GovDelivery FSA Newsletter

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US Department of Agriculture

March 2022

Farm Program Signup Deadline is March 15 (ARC/PLC)


Operators and owners taking a share on cropland must enroll in the farm program, ARC/PLC, by March 15.  All signatures are due by this date.

You can find the fact sheet here.

Decisions tools can be found at KSU AgManager

Conservation Reserve Program Maintenance Reminders

CRP Burn

The following lists some of the general responsibilities and maintenance requirements of the CRP participant regarding terms of your CRP contract(s). These are general items and are not intended to be inclusive of all details or all responsibilities. Refer to your Conservation Plan of Operations (CPO) for specific guidelines. Compliance with all the terms and conditions of the CRP contract(s) and monitoring the CRP practice(s) is the participant’s responsibility. 

1. The practices approved for your CRP contract must be established by the specified deadline and maintained during the contract term. Maintenance activities may not be performed during the primary nesting season (PNS) of April 15 through July 15. Contact your local FSA office if you have concerns regarding your practice, the practice status, or practice progression.

2. CRP Maintenance:

  • Maintenance activities must be planned and completed to maintain the required practice cover as specified in the CRP contract. Failure to maintain CRP cover can result in contract violations. One example of failure to maintain cover would be volunteer trees or brush in grassland practices where trees and/or brush are not included as part of the approved practice components in the Conservation Plan.
  • Action must be taken to control existence and spread of noxious weeds on contract acreage. All state-designated noxious weeds such as Sericea Lespedeza, Musk Thistle, Johnson Grass, Bind Weed, etc. must be controlled. If you identify noxious weeds on CRP, contact NRCS or the county noxious weed department for assistance on chemical products along with rates and timing of application that will be most effective in controlling and/or eliminating noxious weeds.
  • All stands must be maintained by mowing, burning, chemicals, etc. to control trees/brush and undesirable vegetation, noxious weeds, pests, etc. Producers need to review their Conservation Plan as a guide to determine what is required of them. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your local FSA or NRCS office.

3. Haying, grazing or harvesting of CRP acres is not allowed. Participants may request to perform haying and/or grazing on CRP acres provided written approval by FSA is received before the activity begins. Specific provisions apply.

4. Recreational hunting is permitted on CRP consistent with state laws and bag limits appropriate for the game species. Barrier fencing or boundary limitations that prohibit wildlife access to or from the CRP acreage is not allowed.   

5. Firebreaks may be installed according to NRCS technical standards when included in a revised CPO.

6. Prohibited use of CRP includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Asphalt/concrete plants
  • Trash disposal areas
  • Parking and/or storage of machinery, junked autos, hay bales, etc.
  • Livestock feed storage
  • Permanent roads/lanes/trails
  • Oil and gas wells, associated tanks and access roads, etc.
  • Cosmetic mowing or mowing of strips for wildlife
  • Buildings, houses, permanent structures, etc.

7. An annual certification of CRP compliance must be completed before July 15 by filing an acreage report on the FSA-578 or filing a certification card, CRP-817U.

8. USDA completes continuous random inspections throughout the year to ensure CRP contracts follow program provisions. When a compliance issue occurs, the terms and conditions outlined under the CRP-1 Appendix and CRP regulations will be used to resolve the compliance issue which may include assessed penalties and/or contract termination.

9. Required management activities designed to enhance the conservation practice must be completed as scheduled in the CPO. Additional voluntary management activities can be requested.

USDA will be using more encrypted Emails to customers, if it contains personal and sensitive information

Encryted Email Directions

The USDA is committed to protecting the personal and sensitive information it is entrusted with. Per Federal regulations, all sensitive, confidential, or Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must be managed, stored, and transmitted in a secure and complaint manner.
Encrypting email reduces the likelihood that the PII it contains will be used for nefarious purposes. The recipient will need to decrypt it before it can be opened. the following steps will explain how to open and encrypted email.
1.) The recipient opens the email and clicks on "read the message"
2.) Office 365 presents the prompt, sign in with a one-time passcode, which the recipient clicks on
3.) Office 365 displays a notification that the one-time password has been emailed to the user, along with a field where the passcode should be entered.
4.) The recipient opens the one-time passcode email and copies the one-time passcode.
5.) The recipient returns to the one-time passcode notification and pastes the code into the field.

 How_to_Open_an_Encrypted_Email (

**Please note OneSpan the digital signing service is an encrypted service so everything sent through the "Box" environment is secure.

General CRP Signup 58 deadline is March 11


If you are interested in putting ground into the Conservation Reserve Program, please contact our office. For general enrollment land must meet an erodibility score of 8 or great for wind or water erosion. If it does not meet one of these it is not eligible.

If you are thinking about CRP, please reach out to our office. Do not wait until the last minute. There are several steps offices must take just to get paperwork printed and signed by the March 11 deadline.


USDA Service Center

Ottawa County Service Center
877 Laurel
Minneapolis, KS 67467

Phone: 785-392-3393
Fax:  855-784-3643


County Executive Director:

Program Technicians:

Farm Program Group E-Mail


Farm Loan Manager:

Farm Loan Officer Trainee:

Program Technician:

Farm Loan Group E-Mail

County Committee:
Tommy Barrett II
Steve Clanton
Tom Tibbits


District Conservationist

Soil Conservationist

Conservation District Secretary

Questions? Please contact Amanda Ahrens, County Executive Director, at (785) 392-3393, or for farm loans, please contact Kevin Vondra, Farm Loan Manager, at (785) 825-8269, Persons with disabilities who require accommodations to attend or participate in this meeting should contact Amanda Ahrens at 785-825-8269 extension 2 or Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.