Mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Idaho Rural Success Summit!
The Idaho Rural Success Summit will take place May 1 and 2, 2024 in Fort Hall, Idaho at the Shoshone-Bannock Hotel Event Center. This will be a day-and-a-half-long event.
The summit is centered around spotlighting successful examples of rural community development, through lightning-round presentations, engaging panel discussions, keynote speakers and fostering networking opportunities as well as information sharing through a resource fair.
The event is conducted in partnership with the Idaho Rural Partnership, Idaho Department of Commerce, USDA Rural Development Idaho, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and U.S. Small Business Administration, among many others.
The past two years, the summits have been held in Twin Falls and Weiser, Idaho, bringing together nearly 300 community leaders, economic developers, business owners and other stakeholders.
Register now to receive early bird prices. A room block is available for this event.
2nd Annual Idaho Rural Success Summit 2023 Weiser, Idaho
Read more about the Weiser event here
1st Annual Idaho Rural Success Summit 2023 Twin Falls, Idaho
Read more about the Twin Falls event here
For questions regarding the summit, contact:
For questions regarding Rural Development Idaho, contact: