Understanding the AmeriCorps Member Experience
Since 2015, more than 350,000 AmeriCorps members have completed the AmeriCorps member exit survey upon exiting their service. This data gives a comprehensive level of insight into AmeriCorps members and their experiences. Read our recent look at how AmeriCorps bridges differences and learn how members view their cultural competency, their ability to work within communities different from themselves, and their civic engagement attitudes, beliefs and behaviors following service.
Launching the Public Health AmeriCorps Process Evaluation
Evaluation activities have been moving full steam ahead for Public Health AmeriCorps. JBS International, Inc. has released preliminary findings for the annual scan and developed, piloted, and implemented surveys and focus groups for Public Health AmeriCorps grantees. The findings from the annual scan and questions from surveys and focus groups are directly aligned with the CDC’s 10 Essential Services of Public Health framework to ensure program members are gaining experience critical to a career in public health.