CSMS# 18-000494 - Monthly Trade Drawback Calls

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08/22/2018 09:53 AM EDT

Trade Policy Updates

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Trade Policy & Programs Office is scheduling a series of Monthly Trade Drawback Calls to address questions related to the filing of drawback claims pursuant to the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (TFTEA).

The calls will take place on the last Wednesday of each month, August 29th to February 27th from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Eastern Time.

Call Information: 1- 877-873-8017 Code - 6215791

For questions concerning drawback functionality, contact Randy.mitchell@cbp.dhs.gov

For questions regarding monthly call logistics, contact frank.j.korpusik@cbp.dhs.gov