North Dakota FSA eNews - May, 2024

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North Dakota FSA eNews - May, 2024

North Dakota FSA eNews:

FSA State Executive Director- Monthly Message


Many parts of the state have benefited from April (and early May) showers – now it’s time for some May flowers, crop planting and grass growing! I was pleased to see that our recent rains have made the areas of D2 (Severe Drought) disappear from the Drought Monitor this week. For those counties in the NE corner of the state who were in D2 drought status as of January 1st for eight consecutive weeks (Cavalier, Pembina, Ramsey, Towner and Walsh) – we have the Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP) available for ranchers – see the article in this newsletter for more information.

The Farm Service Agency uses the drought monitor to determine eligibility for some of our disaster programs.  If you are concerned that the drought map isn’t capturing what is happening in your part of the county – consider becoming a CMOR reporter.  This program is available through NDSU Extension and allows you to upload pictures of your creeks or pastures as well as give a report on what you are seeing in your area.  These reports do have an impact on the drought monitor so it’s important to share what you are experiencing.  Here’s the link and instructions:  Reporting Drought Impacts in North Dakota with Condition Monitoring Observer Reports | NDSU Agriculture

I wanted to draw attention to our Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) program.  Most producers think this program is just for grain bins – not true!   We can provide low interest financing for farmers to store, handle and/or transport eligible commodities they produce. That includes bins but some other eligible items for financing can be items like grain carts, vacuums, fans, semis and grain trailers. Ranchers – there are opportunities for you as well – structures suitable for storing hay, bale accumulators, baggers and wrappers, bale bed carriers, and hay wagons are some of the eligible equipment.  Please check out this fact sheet for more information: farm_storage_facility_loan_programs_fact_sheet_july_2022.pdf ( Finally, I want to make sure that producers are aware that while you will need to provide documentation that you are able to afford the payments for your loan – only the Farm Loan Officer or Farm Loan Manager reviews that information - it is not reviewed by other FSA staff or the County Committee.   The County Committee makes their decision based solely on the recommendation of the loan officer.   Check out the loan interest rates at the end of the newsletter – this program could be perfect for you!  If you are wondering if an item on your wish list could be eligible for a FSFL – please contact your county office.

I hope your planting season goes smoothly and your crops get off to a great start.  I know we are looking forward to getting our cows out to pasture soon – so grow, grass, grow.  Take care everyone – be safe – and we’ll see you next month!

- Marcy Svenningsen

2023 Crop Commodity Loan Deadline

Producers planning to use the commodity loan program for their 2023 crops are reminded that May 31, 2024, is the deadline for filing applications for the following 2023 crops: corn, dry peas, grain sorghum, lentils, mustard, safflower, chickpeas, soybeans and sunflowers. These loans carry a nine-month maturity and can be repaid with cash at disbursement to loan maturity. To be eligible, producers must have produced an eligible loan commodity for the applicable crop year, complied with annual program requirements, maintain beneficial interest (have title to the commodity and retain control of the commodity), request MAL on or before the final loan availability date for a specific commodity, and, if required, submit lien waivers for any liens existing on the crop for which a Marketing Assistance Loan (MAL) is being requested. Producers interested in a commodity loan on the above listed commodities should contact their local county FSA office staff prior to the May 31 deadline.

Applying for Youth Loans

The Farm Service Agency (FSA) makes loans to youth to establish and operate agricultural income-producing projects in connection with 4-H clubs, FFA and other agricultural groups. Projects must be planned and operated with the help of the organization advisor, produce sufficient income to repay the loan and provide the youth with practical business and educational experience. The maximum loan amount is $5,000.

Youth Loan Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be a citizen of the United States (which includes Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) or a legal resident alien
  • Be 10 years to 20 years of age
  • Comply with FSA’s general eligibility requirements
  • Conduct a modest income-producing project in a supervised program of work as outlined above
  • Demonstrate capability of planning, managing and operating the project under guidance and assistance from a project advisor.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>The project supervisor must recommend the youth loan applicant, along with providing adequate supervision.

For help preparing the application forms, contact your local County USDA Service Center or visit

USDA Reminds North Dakota Producers to File Crop Acreage Reports

Agricultural producers in North Dakota who have not yet completed their crop acreage reports after planting should make an appointment with their U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) service center before the applicable deadline.

