Cargo Systems Messaging Service
CSMS # 64069488 - REMINDER: ACE Multi-Modal Manifest Air Environment “Transfer to Exam” Enhancement Set to Deploy on February 15
On February 15, 2025, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will deploy to Production an enhancement to ACE Multi-Modal Manifest (MMM) to facilitate the transfer of held air cargo shipments to Centralized Examination Stations (CESs) and Container Freight Stations (CFSs). The release became available for testing in the ACE Certification (CERT) environment on January 16, 2025.
Below is an overview of the changes that impact trade users:
- ACE MMM will now generate the correct 1X code when CBP personnel select the “Transfer for Exam” function in the air mode of transportation (MOT).
- All Automated Manifest System (AMS) participants associated to the air waybill will receive the 1X code and the 84-disposition code (if applicable) through ACE Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) via Air EDI Notifications.
- The Disposition/Status Action Codes table was updated to add status action code 84: CANCEL TRANSFER FOR EXAM. This existing code was added to notify trade when a cancel transfer for exam on an Airway BOL was executed by an officer.
- CESs and non-AMS participant CFSs will not receive the 1X code, but they will still benefit from expedited processing.
- Discontinuing use of CBP Form 6043 for transfers for exam:
- With the correct 1X code being generated, the use of CBP Form 6043 Delivery Tickets for air cargo transfers will no longer be required.
- The bonded carrier is responsible for the authorized movement to the CES/CFS while under CBP hold.
For more information on disposition codes and descriptions, please refer to CBP Automated Manifest Interface Requirements (CAMIR) Ace Air Import Manifest Appendix A – Codes.
For any technical questions regarding this update, please contact your assigned Client Representative.
For other questions regarding this change, please contact
Related messages: CSMS # 63109625, # 63761834