Notes From the Director's Desk: June Edition

Americorps Seniors

AmeriCorps Seniors
June 15, 2023

Notes From the Director's Desk: June Edition 


AmeriCorps Seniors Convening 2023 volunteer panel joined by AmeriCorps CEO Michael Smith.

Message From the Director

Dear colleagues,

It was wonderful connecting with you at the AmeriCorps Seniors Convening. I’m delighted to hear that you found our keynote speakers Ramsey Alwin, president of National Council On Aging and Edwin Walker, deputy assistant secretary for aging at Administration for Community Living, informative and engaging. I’m reflecting on Edwin’s challenge to think about the diversity of today’s older adults and to ask ourselves if the service opportunities we currently provide meet the new and growing needs in communities. If you have ideas, send your innovative thoughts to

Please complete the survey that our vendor sent to all attendees. Post event session materials and other content can be found on Litmos. Share your photos of the convening on social media with the hashtag #AmeriCorpsSeniors2023.

In May, we celebrated Older Americans Month, and I hope that you saw the President’s Proclamation and the Senate resolution to recognize the contribution of older adults across the country.

This month we celebrate Juneteenth and Pride Month. Share your celebrations with us!


Atalaya Sergi, Director
AmeriCorps Seniors

Modernization Initiative

Replacing eGrants and My AmeriCorps Portal

The Modernization Office would like to thank the AmeriCorps Seniors grantees network who attended the modernization sessions at the AmeriCorps Seniors Convening. The modernization team enjoyed learning from all of you, having an opportunity to introduce themselves, and sharing AmeriCorps goals for supporting the systems detailed in AmeriCorps’ Five Year Strategic Plan.

The new AmeriCorps grantee and sponsor portal will replace eGrants at the end of fiscal year 2024.The My AmeriCorps Portal will be replaced with a new system that will include robust search and apply features, and volunteer information.

We discussed the following topics at the AmeriCorps Seniors Convening: 

  • planning for inclusion of AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers in the future portal;
  • integrating AmeriCorps core systems to streamline grants processes;  
  • ideas to enhance and simplify the volunteer recruitment and application process;  
  • suggestions for more user-friendly reporting functionality;  
  • sneak peek of the new AmeriCorps Grantee and Sponsor Portal; and 
  • high-level project timelines and stages through FY 2024.

We plan to host more events with all AmeriCorps Seniors grantees in the future. Send your questions and feedback to

Access Modernization Workshop

AmeriCorps Resources Update

For the past year, the AmeriCorps Centralized Recruitment Unit has partnered with the Office of  Communications and Marketing team to:                                                                                

  • develop materials for use in your local recruitment efforts; and 
  • generate and cultivate a national pool of “prospective" volunteers.           

Note: Prospective volunteers use the Pathfinder tool to locate opportunities in their communities. Pathfinder data is pulled from station roster information found in eGrants.

For pathfinder assistance, refer to "Appendix A. 22: Review and Update Project Information" in your program handbook located on the AmeriCorps Seniors' Foster GrandparentRSVPSenior Companion, and Senior Demonstration program grantee pages.

Choose AmeriCorps Latino Engagement Toolkit

Choose AmeriCorps PSA

We updated our resources for the "Choose AmeriCorps" campaign designed to build awareness of AmeriCorps and boost member and volunteer recruitment. As part of our efforts to increase overall membership, AmeriCorps is engaging Latino Americans, recognizing that this demographic is frequently underserved within AmeriCorps’ existing partner network. Like all Americans, Latinos can benefit greatly from the financial and life-skills benefits AmeriCorps members and volunteers receive. Share our Spanish and Latino Engagement Toolkit materials with your audiences.

Post our public service announcement on your FacebookTwitterInstagram, and LinkedIn channels. AmeriCorps Seniors grantees are invited to share the PSA with local media outlets, requesting that they run the PSA pro bono. For questions on PSA media placements, email

Latino Engagement Toolkit

Training Corner

Grantee Essentials Training and Technical Assistance

Join AmeriCorps Seniors each month to dive into specific technical assistance topics to help you build your skills while managing your AmeriCorps Seniors grant. 

Making the Most of Your Convening Experience
Tuesday, June 20, 1 p.m. ET


Missed our last call? Check out theGrantee Essentials TTA and Tuesday Talks learning path in Litmos. 

9/11 Day of Service Webinars

On the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, we honor those who serve our country and join with them to serve our communities to make a difference for our neighbors in need and to rekindle the spirit of unity and service that swept our nation after that tragic day.

AmeriCorps will host a series of webinars for partners honoring 9/11 through service. Join us to learn about the tools and resources you need to kick-off your day of service event.

