Notes From the Director's Desk: September Edition

Americorps Seniors

AmeriCorps Seniors
Sept. 10, 2024

Notes From the Director's Desk:
September Edition


The September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance will be observed on Wednesday, Sept 11  

Message From the Director

Dear colleagues,  

I hope you all have been able to enjoy the last few weeks of summer, as well as your Labor Day holiday, as the weather begins to cool down, schools are back in session, and autumn is almost upon us. Grandparents Day was observed this past weekend, a day to honor and appreciate the wisdom and love that grandparents bring into our lives, including the impact of our volunteers in the Foster Grandparent program. Let’s extend our appreciation throughout the year to remind grandparents and other older adults in our lives how much we cherish them.  

Over the summer, I got a chance to meet with some of you during my travels. Thank you for welcoming me. Meeting with you and your volunteers is always the highlight of my year. As we come to the end of another federal fiscal year, I want to applaud you for your accomplishments and look forward to seeing how you embrace new opportunities in the coming fiscal year.   

As we approach National Hispanic Heritage Month, I'm reminded of the significant impact the Hispanic community has on AmeriCorps Seniors programs. Their rich cultural heritage and deep sense of community inspire countless volunteers to serve and uplift others, greatly enhancing our efforts to serve individuals in communities across the nation.

Tomorrow marks the anniversary of a solemn day in our nation’s history. It's been more than two decades since the 9/11 attacks, and every year on the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, I join fellow Americans to honor both the lives we lost and the heroes whose service helped us endure.  

I encourage you to join and create 9/11 Day volunteer projects and community events. On Wednesday, Sept. 11, let's host, partner, and engage in service to unite our nation and rise above challenges to inspire others. 

In service,

Atalaya Sergi, Director
AmeriCorps Seniors

Training Corner 

Grantee Essentials Training and Technical Assistance Calls 

Each month, we dive into specific technical assistance topics to help you build your skills while managing your AmeriCorps Seniors grant.

  • Walkthrough of AmeriCorps Seniors Resources, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1 p.m. ET

Register for the Grantee Essentials TTA Calls 

Missed our last Grantee Essentials TTA call? Check out the learning path in Litmos. This learning path includes webinar recordings, presentations, and other materials.

Join our Upcoming Recruitment Webinars 

Join the below call to learn more about the tips and tricks you can use to recruit more AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers. Please reach out to with any questions.    

Monthly Spotlight on Training Resources 

This month, we are highlighting Litmos Tips and Tricks and Updating Project Contact Information, Project Director, and Authorized Representative in eGrants (Presentation Slides | Recording) from the October 2023 Grantee Essentials Training and Technical Assistance call.

This call shared helpful information for navigating the plethora of training resources available on the Litmos platform, which is AmeriCorps’ learning management system. And, provided step-by-step guidance for updating project contact information, project director, and authorized representative for your project. Keeping this information current is key to ensuring your information stays up-to-date in the Pathfinder and your organization receives grantee-related communication like the Notes From the Director's Desk and program specific information like continuation and renewal notices.

Note: If you are using the direct link, you must first log in to Litmos, then click the link to the course.

For technical support, to request access, or if you need assistance accessing these pages using assistive technology, email:

Data in Action 

Every year, AmeriCorps Seniors collects key data on project and volunteers through the Progress Report Supplement. This year, AmeriCorps Seniors has continued our commitment to reducing administrative burden on grantees by eliminating several questions. You can read the updated guidance here. Trainings and step by step instructions will be available in the fall before the Progress Report Supplement deadline of Saturday, Nov. 30. 

Evaluating the Effects of COVID-19 on Older Adult Volunteer and AmeriCorps Seniors Programs 

AmeriCorps Seniors and our research partner JBS International are contacting selected grantees to participate in a study to identify how programs adapted to serve their communities during the pandemic and lessons learned related to programming and operations. Your participation is essential. The data collected in this study will reinforce what we already know about the AmeriCorps Seniors program: 

  • It promotes health aging for volunteers. 
  • It addresses critical community needs during a national emergency.  
  • It demonstrates to policymakers, fundings and community partners that the AmeriCorps Seniors program is effective. 

For more information on the study, the survey process, or contact information, please visit AmeriCorps Seniors COVID Effects Study Fast Facts. 

Cultural Learning Community

AmeriCorps' Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility has launched the Cultural Learning Community – a monthly course to foster a more inclusive and equitable community for all our valued partners. These courses will provide an invaluable opportunity to deepen understanding, enhance skills, and increase partner engagement.

View the training schedule and register for upcoming events.

Celebrate AmeriCorps 30th Anniversary 

septDNs lifetime

To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of AmeriCorps, each month we will highlight the incredible impact AmeriCorps programs create through key areas of service. The theme for September is Lifetime of Service. 

