Welcome to AMS National
Organic Program’s New Organic Insider via GovDelivery!
The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is pleased to
announce that, starting today, we have implemented a new email subscription
service to make it easier for you to receive Organic Insider updates from the
National Organic Program (NOP).
While the subscription service has changed, the Organic
Insider has not. The Organic Insider will continue to inform the organic
community on a wide range of functions. You’ll continue to get timely
information about organic regulatory updates, requests for public comments,
USDA programs and services, and much more.
Do I need to do anything?
To get things started, we’ve created a GovDelivery
subscription just for you and identified which topics will likely interest you
most. If you would like to customize the topics you are subscribed to, you can
do that anytime: