CSMS# 19-000039 - TFTEA Drawback Support Calls
U.S. Customs and Border Protection sent this bulletin at 02/05/2019 12:20 PM ESTYou are subscribed to Trade Policy Updates for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This information has recently been updated, and is now available.
02/05/2019 11:20 AM EST
Trade Policy Updates
This is a reminder that filing of Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (TFTEA) drawback claims will become mandatory on February 24, 2019, at which time all drawback claims must be filed electronically in ACE and pursuant to TFTEA legislation. TFTEA, which provides significant enhancements to the drawback laws under 19 U.S.C. § 1313, will be the only legal framework for filing drawback claims from February 24, 2019 onward.
In support of the transition, CBP will host a series of drawback support calls to address any questions or concerns from the trade. The calls will be held one week before and one week after the transition date, from 2:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET daily. Additional details are available via the attached flyer and below:
Tuesday, Feb. 19 – Friday, Feb. 22 &
Monday, Feb. 25 – Friday Mar. 1
Call-In Information:
Number: 1-877-336-1828
Code: 6124214
Calls may end early if there are no active questions, so please be sure to call in promptly at 2:00 PM ET to ensure your questions are answered.
Please send any additional questions to OTDrawback@cbp.dhs.gov.
For technical issues, please contact the ACE Support Desk at ACE.Support@cbp.dhs.gov or (866) 530-4172.
Note that supplemental information to this message is available in the form of one or more file downloads.
Please follow the link in this email message to the CSMS web site to access this information.
This is a reminder that filing of Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act (TFTEA) drawback claims will become mandatory on February 24, 2019, at which time all drawback claims must be filed electronically in ACE and pursuant to TFTEA legislation. TFTEA, which provides significant enhancements to the drawback laws under 19 U.S.C. § 1313, will be the only legal framework for filing drawback claims from February 24, 2019 onward.
In support of the transition, CBP will host a series of drawback support calls to address any questions or concerns from the trade. The calls will be held one week before and one week after the transition date, from 2:00 PM ET to 3:00 PM ET daily. Additional details are available via the attached flyer and below:
Tuesday, Feb. 19 – Friday, Feb. 22 &
Monday, Feb. 25 – Friday Mar. 1
Call-In Information:
Number: 1-877-336-1828
Code: 6124214
Calls may end early if there are no active questions, so please be sure to call in promptly at 2:00 PM ET to ensure your questions are answered.
Please send any additional questions to OTDrawback@cbp.dhs.gov.
For technical issues, please contact the ACE Support Desk at ACE.Support@cbp.dhs.gov or (866) 530-4172.
Note that supplemental information to this message is available in the form of one or more file downloads.
Please follow the link in this email message to the CSMS web site to access this information.