NRCS Announces New Partnership Project to Improve Habitat Across Allegheny Plateau

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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

February 21, 2023

NRCS Announces New Partnership Project to Improve Habitat Across Allegheny Plateau

Joint Chief's Landscape Restoration Partnership

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announces a new project that will focus on improving the health and resiliency of both public and private forest resources across the Allegheny plateau. NRCS will provide more than $330,000 in fiscal year 2023 to a partnership effort between Allegheny Forest Health Collaborative, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Forestry, Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania Woodland Stewardship Innovation Partnership, Ruffed Grouse Society, and Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.

Through the Allegheny Plateau Habitat Restoration project, habitat development treatments will be prioritized through collaborative management for two at-risk species: the ruffed grouse and cerulean warbler. In turn, this project will provide benefits to communities by maintaining healthy, resilient forests through sustainable management while ensuring a consistent supply of ecosystem services. Treatments will benefit the rural 10-county area as well as urban populations.

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Pennsylvania NRCS