CSMS# 19-000277 - List of new proposed duty-free “X” UOQ replacement quantities is now available on CBP.gov
U.S. Customs and Border Protection sent this bulletin at 06/04/2019 04:20 PM EDTYou are subscribed to Trade Policy Updates for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
06/04/2019 03:57 PM EDT
Trade Policy Updates
On Monday June 3, 2019, CBP posted a list of the unit of quantity (UOQ) replacements for the duty-free statistical suffixes that currently have a UOQ of “X” on cbp.gov at:
The U.S. International Trade Commission and the U.S. Census Bureau will implement the new UOQs on January 1, 2020. Comments and concerns about the new proposed duty-free statistical suffix UOQs should be emailed to 484f@cbp.dhs.gov by Thursday October 31, 2019.
On Monday June 3, 2019, CBP posted a list of the unit of quantity (UOQ) replacements for the duty-free statistical suffixes that currently have a UOQ of “X” on cbp.gov at:
The U.S. International Trade Commission and the U.S. Census Bureau will implement the new UOQs on January 1, 2020. Comments and concerns about the new proposed duty-free statistical suffix UOQs should be emailed to 484f@cbp.dhs.gov by Thursday October 31, 2019.