Ziebach County South Dakota FSA GovDelivery

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US Department of Agriculture

Ziebach County SD USDA Service Center GovDelivery  -  October 29, 2022

CED Notes

Ziebach County FSA Office Email Address

The Ziebach County FSA Office is asking that all email correspondence be sent to the following address: sddupree-fsa@usda.gov.  The Ziebach County FSA Office has limited staff, and this will ensure that your email is reaching a current Ziebach County FSA Office employee.

Fall 2022 Acreage Reporting Fall crop reporting is underway.  This is the reporting of fall seeded crops like winter wheat, rye, triticale, alfalfa, etc.  Contact your local FSA County Office to complete this important process.  Failure to timely report your crops can cost you USDA/FSA benefits and you may incur monetary penalties/fees so make sure to follow up on your fall crop report. 

The Fall Crop Reporting deadline is November 15, 2022. 

 Emergency Livestock Assistance Program (ELAP)

Notice of Loss must be filed within 30 days of when the loss is apparent for livestock and farm-raised fish losses.  A Notice of Loss must be file prior to hauling water to livestock, hauling livestock to feed and feed transportation.  Assistance is available for eligible producers to haul water to livestock and livestock to feed and hauling feed above normal.  Water hauling is now available to producers past the end of the grazing season.  Call your local FSA Office for more information.

Noninsured Assistance Program (NAP)

  • Notice of Loss must be filed within 15 days of when the loss is apparent.
  • Each County Committee is required to establish loss areas prior to the grazing season. Losses are required to be determined for each established area.  Losses cannot be determined until after the grazing season ends which is October 15, 2022.

  Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP)

Notice of Loss must be filed within 30 days of when the loss is apparent.

FSA Calendar Deadlines:

October 15, 2022: Grazing Period ended

October 15, 2022:  Dewey County ECP Signup Ended

November 7, 2022: Ballots mailed for County Committee Elections

November 11, 2022:  USDA Service Center Closed in observance of Veterans Day

November 15, 2022: Deadline to report Fall Seeded Crops

November 24, 2022:  USDA Service Center Closed on observance of Thanksgiving Day

December 5, 2022: Deadline to return County Committee Ballots to FSA Office or postmarked.

December 26, 2022:  USDA Service Center Closed in observance of Christmas.

January 30, 2023:  Deadline to request all ELAP assistance for 2022 Calendar Year losses.

January 30, 2023:  Deadline to request LFP assistance for 2022 Calendar Year losses.


FSA Encourages Farmers and Ranchers to Vote in County Committee Elections

COC election

The 2022 Farm Service Agency County Committee Elections will begin on Nov. 7, 2022, when ballots are mailed to eligible voters. The deadline to return ballots to local FSA offices, or to be postmarked, is Dec. 5, 2022.

County committee members are an important component of the operations of FSA and provide a link between the agricultural community and USDA. Farmers and ranchers elected to county committees help deliver FSA programs at the local level, applying their knowledge and judgment to make decisions on commodity price support programs; conservation programs; incentive indemnity and disaster programs for some commodities; emergency programs and eligibility. FSA committees operate within official regulations designed to carry out federal laws.

To be an eligible voter, farmers and ranchers must participate or cooperate in an FSA program. A person who is not of legal voting age but supervises and conducts the farming operations of an entire farm, may also be eligible to vote. A cooperating producer is someone who has provided information about their farming or ranching operation(s) but may not have applied or received FSA program benefits.

Eligible voters in Local Administrative Areas, (LAAs), who do not receive a ballot, can obtain one from their local USDA Service Center.  Newly elected committee members will take office Jan. 1, 2023.

Ziebach County LAA 3

Jace Birkeland is nominated in LAA 3, Ziebach County to serve as County Committee member for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2023.

Jace is a lifelong resident of LAA 3 and has produced Corn, Wheat, Sunflowers, Millet, Oats, Grain Sorghum and Forages.  Jace is a cow/calf producer.

Jace is willing to serve if elected.

Spence Etzkorn is nominated in LAA 3, Ziebach County to serve as County Committee member for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2023.

Spence is a lifelong resident of LAA 3 and is a cow/calf producer.