An acreage report documents a crop grown on a farm or ranch and its intended uses. Filing an accurate and timely acreage report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage and prevented planted acreage, can prevent the loss of benefits.

How to File a Report

The Acreage Reporting Deadline for 2024 Crop Year Spring Planted Crops and Perennial Forage is July 15, 2024 for all North Dakota Counties.

To file a crop acreage report, producers need to provide:

  • Crop and crop type or variety.
  • Intended use of the crop.
  • Number of acres of the crop.
  • Map with approximate boundaries for the crop.
  • Planting date(s).
  • Planting pattern, when applicable.
  • Producer shares.
  • Irrigation practice(s).
  • Acreage prevented from planting, when applicable.
  • Other information as required.

Acreage Reporting Details

The following exceptions apply to acreage reporting dates:

  • If the crop has not been planted by the acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed.
  • If a producer acquires additional acreage after the acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendar days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office.
  • If crops are covered by the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, acreage reports should be submitted by the applicable state, county, or crop-specific reporting deadline or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins.

Producers should also report crop acreage they intended to plant, but due to natural disaster, were unable to because of a natural disaster.

Prevented planting acreage must be reported on form CCC-576, Notice of Loss, no later than 15 calendar days after the final planting date as established by FSA and USDA’s Risk Management Agency.

FSA offers continuous certification for perennial forage. This means after perennial forage is reported once and the producer elects continuous certification, the certification remains in effect until a change is made. Check with FSA at the local USDA Service Center for more information on continuous certification.

New Option to View, Print and Label Maps on

Producers with an eAuth account linked to their USDA customer record can now access their FSA farm records, maps and common land units by logging into A new feature will allow producers to export field boundaries as shapefiles and import and view other shapefiles, such as precision agriculture boundaries. This will allow producers to view, print and label their own maps for acreage reporting purposes. 

Producers who have authority to act on behalf of another customer as a grantee via form FSA-211 Power of Attorney, Business Partner Signature Authority, along with other signature types, or as a member of a business can now access information in the portal.

Producers can learn how to use the Farm Records Mapping functionality with this fact sheet and these video tutorials.

Opportunity to Request a Referendum: Soybean Promotion, Research, and Information Program

Dates to Request Referendum: May 6, 2024, and ending May 31, 2024.

Summary: The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announces that soybean producers may request a referendum to determine whether producers want the Secretary to conduct a referendum on the Soybean Promotion and Research Order (Order), as authorized under the Soybean Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act (Act). Participation in the request for referendum is voluntary. Producers should participate only if they wish to request a referendum on the program.

If at least 10 percent, not to exceed ⅕ of producers from any one State of the 515,008 eligible producers determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) participate in the request for referendum, a referendum will be held within one year from that determination. If results of the request for referendum indicate that a referendum is not supported, a referendum will not be conducted. The results of the request for referendum will be published in a notice in the Federal Register.

To Request Referendum: Soybean producers may request a referendum during the 4-week period beginning May 6, 2024, and ending May 31, 2024.

To be eligible to participate in the request for referendum, producers must certify that they or the producer entity they are authorized to represent paid an assessment at any time between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2023.

Form LS-51-1, Soybean Promotion and Research Order Request for Referendum, can be obtained from May 6, 2024, to May 31, 2024, by mail, FAX, or in person from Farm Service Agency (FSA) County Offices, or can be downloaded from forms and supporting documentation must be returned to the appropriate FSA County Office: By FAX or in person no later than COB on May 31, 2024. By mail postmarked by midnight on May 31, 2024, and must be received in the FSA County Office by COB on June 7, 2024.

Contact: Notice of the Request for Referendum was published in the February 2, 2024, Federal Register. For more information, contact Jeana Harbison, Research and Promotion Division, Livestock and Poultry Program, AMS, USDA; STOP 0249 - Room 2092-S; 1400 Independence Avenue, SW.; Washington, D.C. 20250-0249; tel. (202) 720-5705; or via the Internet at

North Dakota Farm Service Agency is Hiring Additional Loss Adjusters

Unique contract employment opportunity!