Find videos, photos, social media, communications templates, and more in our30th anniversary communications toolkit Remember to share your Lifetime of Service stories with us to raise awareness about the positive impact your program has on your community. Share videos, photos, and posts on social media. Use the hashtag #AmeriCorps30 to be featured on our channel. 

Access the Toolkit

9/11 Day of Service

The September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance will be observed Wednesday, Sept. 11. More than 20 years after the 9/11 tragedy, the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance honors and commemorates the anniversary of this solemn moment in our history. On this day, pay tribute to those we lost or were injured and the many who rose in service on that fateful day by rekindling the spirit of compassion and service that unified our nation.

By volunteering, we can keep the memory of those lost on 9/11 alive and rekindle the spirit of service that lifted our communities after that tragic day. Turn your determination, compassion, and creativity into practical solutions for your communities through service this 9/11 Day. On 9/11 Day and every day, volunteers help communities thrive and meet urgent needs, answering America's call in times of tragedy and triumph.

View the Toolkit

Reminder: You Can Order Free AmeriCorps Seniors Promotional Products for Your Programs    

AmeriCorps Seniors provides free promotional items for grantees at the AmeriCorps Promotional Items website. Through this website, grantees can receive branded banners, pins, pens, and other promotional materials to support recruitment. Brochures for RSVP, Senior Companion, and Foster Grandparent programs are now available. These items can be ordered at no cost to the grantee; however, there is a maximum quantity per item that each grantee is entitled to. If your program has not received your free items, please take advantage of this opportunity. You may also purchase additional quantities and other branded products to keep at the Official AmeriCorps Gear Webstore. Thank you for promoting AmeriCorps Seniors! 

Elder Justice Corner 

From our colleagues at the Federal Trade Commission

Beware of Tech Support Scams

Imagine receiving a call or message from someone claiming to be a computer technician, or perhaps a number pops up on your screen, or you find a tech support number through a search engine. The person on the other end says they’re from a reputable company like Microsoft or Apple and warns you about viruses or malware on your computer. They might ask for remote access or suggest you need to buy new software to fix the issue.

But can you trust them? According to the Federal Trade Commission, the answer is no. These tech support scammers aim to sell you unnecessary services, steal your credit card information, or gain access to your computer to install malware. This malware can then allow them to see everything on your computer, including your account passwords. Here are some tips to stay vigilant and protect yourself from these scams.

  • Hang Up: If you receive an unexpected call from someone claiming there’s an issue with your computer, hang up right away. It’s likely a scam. For tech support, always reach out to someone you trust and use a verified phone number (be cautious of numbers found through search engines as they may not be legitimate).
  • Share the Knowledge: Inform your friends and family about these scams. While you might be aware of them, others might not be. Sharing this information can help protect them from falling victim to these scams.

For more information, visit the Federal Trade Commission.

Program Updates and Requirements 

Pathfinder Next Update October 2024

AmeriCorps Seniors will pull station roster counties and project information from eGrants for the Pathfinder in September for the next update, which will be released in October. Take time to review your station roster list and update any stations that are no longer active. Double check station locations to ensure they fall into your approved geographic service area. If you have staff changes, update your contact information in the project information section of eGrants to reflect the best contact information for interested volunteers.  

For technical assistance, refer to "Appendix A. 22: Review and Update Project Information" in your program handbook located on the Foster Grandparent, RSVP, Senior Companion, and Senior Demonstration Program grantee pages. The October 2023 Grantee Essentials call also walks through how information can be updated in eGrants.

Fiscal Year 2025 AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Competition Now Open

Please note: The application due date has been extended. Applications are now due no later than Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5 p.m. ET.  

AmeriCorps Seniors has released the Fiscal Year 2025 AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity. Since 1971, RSVP has engaged older Americans in volunteer service that meets national and community needs and delivers lasting, meaningful results to those communities. With this funding opportunity, AmeriCorps intends to fund successful applicants that increase the impact of volunteers ages 55 and older who provide volunteer service in response to local community needs.

The Notice of Funding Opportunity and supporting documents can be found on the Funding Opportunity page.

The AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP competition runs over a three-year period, with FY 2025 being the first year of new awards. Incumbent grantees with a 22SR grant number must submit an application in response to the FY 2025 competition notice and be selected to maintain funding. Incumbent grantees approved by AmeriCorps Seniors to be a temporary sponsor for a fully relinquished geographic service area must submit an application to the FY 2025 competition notice and be selected to continue services. If incumbent grantees with a 22SR grant number or temporary sponsors fail to apply or be selected for funding, their current grants will end on Monday, March 31, 2025.

