Funding |
USDA Rural Development Funding
Funding for Infrastructure
Distance Learning & Telemedicine (DLT) U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development program to access the various distance learning tools needed to improve health care in rural areas. Call your State Office now to plan for success! Application Deadline: Prepare Now!
ReConnect Loan and Grant Program U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development program to provide funds for the costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. Application Deadline: Prepare Now!
Solid Waste Management Grants U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development funds for organizations to provide technical assistance and/or training to improve the planning and management of solid waste sites in rural areas. Visit USDA RD’s other Water and Environmental Programs. Application Deadline: Open
Business and Industry Loan Guarantees (B&I) U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development program offering loan guarantees to lenders for their loans to rural businesses including hospitals, clinics, hotels, and more. Application Deadline: Open
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development program supporting the development of essential community facilities in rural areas. This includes qualified health care needs such as rural hospitals, ambulances, clinics, mobile dental units, firetrucks, and more. Direct Loan Applicant Guidance Book: PDF | Spanish. Also see RD’s Community Facilities Guaranteed Loan Program. Application Deadlines: Open
Community Facilities Program Disaster Repair Grants U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development funding to repair essential community facilities in rural areas that were damaged by Presidentially Declared Disasters in Calendar Year 2022. Application Deadline: Open
Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development program, also known as the Section 504 Home Repair program, provides loans to very-low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very-low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards. Application Deadline: Open
Single Family Housing Rural Disaster Home Repair Grants U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development offers this pilot program that makes funds available to repair and rebuild homes damaged in specific areas of presidentially declared disasters. Application Deadline: Open
Rural Housing Site Loans U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development offers specific loans to eligible entities to purchase and develop housing sites for low- and moderate-income income families. Application Deadline: Open
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Grants Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. Department of Homeland Security funds for pre-disaster mitigation activities to build capacity of state and local governments, tribes, and territories to help them to identify mitigation actions and implement projects that reduce risks posed by natural hazards. Priority is given for projects that benefit disadvantaged communities, including rural areas. Application Deadline: Open
Funding for Community and Economic Development
Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development funding for public bodies and private nonprofit corporations, to provide technical assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs. Prepare Now!
Water and Waste Disposal Technical Assistance and Training Grants U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development grants for organizations that assist rural and tribal communities with water and/or wastewater operations through technical assistance and training. Application Deadline: Open
Rural Business Development Grants (RBDG) U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development program designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Application Deadline: Prepare now!
USDA Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development supports zero-interest loans and grants for current and former eligible Rural Utilities Service borrowers who then use the funds to help local businesses finance projects that create/retain jobs or support community facility projects. Application Deadline: Quarterly to your RD State Office.
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development loans and grants support Microenterprise Development Organization to establish revolving loan funds. Application Deadline: Quarterly to your RD State Office.
Intermediary Relending Program U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Rural Development provides funds to local lenders or “intermediaries” that re-lend to businesses to improve economic conditions and create new opportunities in rural communities. Application Deadline: Quarterly to your RD State Office.
Food and Agriculture Service-Learning Program U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture program is to increase the knowledge of agricultural science and improve the nutritional health of children. Application Deadline: 12/7/2023
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Education and Workforce Development U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture program to develop and expand existing farm to school initiatives and other food and learning initiatives with the overall goal of increasing knowledge of agriculture and improving the nutritional health of children Application Deadline: 12/7/2023
Reaching Rural: Advancing Collaborative Solutions U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) DOJ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention training and technical assistance initiative designed to help public safety and public health practitioners and other community stakeholders collaborate more effectively to address substance use and misuse in rural communities. Application Deadline: 12/15/2023
AmeriCorps State and National Public Health AmeriCorps Grants AmeriCorps Centers for Disease Control and Prevention program, through AmeriCorps, to support the recruitment, training, and development of public health leaders able to provide service in response to the public health needs of urban and rural communities. Application Deadline: 1/4/2024
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Utilizing Telemedicine or Other Remote-Based Platforms to Develop and Support Treatments for Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse Notice of Special Interest for research to evaluate the safety and efficacy of telemedicine or remotely provided treatments for SUD, and to develop tools for remote collection of data in clinical trials of treatments for SUD. Projects focusing on racial and ethnic minorities, socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals, and rural populations are encouraged. Application Deadline: 1/8/2024
National Association of Community Health Centers New Board Chair Leadership Program National Association of Community Health Centers This 5-part virtual leadership training program is offered to new health center board chairs or those about to step into the board chair role. Application Deadline: 1/16/2024
Rural Health Network Development Planning Program U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HHS Federal Office of Rural Health Policy offers funding to promote the planning and development of integrated rural healthcare networks in order to achieve efficiencies; expand access to, coordinate, and improve the quality of essential healthcare services; and strengthen the rural healthcare system as a whole. Application Deadline: 1/26/2024
HHS Environmental Justice Community Innovator Challenge U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HHS Office of Minority Health challenge designed to find community-led strategies and tools to address health disparities in communities disproportionately impacted by environmental risks and hazards, including those related to climate change. Application Deadline: 1/30/2024
VA Quality Scholars Fellowship U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) VA two-year residential fellowship for clinicians who are interested in making veteran healthcare equitable and accessible for marginalized and rural populations. Application Deadline: 3/1/2024
Robert Wood Johnson Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health This program seeks to influence health equity in any of four areas: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Application Deadline: Open