Loss Adjusters perform crop loss and related program services as assigned by FSA. These positions require physical activity as crop inspection is a hands-on process that requires walking through fields or plots and bending to inspect plants and roots. More specific tasks and requirements associated with these services include:

1) visiting farms to inspect damaged or destroyed crops;

2) appraising potential crop production;

3) determining and verifying the cause and time of loss;

4) determining farm-stored production;

5) ability to learn and operate a GPS unit and possess fundamental math skills needed to measure  and weigh crops being appraised;

6) visiting FSA offices and/or farms to perform inspections, reviews or other loss services  (some overnight travel may be require).

Starting pay for new adjusters is $22.50 per hour with a pay raise to $25.00 per hour contingent on satisfactory completion of a full certification on at least one crop after the first year of service. Training pay is $17.00 per hour. Most equipment necessary to perform loss-adjusting activities is provided by FSA. Mileage and per diem will be paid by FSA; however, contracted adjusters are expected to provide their own mode of transportation. Hours will vary depending on season and occurrence of damaging weather events.

To apply, applications are available here: FSA Loss Adjuster Application or by contacting the Farm Service Agency State Office at 701-872-4313 ext 105.. Applications are currently being accepted with the deadline of Friday May 24, 2024, and can be submitted to the following mailing address:

North Dakota FSA State Office

Attn: Tina Pierce

1025 28th St. South

Fargo, ND 58103

or can be emailed to

Applications received will be reviewed and selections made based on work experience, agriculture background, availability, and the need for loss adjusters in the area.  Actual crop loss adjustment experience is not required. As part of the contract process, Loss Adjusters must pass a required fingerprint background check.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, lender, and employer.

USDA Reminds State Livestock Producers of Available Drought Assistance

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds drought-impacted producers in eligible North Dakota (Cavalier, Pembina, Ramsey, Towner and Walsh) that they may be eligible for assistance through the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP)

For eligible livestock in qualifying counties, ELAP provides financial assistance for:

  • the transportation of water to livestock;
  • the above normal cost of mileage for transporting feed to livestock; and
  • the above normal cost of transporting livestock to forage/grazing acres.* *Hauling livestock both ways starting in 2023, one haul per animal reimbursement and no payment for “empty miles.”

Eligible livestock include cattle, bison, goats and sheep, among others, that are maintained for commercial use and located in a county where qualifying drought conditions occur. A county must have had D2 severe drought intensity on the U.S. Drought Monitor for eight consecutive weeks during the normal grazing period, or D3 or D4 drought intensity at any time during the normal grazing period. Producers must have risk in both eligible livestock and eligible grazing land in an eligible county to qualify for ELAP assistance.

Transporting Water

Producers must be transporting water to eligible livestock on eligible grazing land where adequate livestock watering systems or facilities were in place before the drought occurred and where water transportation is not normally required. ELAP covers costs associated with personal labor, equipment, hired labor, and contracted water transportation fees. Cost of the water itself is not covered. ELAP covers $0.07 per gallon to transport water.

Transporting Feed

ELAP provides financial assistance to livestock producers who incur above normal expenses for transporting feed to livestock during drought. The payment formula excludes the first 25 miles and any mileage over 1,000 miles. The reimbursement rate is 60% of the cost above what would normally would have been incurred during the same time period in a normal (non-drought) year.

Livestock feed that is transported to livestock located on land enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is eligible if the producer has an approved conservation plan with acceptable grazing practices developed in coordination with the Natural Resources Conservation Service

The payment rate to transport feed is $6.60/ loaded mile for expenses above what would have normally been incurred.

Transporting Livestock

ELAP provides financial assistance to livestock producers who are hauling livestock to a new location for feed resources due to insufficient feed or grazing in drought-impacted areas. As with transporting feed, the payment formula for transporting livestock excludes the first 25 miles and any mileage over 1,000 miles. The reimbursement rate is 60% of the costs above what would normally have been incurred during the same time period in a normal (non-drought) year.

The payment rate to transport livestock is $6.60/loaded mile for expenses above what would have normally been incurred and covers hauling livestock one-way, one haul per animal reimbursement and no payment for “empty miles.”

An online tool is now available to help ranchers document and estimate payments to cover feed and livestock transportation costs caused by drought.

