SFH Direct Loan and Grant Programs
March 8, 2024
Section 504 Home Repair Loan and Grant Program – Important Updates
With the posting of PN 607 dated March 8, 2024, changes were made to Handbook-1-3550, Chapter 12 to update and improve the Section 504 Home Repair Loan and Grant Program. With the PN, a new program intake form was also released.
Changes include but are not limited to:
- Expanding the eligible purposes to include essential equipment, storm shelters, and the initial escrow deposit.
- Adding a prequalification process that includes Form RD 3550-35, Section 504 Home Repair Loan and Grant Program Intake Form.
- Clarifying further when a TMCR is needed and not needed.
- Stating that home equity should not be included in the applicant’s asset calculation or test for other credit.
- Stating that trusts, partnerships, and other entities are not an eligible applicant, borrower, or owner.
- Providing guidance on requesting an individual exception request for a special needs trust.
- Clarifying further that an appraisal is not required for unsecured loans.
- Stating that a change in ownership resets a dwelling’s grant eligibility provided the transfer was not to another household member.
- Updating Attachment 12-A and Attachment 12-C (see PN for details).