More than 1,000 residents were evacuated from a wildfire near Missoula, MT, recently and 15
Senior Corps volunteers from Missoula Aging Services RSVP project responded swiftly, staffing a call center to support survivor needs. This call center, in partnership with the Missoula County
Office of Emergency Management, informs residents of danger and evacuation
orders. Missoula County currently has three major fires.
volunteers have proven to be a reliable and competent resource to emergency
managers coping with the aftermath of disaster and we have found local RSVP
volunteers to be diligent, enthusiastic, and competent partners" says Nick
Holloway, Office of Emergency Management Projects Coordinator.
Montana Conservation Corps deployed AmeriCorps members from their
Veteran Green Corps to serve on initial attack, line construction, and mop up
on the Sunrise Fire.
NCCC members from the Atlantic Region are deployed to the Hanover Fire in Nez Perce - Clearwater National Forest where they are chipping downed trees into mulch along the fire line.
Conservation Corps
members are performing fire mop up, chainsaw work, and habitat restoration from
the Brian Head Fire in the Dixie National Forest.
Conservation Corps
has been deployed throughout the months of July and August responding to five wildfires.
Members have: expanded control lines, assessed areas for smoke and heat,
provided ember control after the burnout fire was contained, and supported
firefighter base camp operations.