN DIEGO
15.  Carothers, Sean T.          OL-PAC CORIVRON 11-SEAL BCH
16.  Cavett, Jonathan O.         SEC UPPER MISS CP/RDNS STF
17.  Channell, Cynthia N.        COMMANDANT (CG-25)
18.  Cohoon, Austin H.           CGD SEVEN
19.  Collier, Alison E.          SEC SAN FRAN INCIDENT MGT DIV
20.  Conlin, Robert C.           SEC NEW YORK INSPECTIONS DIV
21.  Cooke, Andrew S.            SEC DEL BAY INCIDENT MGT DIV
22.  Cooper, Melissa D.          D14 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
23.  Creps, Ethan M.             D14 WATERWAYS MGMT BR (DPW)
24.  Curry, Michelle D.          CEU PROVIDENCE-PRODUCT LINE
25.  Cuthbertson, Lee            SEC CHARLESTON INSPECTIONS DIV
26.  Davis, Andria E.            SFO GALVESTON
27.  Debree, Angela K.           D7 CONTINGENCY PLNG BR (DXC)
28.  Devlin, Daren T.            OL-NCR RESERVES
29.  Deyoung, Micah A.           SEC LOWER MISS CP/RDNS STF
30.  Dilkey, Ryan D.             BASE MIAMI BEACH
31.  Dillon, Patrick J.          DDE-CORIVRON 8
32.  Dixon, Byron C.             MUSEUM DIVISION (CG-0923M)
33.  Donovan, Daniel J.          LANTAREA (LANT-35)
34.  Dudek, Charles J.           SEC HOU/GAL INSPECTIONS DIV
35.  Dudley, Brian W.            DDE-CGRU JOINT STAFF SOUTH
36.  Dullack, Steven J.          CGD SEVEN
37.  Egan, Kathryn W.            SFO ATLANTIC CITY
38.  Fenstemacher, Carter W.     CGRU US INDO PACIFIC COMMAND
39.  Fernandez III, Mario        OL-LSC TRIAL SVCS BR ALAMEDA
40.  Freeland Jr, Calvin T.      MIFC LANT TARGETING & WATCH BR
41.  Frydenger,  Joseph J.       PSC RPM-3 IRR
42.  Gabbianelli, Matthew A.     MSD PORT CANAVERAL
43.  Garr, John W.               LANTAREA (513)
44.  Gentile, William D.         CGRU JTRU US TRANSCOM
45.  Godiksen, Dan P.            OL-CGCC-33-CSDB-SDS-ITWT
46.  Gondeck, Scott N.           CGRU USNORTHCOM
47.  Gonzalez, Benito            SEC CORPUS CHR LOGISTICS DEPT
48.  Grant, Luke J.              NATIONAL COMMAND CENTER
49.  Gross, Aaron L.             SEC DETROIT WTRWAYS MGT DIV
50.  Gulla, Michael K.           BASE BOSTON
51.  Hawk, Garrett G.            D9 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
52.  Henson, Michael T.          SEC COL RIVER RESPONSE DEPT
53.  Higgins, Kyle P.            PSU 313 ENGINEERING DEPT
54.  Holmes, Emir R.             PSU 308 COMMAND STAFF
55.  Hudman, Arthur V.           D1 RESPONSE DIV (DR)
56.  Hughes, Sean P.             SEC NC LOG DEPT/SFO FT MACON
57.  Ioven, William G.           IPF BOSTON
58.  Johnson, Casey E.           D5 PLNG & FORCE RDNS DIV (DX)
59.  Ketchey, Bobbie E.          SEC NOLA INTEL STAFF
60.  Kovach, Colleen M.          BUSINESS OPERATIONS DIV
61.  Kravetz, Jason T.           D1 OPERATIONAL PLNG BR (DXO)
62.  Larue, Liam J.              SEC DEL BAY ENFORCEMENT DIV
63.  Lemonde, Robert M.          D14 PLNG & FORCE RDNS DIV (DX)
64.  Lin, Mengtien               PSU 311 COMMAND STAFF
65.  Linen, Corey B.             SEC NOLA ENFORCEMENT DIV
66.  Lombard, Jason R.           SEC SAN DIEGO CP/RDNS STF
67.  Lowry, Cara T.              SEC CHARLESTON LOGISTICS DEPT
68.  Maldonado, Jose G.          OL-PAC CORIVRON 1-SAN DIEGO
69.  Maliff, Paige N.            PSU 313 OPERATIONS DEPT
70.  Marfull, Eric A.            SEC LA/LB INSPECTIONS DIV
71.  Martinez, Anselmo L.        OL-SILC-SAN JUAN PR
72.  Mason, Kelley R.            SEC OHIO VAL CMD CADRE
73.  Massingill, John S.         PACAREA (3MF)
74.  May, Bryan L.               SEC NOLA CP/RDNS STF
75.  McCusker, Veronica L.       COMMANDANT (CG-R)
76.  McElheny, Tavis D.          CGRU USSOUTHCOM
77.  McMahon, Daniel J.          PSU 312 OPERATIONS DEPT
78.  McQueen, Latarsha S.        PSC RPM-3 IRR
79.  Menteer, Daniel E.          PSC RPM-3 IRR
80.  Merritt, Frederick R.       GST COMMAND STAFF
81.  Meverden, Keith N.          SEC LAKE MICH INSPECTIONS DIV
82.  Meyer, Christopher D.       CEU MIAMI-PRODUCT LINE
83.  Michelucci, Fiorella C.     COMMANDANT (CG-NCC)
84.  Miller, Rick L.             SEC PUGET SND LOGISTICS DEPT
85.  Montesnation, Carlos M.     PACAREA (PAC-3SF)
86.  Mosley, Edward J.           SEC CHARLESTON INSPECTIONS DIV
87.  Neal, Steven K.             D11 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
88.  O'Brien, Thomas W.          DDE LANT-53 CENTCOM TAMPA FL
