CMS Releases Medicaid Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) 2018-2020 Public Use File
Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a public use file with Medicaid Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) data for CYs 2018 – 2020. The MLR is a common financial metric used to evaluate the financial performance of a managed care plan and the public use file is compiled using summary reports submitted by the states. The Medicaid MLR represents the proportion of revenue that was used by the managed care plan to fund claim expenses and quality improvement activities.
The MLR public use data file provides stakeholders with improved transparency and a national perspective on Medicaid managed care plans’ spending. It will also show the states that recovered revenue from managed care plans that did not achieve a target MLR percentage and the amount of these recoveries.
The MLR public use data file can be viewed and downloaded on