Reporting Losses

Producers should contact FSA as soon as the loss of water or feed resources are known.

For ELAP eligibility, documentation of expenses is critical. Producers should maintain records and receipts associated with the costs of transporting water to eligible livestock, the costs of transporting feed to eligible livestock, the costs of additional feed purchases, and the costs of transporting eligible livestock to forage or other grazing acres.

USDA Offers Wildfire Recovery Assistance

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers disaster assistance and low-interest loan programs to assist you in your recovery efforts following wildfires or other qualifying natural disasters.

Available programs and loans include:

  • Non-Insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) - provides financial assistance to producers of non-insurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory, or prevented planting occur due to natural disasters including excessive wind and qualifying drought (includes native grass for grazing).
  • Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) - offers payments to eligible producers for livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality due to adverse weather.
  • Tree Assistance Program (TAP) – provides assistance to eligible orchardists and nursery tree growers for qualifying tree, shrub and vine losses due to natural disasters including excessive wind and qualifying drought.
  • Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) - provides emergency relief for losses due to feed or water shortages, disease, adverse weather, or other conditions, which are not adequately addressed by other disaster programs.
  • Emergency Loan Program – available to producers with agriculture operations located in a county under a primary or contiguous Presidential or Secretarial disaster designation. These low interest loans help producers recover from production and physical losses.
  • Emergency Conservation Program (ECP) - provides emergency funding for farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate land severely damaged by natural disasters; includes fence loss.

For more information, contact your local County USDA Service Center at

How to Document Wildfire Losses

If you’ve suffered excessive livestock death losses and grazing or feed losses due to recent wildfires, you may be eligible for disaster assistance programs through the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA).

The Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) offers payments to you for livestock death losses in excess of normal mortality due to adverse weather and the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program (ELAP) provides emergency relief for losses due to feed or water shortages, disease, adverse weather, or other conditions, which are not adequately addressed by other disaster programs.

To participate in LIP, you will be required to provide verifiable documentation of death losses resulting from an eligible adverse weather event, and you must submit a notice of loss to your local FSA by the application deadline, February 29, 2024. To participate in ELAP, you must submit a notice of loss to your local FSA office by the application deadline, January 30, 2024, and should maintain documentation and receipts.

You should record all pertinent information regarding livestock losses due to the eligible adverse weather or loss condition, including:

  • Documentation of the number, kind, type, and weight range of livestock that have died, supplemented if possible by photographs or video records of ownership and losses;
  • Rendering truck receipts by kind, type and weight - important to document prior to disposal;
  • Beginning inventory supported by birth recordings or purchase receipts;
  • Documentation from Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Natural Resources, or other sources to substantiate eligible death losses due to an eligible loss condition;
  • Documentation that livestock were removed from grazing pastures due to an eligible adverse weather or loss condition;
  • Costs of transporting livestock feed to eligible livestock, such as receipts for equipment rental fees for hay lifts and snow removal;
  • Feed purchase receipts if feed supplies or grazing pastures are destroyed;
  • Number of gallons of water transported to livestock due to water shortages.

For more information, contact your local County USDA Service Center at

Keeping Livestock Inventory Records

Livestock inventory records are necessary in the event of a natural disaster, so remember to keep them updated.

When disasters strike, the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) can help you if you’ve suffered excessive livestock death losses and grazing or feed losses due to eligible natural disasters.

To participate in the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP), you’ll be required to provide verifiable documentation of death losses resulting from an eligible adverse weather event and must submit a notice of loss to your local FSA office no later than 60 calendar days after the end of the calendar year in which the eligible loss condition occurred. For the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP), you must submit a notice of loss to your local FSA office no later than the annual program application deadline of January 30 following the program year in which the loss occurred and should maintain documentation and receipts.

You should record all pertinent information regarding livestock inventory records including:

  • Documentation of the number, kind, type, and weight range of livestock
  • Beginning inventory supported by birth recordings or purchase receipts.

For more information, contact your local County USDA Service Center at

USDA Partners with FarmRaise to Offer New LIP Tool and Informational Videos

The new LIP tool and the farm loan informational video resources were developed in partnership with FarmRaise and USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA).

