Temporary Suspension of Automated Standard Application for Payments
TO: NIFA Staff and Awardees
FROM: Cynthia Montgomery Deputy Director Office of Grants and Financial Management
SUBJECT: For Immediate Action: Temporary Suspension of Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) Accounts for Non-Federal Grantees for Sept. 2019 and Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) Billing Processing for Federal Grantees for Sept. 2019 (final month for the federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2019).
To close out the 2019 Federal fiscal year, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will temporarily suspend all open ASAP accounts for non-federal grantees Sept. 20, 2019, at noon EST) thru Sept. 30,2019. All NIFA recipients (i.e., with Agency Location Code (ALC) 12402200 and 12402200/01) should withdraw the necessary funding for that period on or before Sept. 20, 2019 with a required settlement date of Sept. 20, 2019. All accounts will be available 8 a.m. (EST) Oct. 1, 2019. Suspension dates for all other months and dates is at 4-business days prior to the end of the month.
NIFA will accept IPAC bills from federal grantees for FY 2019 processing until, Sept. 20, 2019, at noon EST. NIFA will resume processing IPAC bills Oct. 2, 2019. For FY 2020, NIFA will be announcing an IPAC bill processing schedule, which will be posted to the NIFA web page, “Manage a Grant,” under “Grants.”
For questions or concerns about ASAP, email Tara Hayes, Branch Chief, Accounting Operations Branch, or call (202) 445-5448. ASAP questions or concerns may also be addressed to ASAPCustomerService@nifa.usda.gov. For questions or concerns about IPAC payments, email Jeff Sweet, Financial Analysis Branch, or call (202) 604-2834.