Colorado FSA Program Updates - December 19, 2024
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) $2 billion Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops (MASC) program, aimed at helping specialty crop producers expand markets and manage higher costs, is now accepting applications from Dec. 10, 2024 through Jan. 8, 2025. Funded by the Commodity Credit Corporation, MASC was announced in November alongside the $140 million Commodity Storage Assistance Program for facilities impacted by 2024 natural disasters.
MASC helps specialty crop producers meet higher marketing costs related to:
Perishability of specialty crops like fruits, vegetables, floriculture, nursey crops and herbs;
Specialized handling and transport equipment with temperature and humidity control;
Packaging to prevent damage;
Moving perishables to market quickly; and
MASC Eligibility To be eligible for MASC, a producer must be in business at the time of application, maintain an ownership share and share in the risk of producing a specialty crop that will be sold in calendar year 2025.
MASC covers the following commercially marketed specialty crops:
Vegetables (including dry edible beans and peas, mushrooms, and vegetable seed);
Nursery crops, Christmas trees, and floriculture;
Culinary and medicinal herbs and spices; and
Honey, hops, maple sap, tea, turfgrass and grass seed.
Applying for MASC Eligible established specialty crop producers can apply for MASC benefits by completing the FSA-1140, Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops (MASC) Program Application, and submitting the form to any FSA county office by Jan. 8, 2025. When applying, eligible specialty crop producers must certify their specialty crop sales for calendar year 2023 or 2024.
New specialty crop producers are required to certify 2025 expected sales, submit an FSA-1141 application and provide certain documentation to support reported sales i.e., receipts, contracts, acreage reports, input receipts, etc. New producers are those who began producing specialty crops in 2023 or 2024 but did not have sales due to the immaturity of the crop, began producing specialty crops in 2024 but did not have a complete year of sales or will begin growing specialty crops in 2025.
MASC applicants, established and new, must also submit the following information to FSA if not already on file at the time of application:
Form AD-2047, Customer Data Worksheet.
Form CCC-902, Farm Operating Plan for an individual or legal entity.
Form CCC-941, Average Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Certification and Consent to Disclosure of Tax Information.
Form FSA-942, Certification of Income from Farming, Ranching and Forestry Operations, if applicable, for the producer and members of entities.
A highly erodible land conservation (sometimes referred to as HELC) and wetland conservation certification (Form AD-1026 Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) and Wetland Conservation (WC) Certification) for the ERP producer and applicable affiliates.
Other Documentation if requested by FSA to support reported specialty crop sales.
Most producers, especially those who have previously participated in FSA programs, will likely have these required forms on file. However, those who are uncertain or want to confirm the status of their forms or producers who may be new to conducting business with FSA, can contact their local FSA county office. For MASC program participation, eligible specialty crop sales only include sales of commercially marketed raw specialty crops grown in the United States by the producer. The portion of sales derived from adding value to a specialty crop (such as sorting, processing, or packaging) is not included when determining eligible sales. Further explanation of what is considered by FSA for specialty crop sales as well as an online MASC decision tool and applicable program forms, are available on the MASC program webpage.
MASC Payments For established specialty crop growers, those who certify crop sales in 2023 or 2024, FSA will calculate MASC payments based on the producer’s total specialty crop sales for the calendar year elected by the producer. Payments for new producers will be based on their expected 2025 calendar year sales. Payment calculation details and examples are available on the MASC webpage or related questions can be directed to local FSA county office staff.
FSA will issue MASC payments after the end of the application period. If demand for MASC payments exceeds available funding, MASC payments may be prorated, and the payment limitation of $125,000 may be lowered. If additional funding is available after MASC payments are issued, FSA may issue an additional payment.
Specialty crop producers interested in applying for MASC benefits, are encouraged to review the program fact sheet for detailed information on program eligibility, required documentation, payment calculations and more.
More Information Additional information on MASC is available in the Notice of Funding Availability, which went on public inspection in the Federal Register on Dec. 9, 2024.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) welcomes input on the assessment of environmental impacts on two programs – the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) and Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) program. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is accepting comments until Jan. 18 on its draft programmatic environmental assessments. The TAP environmental assessment includes updates to streamline the program and enable a quick response to natural disasters. The FSFL environmental assessment recommends continuing the program as currently administered.
The National Environmental Policy Act requires federal agencies to consider the potential effects of major federal actions to both the natural and human environments as part of their planning and decision-making processes. Draft programmatic environmental assessments help FSA to determine whether program changes are needed and plan the implementation of proposed updates.
Tree Assistance Program TAP helps cover the cost of replanting or rehabilitating eligible trees, bushes and vines that produce annual crops that have been damaged or destroyed by natural disasters. This program is crucial for helping producers recover from adverse natural disaster events and ensuring the long-term viability of their agricultural operations. The proposed program implementation update would include additional management tools and screening criteria that allow FSA to respond more quickly and effectively to time-sensitive natural disasters, including plant diseases.
Farm Storage Facility Loan Program FSFL improves nationwide on-farm storage capacity for upgrading and building farm storage facilities for eligible commodities. The recommendation to continue the program as currently administered is based on a need to improve the ability of agricultural producers to preserve harvested crops, reduce post-harvest losses and improve marketing and sales opportunities.
More Information Both draft programmatic environmental assessments may be reviewed on the FSA current environmental documents page Written comments regarding the TAP and FSFL programs can be emailed to until Jan. 18.
For detailed program information, view FSA’s TAP and FSFL program fact sheets.
USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is committed to helping navigate the many opportunities we provide to farmers, ranchers, tribal nations, and landowners. Our agency is honored to partner with agricultural producers as they navigate every stage of their operation—from getting started to expanding.
FSA offers a full suite of programs to help agricultural producers access capital, protect the land and manage risk. We recognize it can be challenging for new customers to navigate the agency and get started, so we developed a packet of information that will help producers get to know FSA.
The new FSA Apply Now Packets will ensure a more productive customer experience when visiting with local FSA staff. The forms in the packet are needed for customers to participate in FSA and Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS) programs.
To access these resources, visit
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For more information on FSA programs, contact your local FSA office or visit
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USDA Service Center
Colorado State Office
1 Denver Federal Center, Bld 56 Denver, CO 80225
Phone: 720-544-2876 Fax: 844-860-8238
Farm Service Agency
State Executive Director
Kent Peppler 720.544.2876
Communications Specialist
Elizabeth Thomas 720.544.2879