The U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) today unveiled a new, online Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Decision Tool and farm loan resources available to agricultural producers and cooperators who help producers access USDA disaster assistance, farm loans and other federal farm programs. The new LIP tool and the farm loan informational video resources were developed in partnership with FarmRaise and USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). These tools are now available at

Current FarmRaise Tools and Resources

FarmRaise, Inc. has created an online, educational hub -- called Farm Service Agency 101 – comprised of videos, and resources that enable cooperators and the agricultural producers they serve to learn about and access major FSA programs. 

The newly launched LIP Decision Tool assists livestock producers who suffered losses from eligible adverse weather events and other causes of loss as well as cooperators who are helping disaster-impacted livestock producers navigate available federal disaster assistance programs. The optional decision tool gives producers guidance on what is needed to gather and submit required loss documentation, reducing the amount of time needed to complete applications and enabling FSA county office staff to deliver much-needed assistance faster. Using this tool, however, is not an application for benefits or a determination of eligibility.

Through use of the LIP tool, livestock producers can provide supporting documentation, inventory numbers, and loss numbers to FSA county offices. Doing so, in advance of the initial county office visit, will help FSA staff serve customers more effectively and efficiently. Producers will also need to complete an application for LIP assistance and, upon request, may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation. 

LIP offers payments to livestock producers for livestock deaths in excess of normal mortality caused by qualifying adverse weather events. LIP also covers losses due to eligible diseases and attacks by animals reintroduced into the wild by the federal government or protected by federal law. This includes attacks by wolves and predatory birds.

In addition to the new LIP Decision Tool, the FarmRaise educational hub offers several, easily navigated farm loan programs how-to videos designed to introduce producers to FSA’s many farm loan programs options and guide them through the application process.

More FSA program resources and tools will soon be added to the FarmRaise educational hub. Cooperators and agricultural producers are encouraged to visit the FarmRaise educational hub often to access all available resources. 

About the Partnership

USDA cooperators are organizations on the frontlines of access and often are the first point of contact connecting farmers to USDA programs. The partnership between FarmRaise, Inc. and FSA, through a cooperative agreement, aims to improve producer participation and customer experience in USDA programs through education and technical assistance to young, beginning, and small-scale to mid-sized producers, producers with disabilities, and veterans. 

By developing a digital educational hub that delivers free, user-friendly, producer and cooperator-tested resources USDA and FarmRaise, Inc. will help FSA expedite program delivery to agricultural producers. The hub offers how-to videos and visual aids that educate producers about FSA programs and prepares them for submitting applications for program participation.

2023 ARC-IC – Farm Benchmark and Actual Yield Certification

Producers, who have a 2023 ARC-IC program contract on one or more FSA farms, must complete the certification of ARC-IC yields for each ARC-IC farm and each covered commodity planted in 2023 by not later than July 15, 2024.  

Production evidence that can be used to support the certified yields can be from the following sources:

  • Crop Insurance loss records                     
  • Sales records (buyer specific)
  • Crop Insurance APH data base records   
  • Farm stored production records, appraisals

USDA Fruit, Vegetable and Wild Rice Planting Rules Unchanged in 2018 Farm Bill

Fruit, vegetable and wild rice producers will continue to follow the same rules for certain Farm Service Agency (FSA) programs.

If you intend to participate in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs, you are subject to an acre-for-acre payment reduction when fruits and nuts, vegetables or wild rice are planted on payment acres of a farm. Payment reductions do not apply to mung beans, dry peas, lentils or chickpeas. Planting fruits, vegetables or wild rice on acres not considered payment acres will not result in a payment reduction.  Farms that are eligible to participate in ARC/PLC but are not enrolled for a particular year may plant unlimited fruits, vegetables and wild rice for that year but will not receive ARC/PLC payments. Eligibility for succeeding years is not affected.

Planting and harvesting fruits, vegetables and wild rice on ARC/PLC acreage is subject to the acre-for-acre payment reduction when those crops are planted on more than 15 percent of the base acres of an ARC enrolled farm using the county coverage or PLC, or more than 35 percent of the base acres of an ARC enrolled farm using the individual coverage.

Fruits, vegetables and wild rice that are planted in a double-cropping practice will not cause a payment reduction if the farm is in a double-cropping region as designated by the USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation.

