While USDA Rural Development Colorado Staff is working in an enterprise remote status, we are still available to provide your entity or community with information by getting on a teleconference or webinar. If you have any upcoming meetings that you feel would benefit from a presentation on Rural Development's affordable housing, business and economic development and community and infrastructure programs, contact Amy Mund, Public Information Officer, amy.mund@usda.gov, (720) 544-2906.
Welcome Jim Van Horn as the new Colorado Community Programs Director. Jim comes to us from the Small Business Administration where he spent the last ten years as the Supervisor in charge of lending relations and economic development. Seven of those years were spent here in Colorado and the remaining three years were in Florida. Jim grew up in Colorado Springs and comes from a long line of military. He is a veteran of both the Navy and the Air Force. Jim is excited to start a new journey with the USDA and improve the quality of life for rural communities. Jim’s contact information is jim.vanhorn@usda.gov 720-544-2929.
We also want to say goodbye and congratulations to Julie Scruby in our Wray Office on her retirement. Julie's dedication to Northeast Colorado will be missed. In in the interim, anyone interested in projects in Kit Carson, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld, and Yuma Counties should contact Joe Montgomery, joe.montgomery@usda.gov, (720) 544-2931.
Click here to find the specialist servicing your county for the Community Facilities Program.
Click here to find the specialist servicing your county for the Water and Environmental Program.
ReConnect Pilot Program USDA's ReConnect Pilot Program is accepting applications for loans and grants to provide funds to construct, improve or acquire facilities and equipment needed to provide broadband service in eligible rural areas. NEW! Application Deadline: April 15, 2020
Rural Energy Savings Program (RESP) USDA is seeking applications from utilities and energy efficiency entities to help rural families and small businesses reduce energy costs through energy efficiency improvements. Funding is available for qualified utilities and similar intermediaries to provide loans to rural families and small businesses to help them reduce energy costs and make energy efficiency improvements. The funds also may be used to replace manufactured housing units with more energy-efficient ones.
To apply, applicants must submit a letter of intent to RESP@usda.gov. Paper submissions will not be accepted. USDA will notify selected applicants in writing to submit a loan application. For application deadlines and other details, please see page 18549 of the April 2, 2020, Federal Register.
Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) USDA Rural Development is accepting applications to support agricultural producers and rural small businesses to reduce energy costs. Application Deadline: April 15, 2020 | Loan Guarantees - Ongoing
Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Bette Brand has announced that USDA is opening a second application window for funding under the Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT) grant program.
Due to the COVID-19 National Emergency, USDA is providing an additional window for those who cannot complete applications prior to the first application deadline,” Brand said. “This action will provide more time for applicants to complete their funding requests. Access to distance learning and telemedicine makes it easier for thousands of rural residents to take advantage of health care and educational opportunities without having to travel long distances or be among large groups of people.”
Electronic applications for window two may be submitted through grants.gov beginning April 14, 2020, and are due no later than July 13, 2020. Paper applications will not be accepted under the second window. Additional information on how to apply will be available on grants.gov on April 14. USDA opened the period for the first application window on February 10. That application deadline is April 10.
“This expanded application timeline for distance learning and telemedicine grants offers an additional opportunity for rural Colorado’s educational organizations and healthcare agencies to tap into critical resources that can help bridge the rural-urban divide,” said Sallie Clark, Colorado State Director of USDA Rural Development.
Applicants eligible for DLT grants include most State and local governmental entities, federally recognized tribes, nonprofits, and for-profit businesses.
Rural Development was provided an additional $25 million in the CARES Act for the Distance Learning and Telemedicine grant program. USDA will make a separate announcement in coming weeks when these funds are available.
Application Guide. Round One Application Deadline: April 10, 2020 Round Two Application Deadline July 13, 2020
Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) Program USDA Rural Development is accepting applications to support targeted technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas. Specific requirements apply. Application Deadline: As determined by the State Office or through April 15, 2020.
Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant USDA is making $7.5 million in grants available through the Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program to help rural communities continue their recovery from the devastating effects of hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, floods and other natural disasters. Electronic Application Deadline: April 30, 2020 via grants.gov | Paper Application Deadline: May 5, 2020
Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant: Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act USDA is making $7.5 million in grants available through the Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant Program to help rural communities continue their recovery from the devastating effects of hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, floods and other natural disasters. Electronic Application Deadline: April 30, 2020 via grants.gov | Paper Application Deadline: May 5, 2020
Housing Preservation Grant Program USDA Rural Development is accepting Fiscal Year 2020 applications for grants to increase access to clean, reliable water for rural households. Application Deadline: May 7, 2020
Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI) April 7 | Free Webinar USDA Rural Development will host a training for qualified intermediaries to learn how to apply for RCDI grants. Participants will learn about program requirements, scoring criteria and application deadlines.