Cargo Systems Messaging Service
CSMS # 63109625 - Updates to Ocean and Air CAMIR Appendices
The following ACE CAMIR documents for Ocean Appendix D - Disposition Codes and Air Appendix A - Codes have been updated.
ACE Ocean CAMIR Appendix D - Disposition Codes:
- The changes made were to add a new disposition code 2M: VALUE MAY EXCEED CONSIGNE DAILY MAX ET86 for future use. This new error code will generate a 2M notification to the trade for each BOL when a previously accepted bill of lading (BOL) may exceed the consignee's $800 daily value aggregate.
The updated document for Ocean CAMIR can be found at the following link: ACE Ocean CAMIR Appendix D Disposition Codes | U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
ACE Air CAMIR Appendix A - Codes:
- The changes made were to the Disposition/Status Action Codes table to add the new disposition code 2M: VALUE MAY EXCEED CONSIGNE DAILY MAX ET86 for future use. This new error code will generate a 2M notification to the trade for each BOL when a previously accepted BOL may exceed the consignee's $800 daily value aggregate.
- The changes were made to the Error Codes table to add the new warning code 098: VALUE MAY EXCEED CONSIGNEE DAILY MAX ET86. This warning message will generate when a Consignee may have exceeded the daily max value for an Entry Type 86.
- The changes made were to the Disposition/Status Action Codes table to add status action code 1X: TRANSFER FOR EXAM for future use. This existing code was added to notify trade when a transfer for exam on an Airway BOL was executed by an officer.
- The changes made were to the Disposition/Status Action Codes table to add status action code 84: CANCEL TRANSFER FOR EXAM for future use. This existing code was added to notify trade when a cancel transfer for exam on an Airway BOL was executed by an officer.
The updated document for the ACE Air CAMIR Appendix A: Codes can be found at the following link: ACE Air CAMIR Appendix A: Codes | U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
For any technical questions regarding this update, please contact your assigned Client Representative.
The new Disposition code 2M and Error Code warning message 098 is part of the of the Release 2 of the Section 321 – Does Not Exceed $800 in Aggregated Shipment enhancement in ACE and will be made available in the ACE Certification environment on December 11, 2024.
Addition of the Status Action Codes 1X and 84 for Air is part of the Automated Transfer to Exam for Air Cargo and will be made available in the ACE Certification environment on January 15, 2025.
Other questions regarding this change should be directed to