USDA to Provide More Than $3 Billion to Commodity and Specialty Crop Producers Impacted by 2022 Natural Disasters

The U. S Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide more than $3 billion to commodity and specialty crop producers impacted by natural disaster events in 2022. Eligible impacted producers can apply for financial assistance through the Emergency Relief Program (ERP) 2022. The program will help offset the financial impacts of crop yield and value losses from qualifying disasters occurring in 2022.


On Dec. 29, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328) that provides about $3.7 billion in financial assistance for agricultural producers impacted by eligible natural disasters that occurred in calendar year 2022.    

ERP 2022 covers losses to crops, trees, bushes and vines due to qualifying, calendar year 2022 natural disaster events including wildfires, hurricanes, floods, derechos, excessive heat, tornadoes, winter storms, freeze (including a polar vortex), smoke exposure, excessive moisture, qualifying drought and related conditions.   

ERP 2022 program benefits will be delivered to eligible producers through a two-track process. FSA intends to make both tracks available to producers at the same time. This two-track approach enables USDA to:  

  • Streamline the application process.
  • Reduce the paperwork burden on producers.
  • Proactively include provisions for underserved producers who have not been well served by past emergency relief efforts.
  • Encourage producer participation in existing risk management programs to mitigate the impacts of future severe weather events.  

It’s important to note that disaster-impacted producers may be eligible for ERP 2022 assistance under one or both tracks. To avoid duplicative benefits, if a producer applies for both tracks, the Track 2 payment calculation will take into account any payments received through Track 1.    

ERP 2022 Application Process – Track 1  

ERP 2022 Track 1 leverages existing federal crop insurance or Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) data as the basis for calculating payments for eligible crop producers who received indemnities through these risk management programs.  

   Although FSA is sending pre-filled ERP 2022 Track 1 application forms to producers who have crop insurance and NAP data already on file with USDA, producers indemnified for losses resulting from 2022 natural disasters do not have to wait to receive the application before requesting ERP 2022 assistance. Effective Oct. 31, 2023, producers can apply for ERP 2022 benefits whether they have received the pre-filled application or not. Receipt of a pre-filled application is not confirmation that a producer is eligible to receive an ERP 2022 Track 1 payment.   

USDA estimates that ERP Track 1 benefits will reach more than 206,000 producers who received indemnities for losses covered by federal crop insurance and more than 4,500 producers who obtained NAP coverage for the 2022 crop year.     

ERP 2022 Application Process – Track 2  

Track 2 is a revenue-based certification program designed to assist eligible producers who suffered an eligible decrease in revenue resulting from 2022 calendar year disaster events when compared with revenue in a benchmark year using revenue information that is readily available from most tax records.

In cases where revenue does not reasonably reflect a normal year’s revenue, Track 2 provides an alternative method for establishing revenue. Likewise, Track 2 affords producers of crops that are used within an operation and do not generate revenue from the sale of the crop a method for establishing revenue for the purpose of applying for ERP 2022 benefits. Producers are not required to submit tax records to FSA unless requested by the County Committee if required for an FSA compliance spot check.  

Although not required when applying for ERP 2022 Track 2, applicants might find the following documents useful to the process:  

  • Schedule F (Form 1040)  
  • Profit or Loss from Farming or similar tax documents for tax years 2018, 2019, 2022 and 2023.

Track 2 targets gaps in emergency relief assistance for eligible producers whose eligible losses were not covered by crop insurance or NAP including revenue losses too small (shallow loss) to be covered by crop insurance.  

Producers interested in applying for ERP 2022 Track 2, should contact their local FSA county office.  Additional reference resources can be found on FSA’s emergency relief website.

Additional Required Forms  

For both ERP 2022 tracks, all producers must have certain required forms on file with FSA within 60 days of the ERP 2022 deadline. FSA started accepting applications on Oct. 31, 2023. The application deadline has not yet been determined and will be announced at a later date. If not already on file, producers can update, complete and submit required forms to FSA at any time.  