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 5 p.m. ET. Successful applicants will be notified by January 2025.

Continuation Application Due Dates

Please Note: The application due date has been extended. Applications are now due no later than Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5 p.m. ET. 

Fiscal Year 2025 (Tuesday, Oct. 1 to Tuesday, Sept. 30) grant awards are contingent on annual congressional appropriations and availability of funds.

RSVP Grantees with 23SR or 24SR grant numbers* (April 1 start date)

  • Applications due: Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 5 p.m. ET

Refer to the FY 2025 RSVP Continuation Notice of Funding Opportunity on the RSVP Grantees page for more information.

*Please refer to Appendix A for the list of grants eligible for continuation.

Important Reminders: 

  • It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure their SAM registration and Unique Entity Identifier are active. Awards will not be made to organizations that have expired registrations. 
  • To apply in eGrants, it is required that two individuals from each organization have active eGrants accounts. The authorized representative and project director must be different individuals with different eGrants accounts. Applications will be returned if the same person is listed in both fields
  • On-time application submissions are required. AmeriCorps Seniors does not guarantee on-time funding decisions or grant awards for organizations that submit late applications. 

Need assistance? Contact the eGrants Help Desk.

AmeriCorps Seniors Final Rule

Rule goes into effect Tuesday, Oct. 1.

AmeriCorps has implemented a final rule to modernize AmeriCorps Seniors. These new changes make it easier for older adults to volunteer and help their communities. The final regulations include:

  • Modernized Income Calculation
  • Stipend Continuation During Administrative Leave
  • Supplementing Stipends
  • Consistency in Match Requirements

Please see the AmeriCorps Seniors Final Rule fact sheet for additional information on these changes.

Protocol for Breaches of Personally Identifiable Information

As a reminder, AmeriCorps General Grant and Cooperative Agreement Terms and Conditions identifies protocol for potential breaches of Personally Identifiable Information. It is important that any potential breaches are reported immediately to AmeriCorps.

The Office of Management and Budget defines Personally Identifiable Information as any information about an individual, including, but not limited to, education, financial transactions, medical history, and criminal or employment history. Additionally, any information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, biometric records, etc., including any other personal information which is linked or linkable to an individual. All recipients and subrecipients must ensure that they have procedures in place to prepare for and respond to breaches of Personally Identifiable Information and notify the federal awarding agency in the event of a breach.

If your AmeriCorps grant-funded program or project creates, collects, uses, processes, stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of Personally Identifiable Information within the scope of that federal grant award, or uses or operates a federal information system, you must establish procedures to prepare for and respond to a potential breach of Personally Identifiable Information, including notice of a breach of Personally Identifiable Information to AmeriCorps. Grantees experiencing a breach should immediately notify AmeriCorps’ Office of Information Technology and their portfolio manager.

For more information, please see AmeriCorps’ Vulnerability Disclosure Policy.

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Grant External Reviewers Needed!

AmeriCorps is working to expand our pool of qualified external reviewers to support future grant reviews, including our upcoming AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP grant review.

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP grantees and organizations that intend to apply for RSVP grants are not eligible to be reviewers for the RSVP competition. However, if you know of anyone outside of your organization that may be interested in applying to be an external reviewer, please share this information with them.

Our External Reviewer website provides interested individuals with information about what to expect, the time commitment, minimum qualifications, and how to apply to be considered for the AmeriCorps grant review opportunities.

Thank you for your continued support of AmeriCorps! 

Reporting Requirements 

For reporting deadlines, review your grant's program-specific terms and conditions (see the section titled “Reporting Requirements”): 

Reports will be made available in eGrants 90 days before the due date. If the option to enter report data is not available in eGrants, please reach out to your portfolio manager.  

Current Reports Due: 

AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent, Senior Companion, and Senior Demonstration Program Quarter Three Grants Realigned to Quarter Four (those with a 15-month budget):

  • Federal Financial Report Final (for 21SF, 21SC, or 21SD grant numbers) Due: Monday, Oct. 28 (Note: this Federal Financial Report covers the period of April 1, through June 30, 2024)

AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent, Senior Companion, and Senior Demonstration Program Quarter Four Grants:

  • Federal Financial Report Final (for 21SF, 21SC, or 21SD grant numbers) Due: Monday, Oct. 28

AmeriCorps Seniors American Rescue Plan Phase Two (July) and Phase Three Grants: 

  • Federal Financial Report Final Due: Monday, Oct. 28

Additional Resources 

For instructions on the project progress report and federal financial report, visit your program's grantee resources section, select “submit a progress report” or “submit a Federal Financial Report” as the action, then click “apply” to show the resources.    

AmeriCorps Seniors Operations Handbooks 

Litmos Trainings for Reporting