Media Advisory: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Announce Grant Funding to Help Schools Prepare Healthier Meals at Local Elementary
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Media Advisory No. 0023.15
USDA Office of Communications (202) 720-4623
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to Announce Grant Funding to Help Schools Prepare Healthier Meals at Local Elementary
Secretary to Serve Students Breakfast in honor of National School Breakfast Week
SAN ANTONIO, March 4, 2015 – On FRIDAY, March 6, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will join local leaders, parents and teachers at Rayburn Elementary and serve breakfast to students in celebration of National School Breakfast Week. The Secretary will discuss the findings of a new study showing the impact skipping breakfast has on a child's ability to learn. He will also announce USDA grants to fund new school kitchen equipment to help schools serve healthy meals for students.
USDA’s 15 nutrition assistance programs help struggling families gain access to healthy, nutritious food. Throughout the month of March, which is National Nutrition Month, USDA will highlight the impact of these programs on the 1 in 4 Americans that rely on these vital programs for the nutrition they need.
Friday, March 6, 2015
7:45 a.m. CST
Press availability to follow
WHAT: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visits a school and serves breakfast to children to highlight National School Breakfast Week. While there, Secretary Vilsack will also announce grant funding for school kitchen equipment.
WHERE: Rayburn Elementary School
635 Rayburn Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78221
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