Climate-Focused Project Ideas and Resources for 9/11 Day of Service
Thursday, June 20, 3 p.m. ET


Bridging Project Ideas and Resources for 9/11 Day of Service
Thursday, June 27, 3 p.m. ET


General Project Ideas for Engaging in 9/11 Days of Service
Tuesday, July 11, 3 p.m. ET


AmeriCorps Seniors 2023 Post Convening 

Seniors Awards Winners

National Partnership for Student Success

The National Partnership for Student Success is a public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of Education, AmeriCorps, the Johns Hopkins University Everyone Graduates Center, and leading national education and youth-serving organizations designed to answer the President’s call to action for an additional 250,000 caring adults to support students across the nation.

Be apart of this important work:

Join the Partnership

Hear What AmeriCorps Leaders are Saying

Exec team 2023

A lot of ideas were shared about how we can grow programs and how AmeriCorps Seniors have had an impact on communities across the country. As you reflect, AmeriCorps leaders are doing the same.

"AmeriCorps is making progress toward its strategic goal of being more effective stewards of federal resources by strengthening its operational roots."-Malena Brookshire, chief financial officer 

“The work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility is ever evolving and growing like a rooted tree to eventually expand, tower and cover us all.”-Nathaniel Benjamin, chief diversity and inclusion officer

Elder Justice Corner

The Top Five Financial Scams 

(Provided by the National Council on Aging)

Scams targeting older adults are on the rise, and have resulted in 1.7 billion in losses. Below are common scams to be aware of.

1. Government Impersonation scams
Scammers call unsuspecting older adults and pretend to be from the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, or Medicare.

2. Sweepstakes scam
Scammers call an older adult to tell them they've won a lottery or another prize. If they want to claim their winnings, the older adult must send money or gift cards up front to cover "taxes and processing fees."

3. Robocalls and phone scams
One common robocall is the “can you hear me?” call. When the older person says “yes,” the scammer records their voice. Some robocalls claim that a warranty is expiring on the victim's car or electronic device, and payment is needed to renew it. 

4. Computer support scams
 A pop-up message or blank screen may appear on a computer or phone telling the targeted victim their device is damaged and needs to be fixed. When they call the support number for help, the scammer may either request remote access to the computer and/or demand they pay a fee to have it repaired.

5.The grandparent scam
Scammers call and say something like: “Hi Grandma, do you know who this is?” When the unaware grandparent guesses the name of the grandchild the scammer sounds like, the fake grandchild then asks for money to solve some urgent financial problem (such as overdue rent, car repairs, or jail bond). They may beg the grandparent not to tell anyone

Share your experience to put a stop to scammers.

Report Fraud

System Updates

Payment Integrity Updates

  1. The first round of data collection and testing for the FY 2023 payment integrity assessment is nearing completion.
  2. The second round of grantees selected for testing will be completed by Thursday, Aug. 30. 
  3. Grantees will be notified of the results of the testing in September.
  4. In November, the Office of Management and Budget will publish results on                                                                                     

AmeriCorps will pilot a new payment integrity methodology using Payment Management System this month

  • For the pilot, grantees will be required to support selected Payment Management System draws and engage in a data collection process to identify individual transactions. 
  • Once individual transactions are identified, we will request documentation to support those payments.

AmeriCorps expects the pilot to:

  • reduce the number of requests necessary to identify individual transactions;
  • pull data more frequently and closer to when transactions occurred, which may simplify the process for providing files and allow for more timely requests of corrective actions;
  • provide visibility into draws after the removal of the Federal Cash Transaction Report requirement; and 
  • remove long-standing audit issues around Federal Financial Report and General Ledger reconciliation issues, which would allow the agency to remove programs from reporting if rates are under $10 million.

Once grantees are selected for the pilot, the agency will have dedicated staff for additional support.

Reporting Deadlines

Project Progress Report Instructions Updates

AmeriCorps Seniors has removed the six-month Project Progress Report Lite Semiannual from FY 2023. The report instructions were updated to reflect the report requirements and provide additional guidance around reporting volunteer service years.  

Quarter 3 (Saturday, April 1 Start Date)   
  • Federal Financial Report Final (Budget Year Three) Due: Sunday, July 30.  

Quarter 4 (Saturday, July 1 Start Date)   

  • Project Progress Report Annual: Due: Sunday, July 30
  • Federal Financial Report (Budget Year One or Year Two) Due: Sunday, July 30.  
Review program handbooks and Litmos for additional guidance. 

 Note: Program handbooks include updated links to the frequently asked questions on lobbying and partisan political activity documents, removal of the Progress Report Semiannual report information, and an update to de minimis rate of modified total direct cost. The AmeriCorps Seniors Foster Grandparent, Senior Companion, and Senior Demonstration program handbooks include an update for volunteer service year calculation.  

Litmos Training: AmeriCorps National Performance Measures Core Curriculum