HHS Finalizes Policies to Make Marketplace Coverage More Accessible and Expand Essential Health Benefits


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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the 2025 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters final rule.  As discussed in the press release, there were a number of policies announced in the final rule, some of which touch on Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Basic Health Program (BHP).  The final rule provides states that operate the BHP with additional flexibility in establishing an effective date of eligibility for enrollment in BHP coverage. 


In addition, the final rule finalizes the reinterpretation of State Marketplace and State Medicaid and CHIP agency use of the Federal Data Services Hub (Hub) to access and use the income data provided by the optional Verify Current Income (VCI) Hub service as a State Marketplace or a State Medicaid/CHIP agency function and that beginning July 1, 2024, State Exchanges and State Medicaid and CHIP agencies will be required to pay for the costs of their access to and use of the VCI Hub service.


Visit the Federal Register to view the final rule and read the fact sheet for more information.