Spence is willing to serve if elected.

Ziebach County LAA 4

Kris Schrempp is nominated in LAA 4, Ziebach County to serve as County Committee member for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2023. 

Kris is a lifelong resident of LAA 4 and has produced Corn, Oats, Sunflowers, Wheat, and Forages.  Kris is a cow/calf producer and raises horses.

Kris is currently the Ziebach County Committee Chairperson.  Kris is willing to serve if elected.

Brittany Brewer is nominated in LAA 4, Ziebach County to serve as County Committee member for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2023. 

Brittany is a lifelong resident of LAA 4.  Brittany is a cow/calf producer.

Brittany is willing to serve if elected.

More information on county committees, such as the new 2022 fact sheet, can be found on the FSA website at fsa.usda.gov/elections or at a local USDA Service Center.  


Farmers.gov Feature Helps Producers Find Farm Loans that Fit Their Operation

Farm Loan Program

Farmers and ranchers can use the Farm Loan Discovery Tool on farmers.gov to find information on USDA farm
loans that may best fit their operations.

USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers a variety of loan options to help farmers finance their operations. From
buying land to financing the purchase of equipment, FSA loans can help.

USDA conducted field research in eight states, gathering input from farmers and FSA farm loan staff to better
understand their needs and challenges.

How the Tool Works
Farmers who are looking for financing options to operate a farm or buy land can answer a few simple questions about what they are looking to fund and how much money they need to borrow. After submitting their answers, farmers will receive information on farm loans that best fit their specific needs. The loan application and additional resources also will be provided.

Farmers can download application quick guides that outline what to expect from preparing an application to receiving a loan decision. There are four guides that cover loans to individuals, entities, and youth, as well as information on microloans. The guides include general eligibility requirements and a list of required forms and documentation for each type of loan. These guides can help farmers prepare before their first USDA service
center visit with a loan officer.

Farmers can access the Farm Loan Discovery Tool by visiting farmers.gov/fund and clicking the “Start” button. Follow the prompts and answer five simple questions to receive loan information that is applicable to your agricultural operation. The tool is built to run on any modern browser like Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or the Safari browser, and is fully functional on mobile devices. It does not work in Internet Explorer.

About Farmers.gov
In 2018, USDA unveiled farmers.gov, a dynamic, mobile-friendly public website combined with an authenticated
portal where farmers will be able to apply for programs, process transactions, and manage accounts.

The Farm Loan Discovery Tool is one of many resources on farmers.gov to help connect farmers to information that can help their operations. Earlier this year, USDA launched the My Financial Information feature, which enables farmers to view their loan information, history, payments, and alerts by logging into the website.

USDA is building farmers.gov for farmers, by farmers. In addition to the interactive farm loan features, the site also offers a Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool. Farmers can visit farmers.gov/recover/disaster-assistancetool#step-1 to find disaster assistance programs that can help their operation recover from natural disasters.

For more information, contact the Dewey County USDA Service Center at 605-865-3552or visit farmers.gov.

Planning Ahead for Conservation Funding Opportunities in 2023


USDA offers assistance opportunities for agricultural producers and private landowners for programs such as Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), along with various other programs.  Through conservation programs, USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical and financial assistance to help producers and landowners make conservation improvements on their land that benefit natural resources and build resiliency.  Although NRCS accepts program applications throughout the year; spring and summer are a great time to start thinking and planning for projects in 2023.

Producers and landowners interested in financial or technical assistance should contact the NRCS at their local USDA Service Center.


USDA Service Center

Ziebach County USDA Service Center
515 8th Street
Dupree, SD 57623

Phone: 605-365-5179
Fax: 855-256-9425

County Executive

Jodie Schrempp

District Conservationist

Dustin Jewett

Program Technician

Nila Woodward

Resource Unit Conservationist

Nathan Grueb

Ziebach County FSA Office
PO Box 95, Dupree, SD 57623
Phone:  605-365-5179 Extension 2

Tribal Liason

David Pesicka

County Committee
Kris Schrempp, Chair
Deon Dorsey, Vice Chair
Russel Johnson, Member
Joe Wishard, Member