89.  O'Brien, Todd A.            D1 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
90.  Otey, Mitchell E.           PACAREA (PAC-3)
91.  Pacheco, Hector M.          INCIDENT MGMT ASSIST TEAM
92.  Parsons, John L.            D9 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
93.  Parvin, Edmund H.           SEC HAMPTON RD INSPECTIONS DIV
94.  Patton, Joshua D.           MSU PORTLAND INSP DEPT
95.  Pepe, Linda R.              D9 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
96.  Rabel Jr, Stephen M.        SEC SE NEW ENG CP/RDNS STF
97.  Rangle, Jesse B.            PORT SECURITY UNIT 312
98.  Rask, Andrea R.             SECTOR PUGET SOUND
99.  Reid, Justin D.             D8 PLNG & FORCE RDNS DIV (DX)
100. Rymut, Christopher L.       MSU CHICAGO
101. Salter, Raquel D.           CGD SEVEN
102. Sambor, Peter J.            OL-D8 (DPB)-ST LOUIS MO
103. Schroeter, Peter J.         SEC SAN FRAN INSPECTIONS DIV
104. Shay, Carolinn J.           SEC SAN DIEGO INSPECTIONS DIV
105. Shea, Jessica C.            OL-SEC COL RIVER-PORTLAND
106. Song, Thomas J.             SEC HONOLULU LOGISTICS DEPT
107. Starnes, Michael T.         SEC CORPUS CHR LOGISTICS DEPT
108. Stitzinger, Philip C.       D9 INCIDENT MGMT BR (DRM)
109. Szeto, Kin P.               SEC NEW YORK LOGISTICS DEPT
110. Taylor, Corey M.            LANTAREA (LANT-35)
111. Thompson, Dwight W.         COMMANDANT (CG-NCC)
112. Townsend, Ryan S.           OL-PAC CORIVGRU 2-NORFOLK
113. Traxler, Jon D.             PSU 308 COMMUNICATIONS DIV
114. Trocchio, Lauren L.         PSC RPM-3 IRR
115. Turner, Colin A.            CGD SEVEN
116. Vega, Walter                SEC MIAMI RESPONSE DEPT
117. Vespi, Robert D.            BASE LOS ANGELES LONG BEACH
118. Watts, Tabetha A.           SEC HAMPTON RD LOGISTICS DEPT
119. Welch, Danny L.             PSU 308 OPERATIONS DEPT
120. Wienker, Flynn S.           SEC PUGET SND INTEL STAFF
121. Willis, Vickie J.           SEC UPPER MISS CP/RDNS STF
122. Wyman, Robert P.            SEC ANCHORAGE CP/RDNS STF
123. Yoder, Jeffery B.           CGRU USPACOM
2. Additional officers will be placed before the board if promoted to Lieutenant
Commander prior to the boards convening date. Officers who may be promoted to
Lieutenant Commander prior to this board shall not delay submission of their OER.
3. The Board shall select 40 Lieutenant Commanders who will not be retained.
4. Officers with an approved retirement letter on file, but who have not been
retired prior to the Board convening, will appear before the Board. Approved
retirements are provided to and viewed by the Board.
5. In accordance with Section 3752 of Title 14 U.S.C., the Reserve Lieutenant
Commander Retention Board will consider all LCDRs in an active status, who
have 18 years or more of total qualifying service for retirement, except LCDRs
who meet one of the following conditions:
   a. are on a list of selectees for promotion,
   b. will complete 30 years total commissioned service by 30 June 2021,
   c. will have reached age 59 by 20 July 2020, or
   d. are on Extended Active Duty (EAD).
6. Officers desiring to submit communications to the Board must follow the
guidelines provided in paragraph 10.d of Ref C and Article 3.A.4.F of Ref D.
Communications should be sent via email as a command-endorsed, electronically
signed memo to: to arrive no later
than one day before the date the Board convenes. Early submission of communications to the Board is encouraged to allow adequate time for correction should a submission contain unauthorized content.
7. Rating chains and administrative reviewers should expedite OER submissions to
ensure eligible officers have up-to-date records on file before the board convenes.
8. All officers being considered are highly encouraged to take steps to review their official record. Directions on how to obtain a copy of the Electronically Imaged Personnel Data Record (EI-PDR) are listed on the PSC BOPS-MR website at
9. All officers should review REF E regarding OER guidance.
10. Any officer who believes that they are eligible to be considered by this board and whose name does not appear on the above list should contact LT Marvi Rivera at (202)795-6507 or by email at
11. CAPT Michael W. Batchelder, Chief, CG PSC-RPM, sends.
12. Internet release authorized.