CSMS# 19-000151 - DATE CORRECTION: ACE PRODUCTION Drawback & Recon Deployments, Saturday March 23 @2200

You are subscribed to Automated Broker Interface for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

03/22/2019 01:05 PM EDT

Automated Broker Interface

**CORRECTION**: CSMS# 19-000143 announced a Production Date of March 21st, for the Drawback and Reconciliation items below, but will deploy this weekend instead during the standard ACE Scheduled Maintenance Window of Saturday evening 22:00 ET to 04:00 ET, Sunday.

To be deployed:

ACE Drawback


• TFTEA claims that are re-filed to add Accelerated Payment (AP) were not sending update to ACS.

ACE Reconciliation


• Ticket# 11964603: Remove validation of Recon bond rider on underlying summaries when a Recon Summary is filed.

When Reconciliation summaries are filed, ACE was validating all of the underlying summaries and requiring that they have a valid Reconciliation Bond Rider on the associated bond. This validation is already done at the time of filing the underlying entry summaries, so no need to validate again.

• Fix for Reconciliation summary rejection F202 error "UNDRLYG ES LINE DOES NOT MATCH ROLL UP" on an entry line where the SPI code value was a single character. There was a problem when comparing the SPI codes between the incoming Recon entry against its existing Recon entry.

Related CSMS No. 19-000143