Required forms:  

  • Form AD-2047, Customer Data Worksheet.  
  • Form CCC-902, Farm Operating Plan for an individual or legal entity.  
  • Form CCC-901, Member Information for Legal Entities (if applicable).  
  • Form FSA-510, Request for an Exception to the $125,000 Payment Limitation for Certain Programs (if applicable).  
  • Form CCC-860, Socially Disadvantaged, Limited Resource, Beginning and Veteran Farmer or Rancher Certification, if applicable, for the 2022 program year.  
  • A highly erodible land conservation (sometimes referred to as HELC) and wetland conservation certification (Form AD-1026 Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) and Wetland Conservation (WC) Certification) for the ERP producer and applicable affiliates.  

Most producers, especially those who have previously participated in FSA programs, will likely have these required forms on file. However, those who are uncertain or want to confirm the status of their forms can contact their local FSA county office.    

Future Insurance Coverage Requirements   

All producers who receive ERP 2022 payments must purchase crop insurance, or NAP coverage where crop insurance is not available, in the next two available crop years as determined by the Secretary. Purchased coverage must be at the 60/100 coverage level or higher for insured crops or at the catastrophic coverage level or higher for NAP crops.   

More Information  

ERP 2022 eligibility details and payment calculation factor tables are available on the emergency relief website, in the ERP Track 1 and ERP Track 2 fact sheets and through your local FSA county office.  Additional webinars available on ERP 2022:

  • NDSU-FSA ERP 2022 Webinar, Laura Heinrich and Ron Haugen discussed the ins and outs of the Emergency Relief Program Track One and Track Two. You can watch the full webinar here: Emergency Relief Program (ERP) 2022 - YouTube.
  • USDA-Tax Expert ERP 2022 Webinar, USDA staff and experts Guido van der Hoeven and JC Hobbs provide an overview Webinar of ERP 2022 Track 2, completing the application form, and guidance on where advanced tax and accounting knowledge may be required. A recording of the webinar is posted on:

Repaying CCC loans via Wire Transfer

FSA will accept wire transfer repayments for CCC’s Marketing Assistance Loans (MAL’s) and Farm Storage Facility Loans (FSFL). To request a wire transfer, payers are required to complete and sign a wire transfer form, authorizing their bank to automatically debit a bank account of their choice in a specified amount.

Wire transfer forms can be obtained by contacting the FSA county office that services the MAL or FSFL loan. The wire transfer form must first be completed and signed before an outgoing wire transfer can be initiated by your financial institution. 

USDA Reminds Producers of Climate-Smart Opportunities Using Farm Loan Programs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds agricultural producers that Farm Loan Programs can be used to support a variety of climate-smart agriculture practices, which build on many practices that farmers and ranchers already use, like cover cropping, nutrient management and conservation tillage.  

Climate-smart agricultural practices generate significant environmental benefits by capturing and sequestering carbon, improving water management, restoring soil health and more. Farm loan funding complements other tools to help producers adopt climate-smart practices, such as FSA’s Conservation Reserve Program, crop insurance options that support conservation, and conservation programs offered by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 

FSA offers multiple types of loans to help farmers and ranchers start, expand or maintain a family agricultural operation. These loans can provide the capital needed to invest in climate-smart practices and equipment including the establishment of rotational grazing systems, precision agriculture equipment or machinery for conversion to no-till residue management. Additionally, for programs like Conservation Reserve Program and NRCS conservation programs where USDA and the producer share the implementation cost, a farm loan could be used for the producer’s share, if consistent with the authorized loan purpose.  

Some additional ways farm loans can be leveraged to invest in climate-smart agriculture practices or equipment include: 

  • Precision Agriculture Equipment - Eligible producers could use a Term Operating Loan to purchase equipment like GPS globes, monitors, or strip till fertilizer equipment.
  • Cover Crops - Eligible producers could use an Annual Operating Loan for seed costs. 
  • No/Reduced Till - Eligible producers could use a Term Operating Loan to purchase equipment. 
  • Livestock Facility Air Scrubber or Waste Treatment - Eligible producers could use a Farm Ownership Loan for capital improvements to livestock facilities.
  • Cross Fencing - Eligible producers could use an Annual or Term Operating Loan to purchase fencing and installation equipment.

