Join Us: AmeriCorps Week March 7-13


Feb 24, 2021

Join Us: AmeriCorps Week
March 7-13

AmeriCorps Week Promotional Image

2020 changed our world: Lives and livelihoods lost. Devastating destruction and unimagined challenges faced. 

Despite those obstacles, each day countless Americans answered the call to serve. They raised their hands. Stood up. Showed up. And volunteered to put their neighbors and complete strangers first. To help make America safer and healthier, more fair, and more just.  

AmeriCorps engages 270,000 Americans each year in sustained, results-driven service through our AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors programs. These dedicated citizens help communities impacted by COVID-19, ensure students stay on track to graduate, combat hunger and homelessness, respond to natural disasters, fight the opioid epidemic, help seniors live independently, support veterans and military families, and much more.  

This AmeriCorps Week (March 7-13) join with us as we celebrate the impact of our programs and offer our thanks to each and every one for volunteering to serve others. Together, we can help the country recover and come back stronger. 

We are AmeriCorps Video

Ways for You to Celebrate AmeriCorps Week

Share Your Story

  • Post about your service experience on social media tagging @AmeriCorps and #WeAreAmeriCorps throughout the month of March
  • Create a 15-30 second video connecting your service to the larger AmeriCorps story.
    • End your message with: “Together, we are AmeriCorps” after you highlight a specific part of your service or the impact you made.
    • Submit your story or send questions to by Wednesday, March 3.

Thank Volunteers, Members, and Alumni

  • Thank members, volunteers, and alumni on social media tagging @Americorps and #AmeriThanks starting Thursday, March 11, and throughout the month
  • Host a virtual recognition event celebrating members, volunteers, and alumni
  • Nominate members, volunteers and/or alumni for a service award, such as the Harris Wofford Joint Service Award or the Presidential Volunteer Service Award
  • Create a 15-30 second video expressing your #AmeriThanks to members, volunteers, and/or alumni.
    • Be sure to include one reason why they deserve recognition (e.g., share their impact in your community)
    • End your message encouraging others to share their #AmeriThanks during AmeriCorps Week and throughout the month of March.
    • Submit your story or send questions to by Wednesday, March 3.