CSMS# 19-000324 - Delays Processing FDA Entries. FDA’s PNSI and ITACS are down.

You are subscribed to Air Manifest for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

06/25/2019 08:51 PM EDT

Air Manifest

There was a technical issue processing FDA entries. The issue has been resolved and FDA is currently processing the backlog of entries. Please do not resubmit entries as it will create a larger backlog of entries to be processed.

FDA’s Import Trade Auxiliary Communications System (ITACS) is unavailable. If documents must be submitted, they can be submitted to the local FDA office at the port of entry via that office’s preferred alternate communication method. Contact information for all FDA import offices can be found on FDA’s Import Offices and Ports of Entry web page: https://www.fda.gov/industry/import-program-food-and-drug-administration-fda/fda-import-offices-and-ports-entry

FDA’s Prior Notice System Interface (PNSI) is unavailable. Filers can continue to submit prior notice via ACE.

If Prior Notice has been submitted via PNSI and confirmation has been received:

Proceed with the Prior Notice using the PNSI confirmation number(s). The confirmation number(s) must accompany the article(s). Presenting the PNSI confirmation page(s) to CBP officers is recommended.

For questions regarding Prior Notice, contact the FDA's Division of Food Defense Targeting (DFDT). The DFDT can be reached 24/7/365 at (866) 521-2297 or prior.notice@fda.hhs.gov.

For ACE inquiries, contact FDA ACE Support. ACE Support can be reached from 6:00 AM -10:00 PM Eastern, 7 days a week, at 877-345-1101 or ACE_Support@fda.hhs.gov.