Visit the Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry webpage on to learn more and see detailed examples of how an FSA farm loan can support climate-smart agriculture practices. Portal

Looking for ways to do business with USDA that saves you time? Look no further than

When you create a account for the authenticated site, you have access to self-service features through a secure login.  Managing your business with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is faster than ever. From e-signing documents, viewing, printing, and exporting maps and receiving notifications of payment disbursements, a authenticated account makes doing business with USDA easy and secure.

What can you do with your account?

  • Submit a Direct Farm Loan application. This tool and other process improvements allow farmers and ranchers to submit complete loan applications. Helpful features include an electronic signature option, the ability to attach supporting documents such as tax returns, complete a balance sheet, and build a farm operating plan.
  • View NRCS Disbursements and Farm Loans financial activity from the past 180 days.
  • View, print and export detailed farm records and farm/tract maps.
  • Export common land unit (field) boundaries as ESRI and GeoJSON file types.
  • Import precision agriculture planting boundaries, create labels containing crop information, and print both on farm tract maps.
  • Use the draw tools to determine acres in an area of interest that can be printed on a map and provided to a third party or exported as a feature file for use in other geospatial applications.
  • View, upload, download and e-sign NRCS documents.
  • Request conservation and financial assistance, including submitting a program application.
  • Access information on current and past conservation practices, report practice completion and request practice certification
  • View detailed information on previous and ongoing contracts, including the amount of cost- share assistance received and request contract modifications.
  • View Farm Loan Program loans: View Farm Loan principal and interest balances, payment history, loan terms, and download interest statements.

How do you create a account?

To create a account you will need: 

  • A USDA individual customer record - A customer record contains information you have given to USDA to do business with them, like your name, address, phone number, and any legal representative authority relationships.
  • A account – is a sign-in service that gives people secure online access to participating government programs.
  • Customers who are new to USDA should visit Get Started at Your USDA Service Center, then go to gov/account to create a account.

In addition to the self-service features, also has information on USDA programs, farm loans, disaster assistance, conservation programs and crop insurance.

Transitioning Expiring CRP Land to Beginning, Veteran or Underserved Farmers and Ranchers

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contract holders are encouraged to transition their CRP acres to beginning, veteran or socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers through the Transition Incentives Program (TIP). TIP provides annual rental payments to the landowner or operator for up to two additional years after the CRP contract expires.

CRP contract holders no longer need to be a retired or retiring owner or operator to transition their land. TIP participants must agree to sell, have a contract to sell, or agree to lease long term (at least five years) land enrolled in an expiring CRP contract to a beginning, veteran, or socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher who is not a family member.

Beginning, veteran or social disadvantaged farmers and ranchers and CRP participants may enroll in TIP beginning two years before the expiration date of the CRP contract. The TIP application must be submitted prior to completing the lease or sale of the affected lands. New landowners or renters that return the land to production must use sustainable grazing or farming methods.

For more information, contact your local County USDA Service Center at

Update Your Records

FSA is cleaning up our producer record database and needs your help. Please report any changes of address, zip code, phone number, email address or an incorrect name or business name on file to our office. You should also report changes in your farm operation, like the addition of a farm by lease or purchase. You should also report any changes to your operation in which you reorganize to form a Trust, LLC or other legal entity. 

FSA and NRCS program participants are required to promptly report changes in their farming operation to the County Committee in writing and to update their Farm Operating Plan on form CCC-902.

To update your records, contact your local County USDA Service Center.

May 2024 Loan and Interest Rates

Farm Storage Facility Loan, 3-year term: 4.625%
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 5-year term: 4.375%
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 7-year term: 4.375%
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 10-year term: 4.375%
Farm Storage Facility Loan, 12-year term: 4.500%
Commodity Loans: 6.125%

North Dakota FSA eNews

North Dakota State Office
1025 28th St. South
Fargo, ND 58103

Phone: 701-239-5224
Fax: 855-813-6644

State Office Staff:
State Executive Director:
Marcy Svenningsen
Administrative Officer: Amber Briss
Compliance/Payment Limitations: Kristen Knudtson
Conservation/Livestock-Acting: Beau Peterson
ARC/PLC/NAP/Disaster: Laura Heinrich
Farm Loan Programs: Mary Sue Ohlhauser
Price Support: Brian Haugen

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).